Wednesday 29 November 2017

చరిత్రలో ఈ రోజు నవంబరు 30

*🌎చరిత్రలో ఈరోజు/ నవంబరు 30🌎*

*◾నవంబర్ 30, గ్రెగొరియన్‌ క్యాలెండర్‌ ప్రకారము సంవత్సరములో 334వ రోజు (లీపు సంవత్సరములో 335వ రోజు ). సంవత్సరాంతమునకు ఇంకా 31 రోజులు మిగిలినవి.▪*


*♦1835: మార్క్ ట్వేయిన్, ప్రపంచ ప్రఖ్యాత అమెరికన్ రచయిత మరియు మానవతావాది. (మ.1910)*

*♦1858: జగదీశ్ చంద్ర బోస్, ప్రముఖ వృక్ష శాస్త్రవేత్త. (మ.1937)జి సైదేశ్వర రావు*

*♦1937: వడ్డెర చండీదాస్, ప్రముఖ తెలుగు నవలా రచయిత. (మ.2005)*

*♦1945: వాణీ జయరాం, ప్రముఖ గాయని.*

*♦1948: కె. ఆర్. విజయ, భారతీయ సినిమా నటి.*

*♦1957: శోభారాజు, ప్రముఖ గాయని.*

*♦1990: మాగ్నస్ కార్ల్‌సన్, నార్వే దేశానికి చెందిన చదరంగం క్రీడాకారుడు.*

*♦ : వెన్నెలకంటి, తెలుగు సినీ గేయ సంభాషణల రచయిత.*

*🍃మరణాలు 🍃*

*🔹1900: ఆస్కార్ వైల్డ్, ప్రముఖ నవలా రచయిత, కవి. (జ.1854)*

*🔹1912: ధర్మవరం రామకృష్ణమాచార్యులు, సుప్రసిద్ధ నటుడు, నాటక రచయిత. (జ.1853)*

*🔹1915: గురజాడ అప్పారావు, తెలుగు మహాకవి, కన్యాశుల్కం రచయిత. (జ.1862)*

*🔹2011: ఏల్చూరి విజయరాఘవ రావు, ప్రముఖ భారతీయ సంగీతకారుడు, వేణుగాన విద్వాంసుడు, సంగీత దర్శకుడు, రచయిత. (జ.1925)*

*🔹2012: ఐ.కె.గుజ్రాల్, భారత 13వ భారతదేశ ప్రధానమంత్రి, దౌత్యవేత్త. (జ.1919)*

*🔥IMP GK & CA 🔥*

*👉1) నీతి ఆయోగ్ ప్రస్తుత CEO ఎవరు?*

జ) *అమితాబ్ కాంత్*

👉2) *15వ ఆర్దిక సంఘం ఎవరి నేతృత్వంలో ఏర్పాటు చేశారు?*

జ) *NK సింగ్*

👉3) *విశ్వసుందరి-2017 కిరీటం ఎవరికి దక్కింది?*

జ) *డెమి లేహ్ నెల్ పీటర్స్(దక్షిణాఫ్రికా)*

👉4) *సముద్రపు దొంగలనిఏమని పిలుస్తారు?*

జ) *పైరైట్స్*

👉5) *క్వీన్ ఆఫ్ అరేబియన్ సీ అని ఏ నగరాన్ని అంటారు?*

జ) *కోచ్చి*

*6)👉హైదరాబద్ లో జరిగే గ్లోబల్ ఎంటర్ ప్రన్యూర్ షిప్  సధస్సులో అమెరికా ప్రతినిధుల బృందానికి నాయకత్వం వహించింది ఎవరు?*

A: *ఇవాంకా ట్రంప్*

*7)👉 2017 డేవిస్ కప్ విజేత ఎవరు?*

A: *ఫ్రాన్స్*

*8)👉 "మిస్ యూనివర్స్-2017" అందాల పోటీలలో పోటీపడిన భారతీయ అమ్మాయి ఎవరు?*

A: *శ్రద్ధా శశిధర్*

*9)👉ఇటీవల ప్రపంచంలో "అతిపెద్ద బ్యాటరీని" ఏ దేశంలో నిర్మించారు?*

A: *ఆస్ట్రేలియా*

*10)👉 "స్వచ్ఛభారత్ మిషన్" చే స్వచ్ఛతకు గుర్తింపు చిహ్నంగా ప్రకటించబడిన హైదరాబాద్ లోని కట్టడం ఏది?*

A: *చార్మినార్*

*🏵భారతీయ భౌతిక, జీవ, వృక్ష, మరియు పురాతత్వ శాస్త్రవేత్త "జగదీశ్ చంద్ర బోస్" జన్మదినం సంధర్భంగా సమాచారం ...🏵*

🌴సర్ జగదీష్ చంద్ర బోస్ , ( నవంబర్ 30 , 1858 –
నవంబర్ 23 , 1937 ) బెంగాల్ కు చెందిన ప్రముఖ శాస్త్రవేత్త. ఇతడు రేడియో మరియు మైక్రోవేవ్ ఆప్టిక్స్ తో వృక్షశాస్త్రంలో గణనీయమైన ఫలితాల్ని సాధించారు.  ఇతన్ని రేడియో విజ్ఞానంలో పితామహునిగా పేర్కొంటారు. 

📻ఇతడు భారతదేశం నుండి 1904 సంవత్సరంలో అమెరికా దేశపు పేటెంట్ హక్కులు పొందిన మొట్టమొదటి వ్యక్తి.


🌿🌱ఆంగ్లేయుల సామ్రాజ్యంలోని బెంగాల్ ప్రావిన్సులో జన్మించిన బోసు కలకత్తా లోని సెయింట్ జేవియర్ కళాశాల నుంచి డిగ్రీ పుచ్చుకున్నాడు. తరువాత ఆయన వైద్య విద్య కోసం లండన్ వెళ్ళాడు. కానీ ఆరోగ్య సమస్యల వలన చదువును కొనపోయాడు. తిరిగి భారతదేశానికి వచ్చి కోల్కత లోని ప్రెసిడెన్సీ కళాశాలలో భౌతిక శాస్త్ర ఆచార్యుడిగా చేరాడు.  అక్కడ జాతి వివక్ష రాజ్యమేలుతున్నా, చాలినన్ని నిధులు, సరైన సౌకర్యాలు లేకపోయినా తన పరిశోధనను కొనసాగించాడు.


🌲🎄ఈయన వైర్లెస్ సిగ్నలింగ్ పరిశోధనలో అద్భుతమైన ప్రగతిని సాధించాడు. రేడియో సిగ్నల్స్ ను గుర్తించడానికి అర్థవాహక జంక్షన్ లను మొట్టమొదటి సారిగా వాడింది జగదీశ్ చంద్రబోసే. కానీ తన పరిశోధనలను వ్యాపారాత్మక ప్రయోజనాలకు వాడుకోకుండా తన పరిశోధనల ఆధారంగా ఇతర శాస్త్రవేత్తల మరిన్ని ఆవిష్కరణలకు దారి తీయాలనే ఉద్దేశంతో బహిర్గతం చేశాడు.


🍃సర్ జగదీష్ చంద్ర బోస్ వృక్ష భౌతిక శాస్త్రంలో కొన్ని అద్భుతమైన ఆవిష్కరణలు చేశాడు. తాను రూపొందించిన పరికరం క్రెస్కోగ్రాఫ్ను ఉపయోగించి వివిధరకాలైన పరిస్థితుల్లో మొక్కలు ఎలా స్పందిస్తాయో పరిశోధనాత్మకంగా నిరూపించాడు. తద్వారా జంతువుల మరియు వృక్ష కణజాలాలో సమాంతర ఆవిష్కరణలు చేశాడు. అప్పట్లో తాను కనిపెట్టిన ఆవిష్కరణకు సన్నిహితుల ప్రోధ్బలంతో ఒక దానికి పేటెంట్ కోసం ఫైల్ చేసినా ఆయనకు పేటెంట్లంటే ఏమాత్రం ఇష్టం ఉండేది కాదు. ఆయన చనిపోయిన 70 సంవత్సరాల తరువాత కడా విజ్ఞాన శాస్త్రానికి ఆయన చేసిన సేవలను ఇప్పటికీ కొనియాడుతూనే ఉన్నాం.

*📡రేడియో తరంగాలు📡*

*🍄సర్ జగదీష్ చంద్ర బోస్ రేడియో మరియు మైక్రోవేవ్ ఆప్టిక్స్ తో వృక్షశాస్త్రంలో గణనీయమైన ఫలితాల్ని సాధించారు. ఇతన్ని రేడియో విజ్ఞానంలో పితామహునిగా పేర్కొంటారు. ఇతడు భారతదేశం నుండి 1904 సంవత్సరంలో అమెరికా దేశపు పేటెంట్ హక్కులు పొందిన మొట్టమొదటి వ్యక్తి.*

ఈ రోజు జికె 

*1.తీరరేఖ గాని, అంతర్జాతీయ భూ సరిహద్దుగాని లేని రాష్ట్రాలు?*


*2.స్పైస్ గార్డెన్ ఆఫ్ ఇండియా అని దేనికి పేరు?*


*3.VAT(value added tax) ను అధికారికంగా అమలు చేసిన మొట్ట మొదటి రాష్ట్రం?*

*జ: హర్యానా*

*4.ప్లానింగ్ కమిషన్ కార్యాలయం ఎక్కడ ఉంది?*

*జ:;యోజన భవన్*

*5.ఇండియా లో నాణేలను ముద్రించేది ఎక్కడ?*


*6.టెస్టులలో అత్యంత వేగంగా300 వికెట్లు తీసి బౌలర్?*

*జ:.రవిచంద్రన్ అశ్విన్*

*7.GES లో అమెరికా ప్రతినిధుల బృందానికి నాయకత్వం వహిస్తున్నది ఎవరు?*

*జ:;.ఇవాoకా ట్రంప్*

*8.AP, TS ల నూతన ప్రధాన ఎన్నికల అధికారి ఎవరు?*

*జ: అనూప్ సింగ్*

*9.భారతదేశంలో అతి పెద్ద ప్లానెటరియమ్ ఏది?*

*జ:.బిర్లా ప్లానెటరియమ్(కలకత్తా)*

*10.మూఢ నమ్మకాల నిషేధపు బిల్లును ఆమోదించిన రాష్ట్రం?*
*జ: .కర్ణాటక*

*🙏పాఠశాల అసెంబ్లీ కోసం*🙏

 *🔹సుభాషిత వాక్కు*🔹

*'సంతృప్తితో ఉన్నవాడికిపేదరికం కూడాఆనందాన్నిస్తుంది...అసంతృప్తితో ఉన్నవాడికి ఐశ్వర్యాలు కూడా దుఃఖాన్నిస్తాయి...! "*

*"Life always gives us many opportunities.*
*If you are not serious and take casual approach, you are bound to fail."*

   *🌷మంచి పద్యం*

*విజయ మందు నీవు వినయముగా నుండు*
*ఓడినపుడు కూడ ఓర్పు నుండు*
*ధనములున్న నేమి దర్పము చూపకు*
*వాస్తవంబు వేము వారి మాట*


*విజయం కలిగినప్పుడు విర్రవీగకు, ఓడినప్పుడు ఓర్పువీడకు, ధనము ఉన్నప్పుడు దర్పాన్ని ప్రదర్శించకు.*

  *🔹నేటి జీ కె:*🔹

1) *ఇటీవల వార్తల్లోకి వచ్చిన  "సీనాయి ద్వీపకల్పం" ఎక్కడ కలదు?*

 *జ: ఈజిప్ట్*

2) *ఇటీవల వార్తల్లోకి వచ్చిన "అక్షయ పాత్ర" పేరు దేనికి సంబంధించినది?*

 *జ: జాతీయ అవార్డు అందుకున్న ప్రభుత్వేతర స్వచ్ఛంద సంస్థ*

3) *అమెరికా రేటింగ్ సంస్థ "మూడీస్" భారత్ రేటింగ్ ను ఎంతకు పెంచింది?*

 *జ: BBA2(ఇదివరకు BBA3)*

4) *ఇటీవల కేంద్రం ప్రారంభించిన "సముద్ర" ప్రాజెక్ట్ లక్ష్యం ఏమిటి?*

 *జ: సముద్రంలో చేపలు లభ్యమయ్యే ప్రాంతాలను గుర్తించుట*

5) *ఇటీవల కర్ణాటక ప్రభుత్వం ఏ పేరుతో క్యాంటీన్లను ప్రారంభించింది?*

 *జ:-ఇందిరా క్యాంటీన్*

 ఈ రోజు జికె 

: Q.హరప్పా ప్రజల పనిముట్లు,ఆయుధాలు దేనితో తయారు చేశారు? 

Q. రాగి,రాతి నాగరికత మొదట ఎక్కడ ప్రారంభమైంది?

: Q.సింధూ నగరాల్లో పెద్ద నగరం?

Q. భారత్‌లో బయల్పడిన రెండో అతి పెద్ద పట్టణం?

 Q.చాన్హూదారో నగరంలో తవ్వకాలు చేపట్టిన వారు?

: Q. హరప్పా నాగరికత వీస్తీర్ణం మిలియన్‌ చదరపు కిలోమీటర్లలో?
A. 1.3

: Q. సింధూ నాగరికతకు సమకాలీన నగరికత కానిది?
A. పర్షియా

: Q.ఇరాన్‌ సరిహద్దుకు సమీపంగా ఉన్న సింధూ నాగరికత పట్టణం?
A. సుర్కజెండార్‌

: Q.జోగ్‌ సంస్కృతి అభివృద్ధి చెందిన రాష్ట్రం?
A. మహరాష్ట్ర

Q.ఇనాంగావ్‌లో దొరికిన దేవతా విగ్రహం?
A. మాతృదేవత

Q. సింధూ నాగరికతలో ఓడరేవు పట్టణం?
A. లోథాల్‌
B. సుర్కటోడా
C. బాలాకోట్‌

Q. హరప్పా నాగరికతకు చెందిన ఏ పట్టణాలు భారతదేశంలో లేవు?
A. హరప్పా,మొహంజోదార్‌
B. రణగుండా,బాలాకోట్‌
: Q.సింధూ ప్రజలకు తెలియనిది?
A. ఇనుము

: Q. సింధూ ప్రజలను పాలించింది?
A. పూజరులు

: Q.మృతుల దిబ్బగా పిలిచే నగరం?
A. మొహంజొదారో
B. లోథాల్‌

 Q.హరప్పా నాగరికతలో లోథాల్‌,చాన్హుదారాల్లో ప్రధాన పరిశ్రమ?

: Q. ప్రాచీన శిలాయుగపు మానవుడి ప్రధానవృత్తి?
A. వేట,ఆహారాన్వేషణ

: Q. సింధూ నాగరికత లక్షణాలు ఏ ప్రాంతంలో కన్పిస్తాయి?
A. సుమేరియా

: Q. సింధూనాగరికత ఏ అంశంలో ప్రత్యేకత సంతరించుకుంది?
A. నగర నిర్మాణం
B. డ్రైనేజీ నిర్మాణం
C. స్నానవాటిక-కళానైపుణ్యం.

 Q.సింధూ ప్రజల ప్రధాన ఆరాధ్య దైవం?
A. అమ్మతల్లి

 Q. తమిళనాడులోని పల్లవరంలో రాబర్ట్‌ బ్రూస్‌ పూట్‌ రాతిగొడ్డళ్లు కనుగొన్న సంవత్సరం?

: Q.రాగితో తయారు చేసిన గొడ్డళ్లు లభించిన ప్రదేశం?
A. జోర్వో
B. చందోలి] 

 : Q. సవర్‌ నది సమీపంలోని ఒకే ఒక సింధూ సంస్కృతి ప్రదేశం
A. దైమాబాద్‌

Q. ఆర్యుల జన్మస్థలం మధ్యాసియా అని చెప్పింది ఎవరు?
A. మాక్స్‌ముల్లర్‌

 Q.తొలివేద ఆర్యులు మొదటగా భారత్‌లో స్థిరపడిన ప్రాంతం?
A. పంజాబ్

Q. ఫ్రీ హిస్టరీ అనే పదం తిలిసారి ఉపయోగించిన వారు?
A. విల్సన్‌

 Q. క్వార్ట్‌రైజ్‌డ్‌ మానవుడు అని ఏ యుగపు మానవుడిని అంటారు?
A. పాతరాతి

Q. ప్రీ హిస్తరీ కాలంలో తరుచుగా కనిపించే పదం మెన్‌హిర్‌ అంటే?
A. సమాధులు

 Q. మానవ జాతులను వర్గికరించినవారు?
A. గుహా

 Q.అఘ్యాల్‌ అంటే?
A. ఫ్రాన్స్‌లోని సోనమ్‌నదీ లోయ

 Q.సంగీతానీకి సంబంధించిన ప్రస్తావనలే ఉన్న వేదం?
A. సామవేదం

Q.కైవర్తులు అంటే ఎవెరు?
A. చర్మకారులు

 Q. కాళీబంగన్‌ ఏ భాషా పదం?
A. సింధు

Q. సింధూ ప్రజల కాలం నాటీ పత్తిని సిండన్‌ అని ఏ దేశస్థులు పిలిచారు?
A. గ్రీకు

 Q. భారతదేశానికి స్వాతంత్ర్యం వచ్చే నాటికి ఆర్కిలాజికల్‌ సర్వే ఆఫ్‌ ఇండియా డైరక్టర్‌ ఎవరు?
A. మార్టిమప్‌ వీలర్‌

 Q. సింధూ నాగరికత సమకాలీన కొత్త రాజధాని పేరు?
A. నాసస్‌

 Q. గర్భం నుంచి చెట్టు మొలచినట్టుండే స్త్రీ మూర్తి విగ్రహం ఎక్కడ లభించింది?
A. హరప్పా

 Q.సింధూ ప్రజలు ఆనకట్ట నిర్మంచిన ప్రాంతం?
A. దోలవీర

 Q. సింధూ లిపి చిత్ర లేదా బొమ్మల లిపి అని ప్రకటించినవారు?
A. ఎస్‌.ఆర్‌.రావు

 Q. మొహంజోదారోలో లభించినవి?
A. నాట్యం చేస్తోన్న స్త్రీ
B. గడ్డపు వ్యక్తి

Q. కృష్ణ ఆయాస్‌ అంటే?

Q. వడ్డీ వ్యాపారం గురించి ఏ బ్రహ్మణంలో ప్రస్తావించారు?
A. శతపథ బ్రాహ్మణం

: Q. నియోగము అంటే?
A. సంతానం లేని స్త్రీ భర్త సోదరుని ద్వారా సంతానాన్నీ పొందండం

 Q. చేతివృత్తులకు చెందినవారు ఎవరి ఆధ్వర్యంలో పనిచేసేవారు?
A. శ్రేష్టి

Q. ఎందులో గోత్రం గురించిన ప్రస్తావన ఉంది?
A. అధర్వణ వేదం

 Q.గాయత్రి మంత్రం ఏ దేవతకు సంబంధించింది?
A. సావిత్రి

Q. మలివేద కాలంలో అత్యంత బలమైన తెగ ఏది?
A. కురు

Q.వడ్లను ఏమని పిలిచేవారు?
A. వ్రిహి

Q.కట్నకానుకల ఆధారంగా జరిగే వివాహన్నీ ఏమంటారు?

 Q. ఉపనిషత్తులు ఎన్ని?
A. 108

Q.రుగ్వేదంలో వైశ్య అనే పదం ఎన్నిసార్లు పేర్కోన్నారు?
A. చెప్పలేం

 Q.మలివేద కాలం ప్రజలకు సంబంధి?
A. వ్యవసాయంలో ఇనుప పనిముట్లు ఎక్కువగా వాడారు

Q.దశరాజుగణ యుద్దం గురించి తెలిపే ఆధార శాసనం?
A. భోగజ్‌కోయి శాసనం

Q.ఐరేయన్‌ అనే పదం ప్రాథమికంగా ఏ భాషకు చెందింది?
A. పర్షియా

Q. దక్షిణ భారతదేశంలో స్థిరపడిన ఆర్య తెగ?
A. లంబాడీలు

 Q. ఆర్యులు కాలం నాటి గోవుల కోసం జరిగిన యుద్ధాన్ని ఎలా పిలిచేవారు?
A. గవిష్టి

Q.రుగ్వేదంలోని శ్లోకాల సంఖ్య?

: Q. యుద్దాల్లో ఆర్యుల విజయానికి దోహదపడిన అంశం?
A. గుర్రపుస్వారీ

Q.చాతుర్వర్ణ వ్యవస్థ ప్రవస్థాన ఎందులో ఉంది?
A. రుగ్వేదంలోని పురుష సూక్తం

Q. కృష్ణ ఆయాస్‌ అంటే?
A. ఇనుము

 : Q. వేదకాలంలో పాని అని ఎవరిని పిలిచేవారు?
A. వ్యాపారం నిర్వహించేవారు

: Q. చాతుర్వర్ణ వ్యవస్థ గురించి దేనిలో పేర్కొన్నారు?
A. పురుష సూక్తం

: Q.యుద్ధం మనిషి మనసులోనే ప్రారంభమవుతుంది అని ఏ వేదంలో ఉంది?
A. రుగ్వేదం

: Q. రుగ్వేదంలో పేర్కొన్న దశగణరాజ యుద్ధం ఏ తెగల మధ్య జరిగింది?
A. భరత,పురుస్తేలకు

Q. రుగ్వేద దేవుడు దయూస్‌ ఎవరితో కలిసి ఉండేవాడు?
A. అరేన్‌యాని

Q. రుగ్వేద కాలనికి చేందని దేవతమూర్తి?
A. రుద్ర

: Q. రుగ్వేదకాలం దేవుళ్లను ఎన్ని రకాలుగా వర్గీకరించారు
A. 3

: Q.అతి ప్రాచిన సభ?
A. విదాత

: Q.అదర్వణ వేదానికి జత చేయని ఉపనిషత్తు?
A. మాండుక్య

Q. వేదకాలానికి చెందని పండితురాలు?


  • Centre to set up single tribunal to decide inter-state water disputes
    Current Affairs The Centre has decided to set up a single, permanent Tribunal to adjudicate all inter-state river water disputes and it will be headed by a retired Supreme Court judge. Besides the Tribunal, the government has also proposed to float some benches by amending the Inter-State Water Disputes Act, 1956 to look into disputes as and when required. Unlike the Tribunal, the benches will cease to exist once the disputes are resolved. 
  • EC urges government to amend laws on donations
    Election Commission has urged the government to amend laws to ban anonymous contributions of 2,000 rupees and above made to political parties. It is with the objective to check and prevent the flow of black money in polls. 

    There is no constitutional or statutory prohibition on receipt of anonymous donations by political parties. But there is an indirect partial ban on anonymous donations through the requirement of declaration of donations under the Representation of the People Act. But, such declarations are mandated only for contributions above 20 thousand rupees. 

    The Commission has also proposed that exemption of Income Tax should only be extended to political parties that contest elections and win seats in Lok Sabha or assembly polls. On 17th December the government had said that political parties depositing old 500 and 1,000 rupee notes in their accounts will be exempt from income tax provided the donations taken are below 20 thousand rupees per individual and properly documented. 
  • Govt writes to States, UTs to implement Supreme Court order on national anthem
    Government has written to States and Union territories for necessary action on Supreme Court’s order regarding National Anthem of India. Home Ministry has asked Chief Secretaries of all the States to take necessary action in this regard. 

    Earlier, the Supreme Court had ordered all the cinema halls in the country to play the National Anthem before the start of the feature film. It said, the entry and exit doors shall remain closed prior to the National Anthem is played or sung in the cinema hall, so that no disturbance is created. 

    After the Anthem is played or sung, the doors can be opened. When the National Anthem shall be played in cinema halls, it shall be with the National Flag on the screen. 

    The courts had said, there shall be no commercial exploitation to give financial advantage or any kind of benefit. There shall also be no dramatization of the Anthem and it should not be included as a part of any variety show. 

    Supreme Court had said, National Anthem or a part of it shall not be printed on any object and also never be displayed in such a manner at such places which may be disgraceful to its status and tantamount to disrespect. 
  • Hyderabad twin blasts case verdict
    A Special Court in Hyderabad on 19th December pronounced death sentence to all five convicts in the Dilsuknagar, Hyderabad Twin Bomb Blast case. The NIA special court in Cherlapally Prison pronounced its judgment in on 19th December. 

    The convicts include Indian Mojahiddin co-founder Yasin Bhatkal, Pakistani national Zia-ur-Rahman alias Waqas, Asadullah Akhtar alias Haddi, Tahaseen Akhtar alias Monu and Aijaz Sheikh, who are at present lodged in Cherlapally Prison in Hyderabad. The prime accused in the case and Indian Mujahideen Founder Riyaz Bhatkal is still absconding. 
  • EC identifies 200 parties existing only on paper
    The Election Commission, EC will soon write to the Central Board of Direct Taxes informing it about its decision to delist 200-odd political parties which exist only on paper. EC officials suspect, these political parties could be nothing but money-laundering operations, are parties which have not contested any election since 2005 and exist mostly on paper. 

    The EC hopes that the CBDT will have a close look at the finances of these parties so that a clear message can go out that forming a political party for turning black money into white is no longer a good idea. EC data shows there are currently seven National Political Parties, 58 State Parties and a whopping 1786 Registered Unrecognized Parties. 
  • Madras High Court bans unauthorised Sharia Courts
    The Madras High Court has banned unauthorised 'Sharia' courts functioning on mosque premises in Tamil Nadu based on a Public Interest Litigation on the issue and asked State government to submit status report in 4 weeks. The court said that religious places and other places of worships are meant for religious purposes only. 
  • Cabinet approved Payment of Wages ordinance
    The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi, approved ordinances on Enemy Property Bill and Payment of Wages Act. 

    Under the act, the government proposes to bring an amendment to Section 6 of the Payment of Wages Act which will further provide crediting the wages via e-payments to employee account or payment through cheque along with the existing provisions of payments. 

    The Union Cabinet also approved creation of Indian Enterprise Development services. Cabinet also approved doubling of 172.64 km long Rajpura- Bathinda railway line. 
  • Class X CBSE Board exams to be mandatory from 2018
    CBSE Class 10th Board examinations are all set to be made compulsory from 2018. Union HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar has said that CBSE has sent this recommendation to the Centre and the HRD Ministry will soon give its nod to the recommendation. 

    At the meeting of CBSE Governing body, its members unanimously agreed that from the academic session 2017-18, compulsory Board exams should be re-introduced for all students of Class X. 

    The Class X board examination for CBSE schools was made optional from 2011. Students could either opt for the board exams or school internal exams. It is proposed that Class X Board exams be given 80% weightage and 20 % weightage be given to school-based evaluations. 

    Reports also say that the CBSE has recommended to the HRD ministry that the three language formula, under which Hindi, English and modern Indian languages are taught, should be extended to class IX and X. 
  • GARV-II app launched to ensure power access to all
    To ensure transparency in implementation of rural electrification programme, Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal launched a new app, GARV-II in New Delhi. 

    The new version GARV-II unveiled on 20th December is providing real time data for all six lakh villages in the country. Besides, the GARV-II would enable the commoners to participate in the development work and can give their input about rural electrification programme. Thus, the rural electrification work would be open to public scrutiny. 

    Further, village-wise works sanctioned under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) have also been mapped to monitor progress of works in each village. 
  • Mizoram's Aizawl becomes first free Wi-Fi city in North-East
    Creating history, Aizawl became the first free Wi-Fi city in the North-East region on 22nd December. Free wi-fi is a pilot project of the Aizawl Municipal Corporation. 
  • Venkaiah launches Google Map toilet locator
    Information and Broadcasting Minister Venkaiah Naidu on 22nd December launched google map toilet locator to help people find access to clean public restrooms. Google toilet locator is a pioneering attempt at providing access to a toilet facility every 500 meters in cities. 

    As on date, 504 cities and towns which also include 4 Million-plus cities have achieved Open Defecation Free, ODF status and a total of 739 cities and towns have committed to achieve the status by March 2017. Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Sikkim have declared all cities and towns Open Defecation Free and Kerala is set to do so by March 2017. 

    The minister also released the Government of India calendar 2017 in New Delhi. The theme of this calendar is Mera Desh Badal Raha Hai, Aage Badh Raha Hai. 
  • NITI Aayog launches health index to improve services in states
    Government think tank NITI Aayog on 23rd December launched a performance index on health services to nudge states to improve health outcomes and improve data collection systems. The index is launched along with Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. It is meant to capture the annual incremental improvements by states rather than focus on historical achievements

    NITI Aayog further said it is anticipated that the index will assist in the state-level monitoring of performance, serve as an input for providing performance-based incentives and improvement in health outcomes, and meet citizens' expectations. 
  • President Mukherjee gives assent to Enemy Property Ordinance
    President Pranab Mukherjee has given his assent to the Enemy Property (Amendment and Validation) Ordinance 2016. It will guard against claims of succession or transfer of properties left by people who migrated to Pakistan and China after wars. The Union Cabinet on 21st December had approved re-issuing the ordinance. The ordinance was re-issued as a bill to amend the law could not be passed in Parliament due to repeated adjournments over the demonetisation issue. 

    To prevent the vested properties, the Ordinance for the first time was promulgated on 7th January, 2016. The move is being made to amend the nearly five-decade- old Enemy Property Act to guard against claims of succession or transfer of properties left by people who migrated to Pakistan and China after wars. 
  • New passport rule: Aadhaar can now be used as date of birth proof
    The government on 23rd December announced that Aadhaar and e-Aadhaar card could be used as proof of date of birth (DOB) while applying for passports. 

    While filing the application, it has now been decided that all applicants of passports can submit any one of the documents transfer/school leaving/matriculation certificate, PAN card, Aadhaar card/e-Aadhaar, copy of the extract of the service record of the applicant, driving licence, and Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC) or LIC policy bond having Date of Birth. 

    Birth Certificate issued by the Registrar of Births & Deaths or the Municipal Corporation or any other prescribed authority whosoever has been empowered under the Registration of Birth & Deaths Act, 1969 to register the birth of a child born in India can also be given as proof. 
  • Modi lays foundation stone for Shivaji Smarak, tallest statue in the world
    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 24th December laid the foundation stone for the ambitious Shivaji Smarak, a grand statue and memorial of Maratha emperor Shivaji in the Arabian Sea in Mumbai. 

    Besides the Chhatrapati Shivaji Smarak bhoomi puja, Narendra Modi also laid the foundation stone for two metro corridors in Mumbai Trans Harbour Link and later on for the Pune metro rail project. 

    The 192 meter (309 feet) tall Shivaji Smarak, translated to Shivaji Memorial, will come up on a tiny island in the middle of the Arabian Sea, 1.5 kilometers off the Raj Bhavan shore in South Mumbai. 

    Investment that will be put on the Shivaji Smarak which is likely to be in the lines of Statue of Liberty is a whooping Rs. 3,600 crore. Contract to build provide the Project Management Consultancy services was awarded to French company Egis which handles the maintenance of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. 
  • Pranab Mukherjee launches Kailash Satyarthi’s ‘100 Million for 100 Million’ campaign
    President Pranab Mukherjee on 11th December flagged off a ‘100 Million for 100 Million’ Campaign organized by the Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundation. The Campaign is with the objective to mobilise 100 million youth and children for the uplift of 100 million underprivileged children across the world. 

    Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi and spiritual leader Dalai Lama were also present during the flag off campaign. The President inaugurated a new Museum for vintage tapestries and carpets, and a new Hall for encouraging innovation in the Rashtrapati Bhavan.
  • India needs to invest more in public healthcare: WHO
    World Health Organization (WHO) Representative to India Henk Bekedam said India needs to invest more in public healthcare and build a robust health delivery system in all aspects, including infrastructure and human resources, with special focus on rural areas.

    Though India has made enormous progress in the healthcare sector in recent past, still 60 million people are in poverty through paying healthcare bills because of the country's low investment in health, inadequate financial protection and high out-of-pocket expenditure.

    He called for increased investments in health, strengthening the systems to detect and respond to outbreaks as has been demonstrated from global experiences with SARS, pandemic A/H1N1, H5N1, Nepal earthquake and Ebola. 
  • Cyclone Vardah hits Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
    Heavy rains accompanied by high- velocity winds pounded the city and coastal districts of north Tamil Nadu as severe cyclonic storm "Vardah" commenced its landfall through the coast, killing four persons and forcing the evacuation of thousands of people from low-lying areas. The storm which hit India's coast very close to Chennai with top wind speed at 192 km per hour and has caused extensive damage.

    The cyclone uprooted hundreds of trees and disrupted power supply lines besides land and air transport, throwing normal life out of gear.
  • Supreme Court dismisses BCCI's review plea against Lodha panel recommendations
    Supreme Court has dismissed the plea of BCCI to review its July 18 verdict directing the cricket body to implement Lodha panel recommendations for structural reforms in BCCI. A bench of Chief Justice T.S. Thakur and Justice S.A. Bobde said they have examined the grounds urged in support of the prayer for review. 

    The bench said, it found no error apparent on the face of the record to warrant recall of its order dated July 18, 2016. It said the review petitions are, accordingly, dismissed. The order was pronounced in the chambers on November 10 but was made public on the apex court website recently.
  • Current AffairsOver 18,000 students create world record at International Gita Mahotsav
    A five-day long International Gita Jayanti Mahotsav was organised at Kurukshetra in Haryana earlier in December 2016. Gita is a religious scripture that teaches us lessons of Humanity. The international Gita Jayanti Mahotsav was organised in Kurukshetra with the aim to spread the teachings of Gita worldwide.

    It was a 5-day Mahotsav that began on 6th December. On its second day 7th December, Kurukshetra reverberated with the verses of Gita as over 18,000 students joined each other in reciting them at the Mahotsav. 18,473 school students recited 18 verses from 18 chapters of Gita in 7 minutes 29 seconds entering the Guinness Book of World Records.
  • Rajya Sabha passes Bill for differently-abled
    The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill is passed by the Rajya Sabha during the winter session of Parliament, which will conclude on 15th December. 

    The Bill, with more than 110 official amendments moved by Social Justice Minister Thawar Chand Gehlot, also provides for a two-year jail term and a maximum fine of Rs. 5 lakh for those who discriminate against differently-abled persons. 

    The Bill replaces the 1995 legislation, Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act. The Bill empowers the Centre to add more disabilities into the list of existing seven to 21. The Centre has added mental illness, autism spectrum disorder, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, chronic neurological conditions into the list of disabilities. 
  • Cabinet approves Major Port Authorities Bill
    Union Cabinet on 14th December approved the Major Port Authorities Bill- 2016 which will replace Major Port Trusts Act- 1963. The Bill seeks to empower major ports to perform with greater efficiency on account of full autonomy in decision making. It will also promote expansion of port infrastructure and facilitate trade and commerce besides infusing professionalism in governance of port. The Cabinet also provided its approval for signing of revised Air Services Agreement between India and Nigeria.

    Cabinet has also provided ex-post facto approval to the Memoranda of Understanding signed in 2008 and 2011 and the renewal of MoU between the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and College of Banking and Financial Studies, Oman. 

    The Cabinet has approved MoU between Ministry of Rural Development and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to improve the effectiveness of rural development programmes in India and to facilitate knowledge sharing.

    Cabinet has also approved protocol amending the agreement between India and Tajikistan for avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. 

    In another decision, the Cabinet cleared signing of an agreement with Kyrgyzstan on cooperation in the area of agriculture and food related industry. It also provided its approval to signing of an MoU with Kyrgystan for strengthening cooperation in the field of Tourism. 

    Besides, Cabinet also provided its ex-post facto approval to India’s approach to Climate Change Negotiations at the Conference of Parties (COP) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) organised in Marrakesh, Morocco in November.
  • Supreme Court bans liquor shops on national, state highways across India
    The Supreme Court has ordered a ban on all liquor shops on national as well as state highways across the country. The Apex court made it clear that licenses of existing shops will not be renewed after March 31 next year. A three-judge bench headed by Chief Justice T.S. Thakur on 15th December also directed that such shops must be at least 500 metres away from highways. The bench also directed that all ads indicating presence of liquor vends will be prohibited on national and state highways. 
  • Parliament passes Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2016
    Parliament has passed the 'Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill, 2016' with Lok Sabha approving it on 16th December. The Rajya Sabha has already passed it. The new bill which replaces the earlier Act of 1995 has significant improvements for the benefit of Divyang persons both at the Centre and the State level. 
  • Supreme Court Refers demonitisation matter to constitution bench
    The Supreme Court on 16th December refused to tinker with the move to do away with the use of now-defunct high-value currency notes for public utilities, such as, in government hospitals and for rail tickets. It, however, referred to a Constitution Bench the issue of validity of the government's demonetisation decision. 

    The apex court, which framed nine issues for adjudication by a five-judge Constitution Bench for authoritative pronouncement on the government's demonetisation decision, also refrained from making any amendment to the directive to limit weekly withdrawal at 24,000 rupees. 
  • Triple Talaq is against the rights of Muslim Women; says Kerala High Court
    The Kerala High Court on 16th December said equality before law has been denied to Muslim women in India in the matter of triple talaq. Disposing of three cases involving divorced Muslim women, the high court urged the need for codified law with regard to divorce. 

    The court added that the Quran nowhere approves triple talaq in one utterance, and rather promotes conciliation as best method to resolve marital discord. Even Islamic countries like Egypt, Iraq and UAE have totally derecognised the concept of triple talaq.
  • New Delhi Declaration on Housing and Urban Development
    Urban Development Minister M Venkaiah Naidu on 16th December signed the New Delhi Declaration after its' acceptance by the member countries on the final day of the sixth edition of Asia Pacific Ministerial Conference on Housing and Urban Development in New Delhi. 

    According to Venkaiah Naidu, the countries strongly reaffirm the commitments of the Governments made with regard to the 2030 agenda for sustainable development to make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. 

    During the conference, five working groups deliberated on various sub-themes like Integrated Planning, Management and Governance Structures and on ensuring sustainable and natural disaster resilient urban development including of climate change. 
  • Supreme Court slams Centre and State governments failed to curb atrocities
    Expressing concern over Scheduled Casts and Scheduled Tribes still facing discrimination and atrocities, the Supreme Court has slammed the Centre and State governments for their failure to protect these communities and bring them into the national mainstream. 

    The court said although state governments are responsible for carrying out the provisions of the Act; the Centre cannot abdicate its responsibility to ensure implementation of the law. It said the evil practice of atrocities against Dalits still exists in society despite the law being passed by Parliament in 1989.
  • PM Modi, Afghan president Ashraf Ghani inaugurate Heart of Asia conference
    Current Affairs At the 6th Heart of Asia Ministerial conference in Amritsar, India reaffirmed its unequivocal support for rebuilding Afghanistan with focus on peace and stability in the war torn country. 

    Modi said that India’s aim is to put Afghanistan and its welfare first and the same is close to the hearts and minds of Indians. The conference is an effort by participating nations to usher in development in Afghanistan. 

    On his part, Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani attacked on Pakistan for its policy of supporting elements inimical to the interests of land locked country. He neither hesitated to mention Pakistan not minced words while stating that Pakistan's support is proving to be the lifeline of Taliban network. 

    Amritsar Declaration: The 6th Heart of Asia Ministerial Conference ended after adopting the Amritsar Declaration. According to Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, the declaration recognises terrorism as the biggest threat to peace and demands an immediate end to all forms of terrorism. 

    Mr. Jaitley said, the nations are concerned by high level of violence in Afghanistan caused by Taliban and other terror groups including Islamic State and its affiliates LeT, JeM and others. 
  • India needs to increase its domestic oil & gas output
    Inaugurating the 12th International Oil and Gas Conference, PETROTECH-2016, in New Delhi on 5th December, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India needs to increase its domestic oil and gas production and reduce import. 

    Mr. Modi also said, India’s economy is expected to grow fivefold by 2040, for which hydrocarbons will continue to play an important role. Also, he mentioned that government is committed to double national gas grid network and bring eastern region under the grid. 

    Earlier, Petroleum and Natural Gas Minister Dharmendra Pradhan said, the three day PETROTECH Conference will provide a platform for national and international experts from oil and gas industry to exchange views and share knowledge, expertise and experience. 
  • WIFEX 2016-17 inaugurated
    Ministry of Earth Sciences Secretary Dr. Madhavan Nair Rajeevan, and Director, Indian Meteorological Department Dr. M. Mohapatra, on 6th December inaugurated the Winter Fog Experiment (WIFEX) 2016-17 Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi. According to Dr. Rajeevan, the presence of heavy fog in the northern regions of the country is one of the major reasons that lead to delay in flights. 

    Forecast of the fog from the WIFEX model will be made operational for winter 2017-18. The aim of the observational campaign is to achieve the better understanding of the fog life cycle and improve capability in fog prediction. 

    India Meteorological Department, National Center for Medium Range Weather Forecast and Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) are participating in the campaign being led by Indian Institute of tropical Meteorology, Pune. 
  • Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana covers over 3 crore farmers: Govt
    The Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana has made impressive progress in the first season itself. It has provided coverage to more than three crore 66 lakh farmers. According to Agriculture Ministry, a total area of 388.62 lakh hectares has been covered under the scheme with a sum insured of over one lakh 41 thousand crore rupees. 

    The Yojana was recast as a new scheme by the government as the two earlier existing insurance schemes were not meeting the full requirements of the farmers for insurance coverage. 

    There has also been a quantum jump of more than six times in the coverage of non-loanee farmers, which shows that the scheme has been well received by the non-loanee segment. Another significant achievement in this season has been 104 per cent enhancement in sum insured. 
  • Allahabad High Court ruled Triple Talaq as unconstitutional
    Allahabad High Court terms Triple Talaq 'unconstitutional'; Observes, no personal law is above the constitution and it violates the rights of Muslim women. Coming down heavily on the practice of "triple talaq", the Allahabad High Court has held that this form of "instant divorce" is "cruel" and "most demeaning" which "impedes and drags India from becoming a nation". 

    The court observed that "divorce is permissible in Islam only in case of extreme emergency. When all efforts for effecting reconciliation have failed, the parties may proceed to dissolution of marriage by Talaq or by Khola". 
  • 2nd edition of 'Khajuraho Int. Film Fest.' begins
    The second edition of 'Khajuraho International Film Festival' began on 8th December. The 7-day long event is being organised with the cooperation of the Madhya Pradesh Culture Department. The festival would screen women-oriented films in which either women have played a prominent role in direction or production, or in which an actress is in the lead role. 
  • CBI arrested former Air Force Chief S.P. Tyagi in Agusta Westland deal case
    CBI has arrested former Air Force Chief S.P. Tyagi in the 3600 crore Agusta Westland helicopter deal case. It has also arrested Tyagi's cousin Sanjiv Tyagi and a Delhi-based lawyer Gautam Khaitan. 

    The deal is related to purchase of 12 helicopters for VVIPs from Italian manufacturer, Finmeccanica in 2010 during UPA rule. Tyagi, who retired in 2007, was questioned by the CBI extensively in the past in this case. This is for first time a former IAF chief has been arrested by the central probe agency. 

    India had in 2014 scrapped the contract with Finmeccanica over alleged breach of contractual obligations and charges of paying kickbacks of 423 crore rupees by it for securing the deal. CBI had also got issued Letters Rogatory to multiple countries to gather more leads and evidences in this case. 
  • International film festival of Kerala begins
    International film festival of Kerala was launched on 9th December in the capital city Thiruvananthapuram. 185 films from 62 countries will attract cinema lovers during the 8 day-ongoing annual film festival of this State. There will be 490 screenings in the 13 theatres in Thiruvananthapuram. The film festival was started in 1996 and is hosted by Kerala State Chalachitra Academy. 
  • Supreme Court modifies National Anthem order, exempts differently abled
    The Supreme Court has modified its order on the National Anthem and exempted physically handicapped persons from standing before screening of a movie in cinema halls across the nation. It also clarified that doors of theatres need not be bolted when the National Anthem is played. 

    The order was passed on 9th December by a bench comprising Justices Dipak Misra and Amitava Roy, which agreed to hear the plea seeking recall of its order mandating playing of the National Anthem before films. Apart from relaxing the anthem norms for disabled, it clarified that its direction to close the entry and exit gates of cinema halls when the national anthem is played did not amount to bolting the door. 

    Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi informed the apex court that the Centre will issue guidelines within ten days on how physically challenged persons should show respect to the National Anthem. 
  • Murder rate declining in India
    Official data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) show that the murder rate in India has been steadily declining over the past two decades. 

    The murder rate (murders per lakh population) for 64 years (from 1952 to 2015) from the NCRB were compiled by the Clio Infra Project — a project which has collected worldwide data on social, economic, and institutional indicators. Data show that the rate has declined from 4.6 in 1992, the peak year of violence (in terms of murder rate) to 2.6 in 2015. 

    Among mega cities, Patna turns out to be the least safe, having a murder rate of 11.3 — four times that of the national average in 2015. Meerut, Ludhiana, Faridabad and Agra come next. Kolkata, Kochi and Mumbai happen to be the safest, all having a rate of less than one murder per lakh population. 

    Further, as compared with other crimes, murders are is less likely to pass unnoticed. A comparison with data from the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which pegs the Indian murder rate higher than that of the NCRB, after adjusting it for various factors, corroborates the Clio. The broader trend remains the same — the murder rate has fallen from 4.3 in 1995 to 3.3 in 2013. 

    Absolute numbers, however, are still high — 32,127 murders were recorded in 2015, which means 88 people were killed every day. 

    Further, data from UNODC reveals that the murder rate for India in 2012 (3.5) was almost half compared to the world average (6.2). Among 209 countries for which comparable data was available, India ranked 133 (higher rank means higher murder rate). 
  • DigiShala', new 24-hour TV channel for cashless lessons
    In another step to push digital transactions, the ministry of electronics and information technology (MeitY) launched a TV channel named 'DigiShala’. 

    Union IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad On 9th December launched Digishala TV Channel. It is a free-to-air channel which will educate people about digital payment and is available on DTH service. 

    The channel will encourage people for digital payment in their everyday life. The channel will be airing shows targeted at the rural and suburban population to inform them of various aspects of going digital like e-wallet, UPI, USSD, AADHAAR and usage of cards through talk shows and demonstrations. The services will initially be available in Hindi and English and later in local languages as well. 
  • India ranked 7 among countries hit most by terrorism
    India was ranked seventh in the list of countries most impacted by terrorism in 2015, according to the Global Terrorism Index (GTI), 2016, released by the Institute for Economics & Peace, a think-tank based in Sydney, Australia. 

    India is one of six Asian countries ranked in the top ten nations most impacted by terrorism. 

    India recorded 289 terrorism-related deaths in 2015, a 45 per cent decline over 2014. However, the number of Indian Army and paramilitary soldiers killed this year is at an eight-year high, India Spend reported on November 29, 2016. 

    India experienced 7 per cent of all terrorist attacks around the world, the fourth highest after Iraq (20 per cent), Afghanistan (14 per cent) and Pakistan (8 per cent). Deaths from terror attacks globally declined 10 per cent — from the highest recorded level of 32,765 in 2014 to 29,376 in 2015, the GTI report said. 
  • Jharkhand adopts new bill to curb job racket
    The Jharkhand government framed ‘Jharkhand private employment agency and domestic employee bill 2016. The bill is aimed at removing the stain of human trafficking from Jharkhand and to put curb on placement agencies involved in the act. 

    Under the new act, licence or proof certificate is required for placement agencies, and they should take licence within 90 days of the notification of the act, including those existing before the notification, the release said. 

    From now on placement agency cannot employ people below 18 years of age and should keep details of every employee along with regulation of minimum wage, eight hours duty and double the wage on doing overtime and leave as per the rule, the release said. The placement agency should also ensure the wages are deposited in the bank account of the employee. 
  • 47th International Film Festival of India concludes at Goa
    The 47th International Film Festival of India concluded on 28th February. Iranian film Daughter bagged the Best film award at the IFFI with a cash prize of 40 lakh rupees. Iranian actor Farhad Aslani won the Best Actor (male) award for his portrayal of the strict father in the film ‘Daughter’. 

    The Best Director award was given to Baris Kaya and Soner Caner for the Turkish film. Rauf. Elina Vaska won the Best Actress Award for the Latvian film “Fellow Mud”. Special Jury award was given to Lee Joon-ik for the Direction of the movie “The Throne”. 

    The ICFT -UNESCO Gandhi Medal was awarded to Turkish film maker Mustafa Kara’s ‘Cold of Kalandar’. Canadian multi-lingual film ‘The Apology’ won the Special Mention under the ICFT-UNESCO Gandhi Medal competition. S.S. Rasjamouli, Director of blockbuster film Baahubali was chief guest at the closing ceremony. 
  • Akodara: India's First Digital Village
    Current Affairs Akodara is a small village in Gujarat's Sabarkantha district which enjoys the distinction of being the country's first digital village it has also gone completely cashless. 

    Situated 90 Kms away from Ahmadabad, Akodara is the country's first digital village. It's a small community of 1,200 people and while most of the country had been busy exchanging or depositing scrapped currency notes or withdrawing cash for their purchases after the centre's demonetisation move it barely created a ripple in Akodara. 

    Under the guidance of Prime Minister Narendra Modi the village was adopted and developed by the ICICI Foundation as a digitised village with a rural branch of the bank. Be it a purchase of 10 rupees or 10,000 all transactions are carried out without cash exchange but through sms, net-banking or debit cards. 
  • Sex ratio at birth on the decline
    Sex Ratio at Birth (SRB) continues to worsen in India, falling from 898 in 2013 to 887 in 2014, new data from Civil Registration System (CRS) released by the Office of the Registrar General of India show. The ratio has been declining since 2011 when the figure was 909. 

    The SRB based on CRS figures indicate the gap between ‘registered’ male and female births, calculated as the number of females per thousand males. 

    Manipur (684), Rajasthan (799) and Tamil Nadu (834) fare the worst. The highest SRB has been reported by Lakshadweep (1043), followed by Andaman and Nicobar Islands (1031) and Arunachal Pradesh (993). 

    Data from the Sample Registration System is considered to be a more reliable source for demographic statistics because of inadequate coverage of CRS. The level of registration of births with CRS, however, has been improving. In 2014, it is estimated that 88.8 per cent births were registered, up from 85.6 per cent in 2013. Plus, 16 States or UTs recorded all births. 14 out of 20 major States crossed the 90 per cent level of registration of births in 2014.
  • Women's right to enter Haji Ali Dargah
    After five years women granted permission to enter Haji Ali Dargah; A group of 80 women entered the sanctum sanctorum of Haji Ali Dargah in Mumbai and offered prayers. 

    The dargah is a popular religious place located on an island off South Mumbai. It houses a mosque and the tomb of Muslim saint Sayed Peer Haji Ali Shah Bukhari and is visited by people of all faiths. Prior to 2012, the Dargah did not discriminate against women and allowed free entry of people across religions. However, the Dargah's board of trustees imposed a ban on women's entry in 2012. 

    On October 24, the Haji Ali Dargah Trust told the Supreme Court that it was ready to implement the Bombay High Court's order and had sought four weeks for infrastructural changes to make arrangements for it. 
  • National Anthem must be played in movie theatres: Supreme Court
    The Supreme Court on 30th November directed that the national anthem be played in cinema halls across the country before the screening of a film and people in cinema halls should stand up when the anthem is played and the National Flag be shown on the screen at the time. 

    It said, there should not be any dramatisation of the anthem and it should not be printed or displayed on undesirable objects. The court also said, a person cannot take commercial benefits by playing the anthem. The apex court directed the Centre that the order should be given effect in a week's time and be circulated to all the States and Union Territories. 
  • Cabinet clears new visa regime
    The Union Cabinet on 30th November approved incremental changes in the visa policy of the country. The Centre said it would liberalise, simplify and rationalise the existing visa regime in India. The changes were initiated by the Ministry of Home Affairs in consultation with various stakeholders, the Centre said in a release. 

    The Cabinet also approved the negotiating position of India at the Meeting of Parties (MoP) to the Montreal Protocol of the Vienna Convention for Protection of Ozone Layer that took place in October in Kigali, Rwanda. 

    In another decision, the Cabinet approved the closure of Kota Unit of Instrumentation Ltd. and transfer of Palakkad Unit of Instrumentation Ltd. to the Kerala Government. 
  • Cabinet approved third phase of Mumbai Transportation Project
    The Cabinet also approved the Phase Three of the Mumbai Urban Transport Project. “The estimated cost of project is Rs. 8,679 crore with completion cost of Rs. 10,947 crore. The project is expected to be completed in the next five years during 13th Plan period,” the Centre said in a release. 
  • 1st meeting of Committee of CMs on digital payment systems held
    The 1st meeting of Committee of Chief Ministers on implementing digital payment systems was held on 1st December where Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan stressed on the need for a massive education campaign on digital payments - from street plays to social media and involvement of communities. Maharashtra Chief Minister Fadavanis said that even in villages people are adapting willingly and need of the hour is to make cashless instruments more accessible. 

    The Government has set up two committees. One comprising Secretaries of relevant ministries headed by NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant to identify all possible modes of digital payments across sectors and the other of Chief Ministers whose convener is Chandrababu Naidu to boost digital payment systems. 
  • Supreme Court approves Centre's graded response system to tackle Delhi-NCR air pollution
    The Supreme Court on 2nd December accorded its nod to the Centre's graded response action plan to tackle different levels of pollution and asked the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) to upgrade its existing infrastructure and set up additional monitoring stations in Delhi-NCR within six months. 

    A bench headed by Chief Justice T. S. Thakur said enforcement of graded response action plan shall be under the orders of Environment Pollution (Control and Prevention) Authority (EPCA) and all other authorities should act in aid of such direction. 

    It also directed the Centre to examine within four weeks about harmful effects of petroleum coke and furnace oil used in industries and power generation plants in NCR and issue appropriate directions in this regard. 

    The Centre earlier told the court that when air pollution reaches alarming proportion, immediate steps are needed to be taken including ban on construction activities and implementation of odd-even scheme. 
  • PMC decides to offer free rides to promote public transport
    To address the traffic problem Pune Municipal Corporation has come up with a new idea. The Corporation has decided to offer free rides on Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahamandal Limited buses on last Monday of each month in order to promote the use of public transport among citizens. 

    The Standing Committee of the PMC approved a proposal in this regard during its weekly meeting. PMC will pay the PMPML one day’s income to run the free ride scheme. This amounts to 1 Crore and 70 lakh rupees every month. Though this proposal is approved by standing committee it will be implemented only after approval of general body. 
  • Acid attack survivors to come under disability law
    Persons afflicted with Parkinson's disease and acid attack survivors will soon be considered disabled under law. The Persons with Disabilities Bill (PWD), which is set to be tabled in Parliament, lists 21 infirmities. People falling under these 21 categories will be recognized as disabled and be eligible for affirmative action and benefits under the law. 

    A proposed amendment to the 1995 Act had increased number of disabilities from seven to 19. However, the bill was referred to a group of ministers for discussion and two more categories were added. The Supreme Court had asked the government to consider the disabled tag for acid attack victims, and the home ministry too had made a similar recommendation. The other key additions to the 1995 Act are autism, thalassemia, haemophilia, multiple scelerosis, sickle cell disease and dwarfism. 

    The bill hikes reservation in government jobs from 3% to 4% and stresses on easy accessibility in public transport. 
  • Time for comprehensive review of Representation of People's Act: CEC
    Chief Election Commissioner Nasim Zaidi on 3rd December said the time has come for a comprehensive review of Representation of People's Act. Zaidi called for suggestions from legal fraternity present in the Conference for their inputs on the Act. 

    The Representation of People's Act provides for the actual conduct of elections in India, qualification of voters, preparation of electoral rolls, and allocation of seats in Parliament and state legislatures. The Chief Election Commissioner also said various steps have been taken recently to strengthen legal system in Election Commission including Chief Electoral Offices. 

    He said election disputes should not be seen as a reflection of weakness in the system but as proof of strength, and openness of country's democracy. He said the increase in disputes should be seen as an increase in public understanding of redressal process and therefore there should be a very effective dispute redressal mechanism. 
  • Pre-historic camping site found in Ladakh
    An ancient camping site used by pre-historic man and datable to circa 8500 BCE (that is, 10,500 years before the present), has been found at the high altitude of about 4,200 metres near a place called Saser La in the Nubra Valley in Ladakh. Saser La leads to the Karakoram Pass. 

    A camping site is a place where hunter-gatherers stayed temporarily before they moved on to another place. S.B. Ota, Joint Director General, Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), found the camping site during an exploration there in 2015-16. 

    Charcoal pieces from hearth activity and remains of bones associated with it were found at the site. The charcoal pieces sent for dating to Beta Analytic, Florida, USA, revealed that the site belonged to circa 8500 BCE.


  • 120 killed in UP train derailment Pukhrayan area in Kanpur Dehat district
    At least 120 people were killed and more than 200 injured on 20th November when 14 coaches of the Indore-Patna Express derailed near Pukhrayan area in Kanpur Dehat district, Uttar Pradesh. Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an ex-gratia payment of Rs 2 lakh for the relatives of those killed and Rs 50,000 for those seriously injured in the mishap from the national relief fund. 

    Railway Minister Suresh Prabhu has ordered a probe into the train tragedy and announced ex-gratia for the families of the victims. The minister announced Rs 3.5 lakh ex-gratia for the families of those killed and Rs 50,000 for those grievously injured. 
  • International Film Festival of India begins in Goa
    The 47th International Film Festival of India (IFFI) 2016 began at Panaji in Goa on 20th November. Information and Broadcasting Minister Venkaiah Naidu inaugurated the festival. Veteran filmmaker Ramesh Sippy was the Chief Guest. Venkaia naidu in his speech referred about 1946 movie ‘Vijayalakshmi’ produced and directed by late Shri B.R.Pantulu which was based on the first demonetization in our country. 

    S. P. Balasubrahmanyam, Award winning and acclaimed singer was conferred the Centenary Award for Indian Film Personality of the Year 2016 for his contribution to Indian Cinema. 

    He holds the record in the Guinness Book for singing and recording more than 40,000 songs and has won the National Award six times. 
  • India's longest Agra-Lucknow Expressway opens in Uttar Pradesh. 
    Current Affairs India’s longest express way was inaugurated by Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akilesh Yadav in Uttar Pradesh. It is Agra-Lucknow expressway. The six-lane 302-km long expressway not only connects the city of Taj Mahal with state capital Lucknow, but also presents a quantum jump for the capabilites of the Indian Air force. 

    Four Sukhoi jets from Bareilly and four Mirage 2000s from Gwalior performed simulated landings on the Expressway at Unnao, around 50 km from Lucknow. 

    The Expressway is equipped with a 3 km long air strip for landing and take-off of IAF fighter jets. This is the second such facility on an expressway after the Delhi-Agra Expressway, where fighter jets have landed in the past. 

    The 302 km expressway has almost halved the distance between Agra and Lucknow, and now through the Taj Expressway one can travel from Delhi to Lucknow in 5 to 6 hours. Built in 23 months the expressway starts from Agra passing through Firozabad, Mainpuri, Etawah, Auraiya, Kannauj, Hardoi, Unnao, Kanpur to reach Lucknow. 

    Mainpuri and Kannauj along the expressway will be developed into major markets. The expressway will also benefit farmers and other benefits proposed include smart city, film city, and logistics park. The highway will be equipped with an Advanced Traffic Management System, and it will be easier for vehicles to move through Mist and fog. 

    The Agra-Lucknow expressway will greatly benefit the common man, but before that the safety audit needs to be completed. But one political message that came from the soft launch was the impression that the feud between the members of Mulayam Singh Yadav's family was ending. 
  • Prasar Bharati and VBU ink MoU. 
    A Memorandum of understanding between Viswa Bharati University in Shantiniketan and Prasar Bharati was signed on 21st November to promote and preserve art and culture. Both the organisations will use each other's expertise for the purpose. This will also enable both the organisations preserve invaluable collections and recordings in their custody. 
  • Unburdening children from the weight of school bags. 
    The Central Government has taken various steps to reduce curriculum load and the weight of school bags. The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) has not recommended any textbook for early childhood education. 

    It has recommended only two books (Language and Mathematics) for classes I & II and three books for classes III to V (Language, Environmental Studies and Mathematics). The number and size of NCERT’s textbooks used by the primary and secondary school students are appropriate to their age. 

    The Government has also launched a platform for showcasing and dissemination of all digital and digitizable resources for its stakeholders in collaboration with the NCERT. 

    Accordingly, the NCERT has made available all their textbooks and other teaching-learning material for free access through its website, and mobile devices. 

    The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has directed schools affiliated to it to ensure that students do not carry school bags till class II and also to restrict the number of books to be prescribed in classes I-VIII. In its latest circular dated 12th September, 2016, it has advised schools to take all possible measures to keep the weight of school bag under control. 
  • BJP, Trinamool Win Key By-Elections
    By-elections were held for four parliament and 10 assembly seats in six states - Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Tripura, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and one union territory, Puducherry. Ruling parties have done well in each state without exception. The BJP scored impressively in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, which brings the party major relief amid concern about how the ban on 500 and 1,000-rupee notes is being judged. 

    In Madhya Pradesh, the BJP retained the Lok Sabha and assembly seats. However, margin for the Lok Sabha seat was down from nearly 2.5 lakhs to 60,000 despite a 5 per cent increase in voter turnout. 

    In Assam, which is also governed by the BJP, the party retained the parliament seat vacated by Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal and gained an assembly seat. 
  • Supreme Court refuses to stay on all proceedings at HCs over demonetization
    Supreme Court on 23rd November refused to give immediate stay on all proceedings at various high courts concerning demonetization. The apex court tells Centre that at different places people have raised different concerns. 

    The SC also issued notice to petitioners who have challenged demonetization move before different high courts. The matter has been posted for further hearing on 2nd of December. 

    The Centre has informed the Supreme Court that the situation has been brought under control and the queues have become shorter. Government also said the situation is being monitored on an hourly basis. 
  • Parliamentary standing committee raps Centre for slow progress in PDS digitization
    A standing committee of Parliament on food has criticised the Central and state governments for the slow progress of digitization of ration cards and computerisation of the Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS), both of which are prerequisites for the successful roll-out of the National Food Security Act (NFSA). 

    The committee has doubted the Centre's claim that much progress has been made in the digitization of ration cards, their seeding with Aadhaar and subsequent linking with bank accounts. It has asserted that in some states, seeding has been very low and needs to be expedited. 

    However, instead of automation, the centre has focused on setting up Point of Sale Devices (PoS) at PDS counters. So far, PoS machines have been set up in over 100,000 of the 550,000 ration shops in the country. 

    The Committee also found that though some states have put in place a grievance redressal mechanism, quite a few toll-free numbers are dysfunctional and, in several other cases, aren't attended by an executive. 

    The Committee urges the Department of Food and Public Distribution to impress upon the remaining states and UTs to set up toll-free numbers and make them operational in the states where they have already been set up. 
  • Andhra Pradesh CM Chandrababu Naidu launches water distribution monitoring portal
    Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu formally launched the ‘Smart Water Distribution Monitoring’ web interface through which people can check the status of drinking water in the water tanks nearby Vijayawada. 

    The Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system helps in reduction of water wastage as well as ensure seamless supply to the households. The monitoring portal is a part of from where it can be accessed. 
  • FSSAI sets new rules to check health supplement mislabeling
    The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India has announced new standards for manufacturers of health supplements to check mislabeling. 

    Health supplements cannot be sold as 'medicines' any more as it has operationalised with immediate effect. New standards proposed for eight categories of products, including health supplements and nutraceuticals. 

    FSSAI will start granting licences and approve products manufactured based on the new standards. However, these regulations will be enforced from January 2018. Every package of health supplement should carry the word 'health supplement' as well as an advisory warning 'not for medicinal use' prominently written. 
  • World Trade Centre opens in Kochi
    The Bengaluru-based Brigade Group, which holds World Trade Centre licences in south Indian cities, has opened new WTC facility in Kochi. 

    The company which received the license to set up WTC in Bengaluru, Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai and Hyderabad will set up a combined 7 million sq ft space to enable an international environment to global IT/ITeS firms. 

    WTC, a licensed member of the World Trade Centres Association (WTCA), New York, will showcase the strengths of each region and state in different economic sectors such as industry, tourism, agriculture, fisheries, biotechnology, healthcare and others. 
  • IFFI nominates 8 movies for ICFT UNESCO Gandhi Medal
    The International Film Festival of India has nominated eight movies for 2016 International Council for Film, Television and Audio-visual Communication UNESCO Gandhi Medal. 

    According to the Festival Director Senthil Rajan, Allama is the only Indian film competing for the prestigious award. Allama, a historical Kannada film directed by national award winning filmmaker T UNESCO Gandhi Medal, and is based on the life of the 12th century mystique saint Allama Prabhu. 

    The ICFT UNESCO Gandhi Award will be given to a film that best reflects Mahatma Gandhi’s ideals of peace, tolerance and non-violence. The Award will be announced at the closing ceremony of IFFI on 28th November. 
  • Government of India launched e-Pashu haat portal to facilitate farmers
    On the occasion of birth anniversary of the father of India's White Revolution Varghese Kurien and National Milk Day, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Radha Mohan Singh on 26th November launched the e-Pashu haat portal which will enable the farmers to purchase any breed bovine animals. The e-Pashu haat portal will not only enable the farmers to buy bovine animals but cattle frozen semen and embryo may also be purchased through it. 

    Information relating to Certification of the animal, its picture, breeding, volume of milk given by the cow etc will be available in this portal. Animal fodder varieties, its volume and price information will also be available at this portal. Farmers can now purchase advanced breed of bovine animals at a reasonable price as per as their requirements. 
  • India to preside next edition of COP in Geneva in 2018
    Current Affairs India will preside the eighth edition of the Conference of Parties (COP) to WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) which will be held in Switzerland's Geneva in 2018. 

    Health Secretary CK Mishra has been chosen as the President of the COP Bureau, for the next two years, after a unanimous decision by the COP7 Plenary session on 12th November. The World Health Organisations Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) is the world's biggest convention to frame the anti-tobacco policies. 

    COP Bureau is the main administrative body of WHO FCTC that decides on strategies on how to implement the decisions taken in the COP session, which happens every two years. It also monitors implementation by the party countries. 

    These officers, each representing a WHO region, constitute the Bureau of the Conference of the Parties. According to Rule 21 of the Rules of Procedure of the COP, they shall commence their term of office at the closure of the session and shall serve until the closure of the following regular session of the Conference of the Parties, including for any intervening extraordinary session. 

    The Seventh Session of COP7 to WHO FCTC was hosted by India for the first time and culminated on 12th November. About 1,500 delegates participated in the conference from around 180 countries along with other observers in official relations with the WHO FCTC Secretariat in Geneva. 
  • Hyderabad High Court notice to 20 YSRC MLAs over defection to TDP
    Hyderabad High Court on 14th November issued notices to 20 MLAs from YSR Congress, who crossed over to ruling Telugu Desam Party in Andhra Pradesh, seeking their response on maintainability of the writ petitions that were filed seeking their disqualification. 

    The petitioner's counsel earlier filed writ petitions before the High Court submitting that the disqualification petitions pertaining to their defection are pending before the Speaker of Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly. 

    The writs questioned inaction of the Speaker in not disposing of the disqualification petitions and sought directions to the Speaker to initiate proceedings against those MLAs. 

    However, Andhra Pradesh Additional Advocate General D Srinivas objected to the petitions saying that the writ petitions are not maintainable after which the court issued notices to the 20 MLAs with regard to maintainability of the writ petitions. 
  • PM flags off Ghazipur-Kolkata Express train
    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone for two projects in East UP that will help in the development of Poorvanchal region. He also flagged off an express train that will enhance connectivity of the region

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of Railway Bridge at Tarighat and for doubling of Ghazipur - Ballia Rail line. He also flagged off the Kolkata-Ghazipur Shabd Bhedi Express. 

    The new rail-road bridge is expected to change the socio-economic condition of the region. The 51 kilometer long rail-road bridge will connect Ghazipur to Gorakhpur, Kolkata and other commercial cities of the country. 

    The estimated cost of the project is 1,766 crore rupees. PM Narendra Modi felicitated Gram Pradhans for achieving 100% coverage in Postal Saving and Insurance schemes. He also distributed pass books to beneficiaries of Sukanya Samirdhi Yojana. Besides, this the Prime Minister also dedicated to the nation a cold storage set up by the Container Corporation of India Ltd. 
  • Cabinet nod for setting up special committee for inter-linking of rivers
    The Cabinet on 15th November gave its nod for constituting a “Special Committee for Inter-Linking of Rivers” in compliance with the Supreme Court judgment. It accepted the status-cum-progress on the same. 

    Approval of the Union Cabinet will help in monitoring of the precious Inter-linking of River Projects to be carried out under National Perspective Plan 1980 of Government of India. 

    The Status-cum-Progress Report of Special Committee for Inter-linking of Rivers will be submitted bi-annually for information of Cabinet. 

    In a separate decision, the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved construction of trunk infrastructure for Phase II of Part I of Shendra Bidkin Industrial Area (SBIA) namely the Bidkin region spread across 31.79 sq km at an estimated project cost of Rs. 6,414.21 crore. 
  • Punjab govt de-notifies land acquired for SYL canal
    Punjab government has denotified the land acquired for the construction of Sutlej-Yamuna Link, SYL canal which will be handed over to its legal owners immediately and a notification is being issued in this regard The decision to this effect was taken in the Punjab cabinet meeting held in the chairmanship of Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal. 
  • Supreme Court rejects Tamil Nadu's plea for review of Jallikattu verdict
    The Supreme Court on 16th November dismissed the plea of the Tamil Nadu government seeking review of the 2014 judgement banning use of bulls for Jallikattu events in the state and bullock-cart races in the country. The bench rejected the review petition saying that it was illegal and unconstitutional as the taming of bulls for such an event amounted to "cruelty". 

    The apex court had on January 21 dismissed similar pleas for re-examination of the 2014 judgement. On January 8, the Centre had issued a notification lifting the ban on jallikattu in Tamil Nadu with certain restrictions, which was challenged in the apex court by Animal Welfare Board of India and others. The apex court had stayed the notification. 
  • Supreme Court asks search engines to delete information on sex determination
    Search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Microsoft were on 16th November asked to “delete” advertisements pertaining to prenatal sex determination in India within 36 hours by the Supreme Court. The apex court directed the Centre to appoint a nodal agency to monitor the websites. 

    The apex court, which fixed the matter for further hearing on February 17 next year, said the “interim arrangement” would continue till the issue pertaining to advertisements relating to pre-natal sex determination was “debated” upon before it. 
  • Chhattisgarh first state to adopt resolution on demonetisation
    Chhattisgarh has become the first state to adopt a resolution welcoming the demonetisation of high-value currency notes, the state Assembly adopted a resolution moved by Chief Minister Raman Singh on 16th November welcoming the Centre's decision. Replying to the debate, the Chief Minister said, the decision was taken to flush out black money from the system and to usher in the clean transaction and clean money system. Besides fighting black money, he said, it will also impact various other contentious issues plaguing the system. 

    Mr. Singh said his government will take effective steps to encourage people in small business to switch over to the e-payment system. He also announced exemption from VAT on the point of sale device to be installed by these businessmen. 

    The Chief Minister also said, all arrangements had been made in the state to make online payments to farmers for their paddy procured under support price system. 
  • Supreme Court refuses to accept Centre's stand of rejecting Collegium recommendations
    Supreme Court on 18th November said that it has not accepted the Centre's stand of rejecting the 43 names recommended by the apex court Collegium for their appointment as judges of the various high courts. A bench comprising Chief Justice T S Thakur and A R Dave on 18th November said the list has been sent back to the government for reconsideration. 

    Attorney General Mukul Rohatgi said that the government will have to study and examine the reasons of the Supreme Court collegium while rejecting its objections to the names recommended by it for appointment of judges to high courts. He said the government will start processing the files once again. The Centre on 16th November told the court that it has cleared 34 names out of the 77 recommended by the collegium. 
  • Government cites figures, hits out at CJI over appointments
    Rejecting Chief Justice TS Thakur's accusations that the government was deliberately delaying the appointment of judges to high courts, the Centre hit back on 19th November with statistics, disclosing that it had appointed 120 HC judges in 2016, against an annual average of 80 appointments since 1990

    After scanning records available on appointment of judges since 1990, the law ministry said that on an average, 80 judges were appointed to HCs on the recommendation of the judiciary every year. Two judgments of the Supreme Court in the 1990s took away from the executive the power to select judges. 

    The number of judges appointed was 121 in 2013, the highest in a year since 1990. But the Union government by November 2016 has appointed 120 judges, just one short of the highest number ever appointed in a year in the last 25 years. 
  • Research in agro-biodiversity is crucial: PM
    Current Affairs Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated 1st International Agro bio diversity congress in New Delhi on 6th November. 

    According to the Prime Minister: 
    • Research in agro-biodiversity is very important to ensure global food, nutrition and environment security
    • Research needs to be done and best practices need to be noted and curated
    • Natural resources must be given to the future generations intact as it was given to us by our ancestors
    • Due to global warming and pollution, different variety of plants and wild life are facing extinction and the world has to come together to save the species
    • This is the time people have to change the way of thinking, and to preserve the agro-biodiversity and its inhabitants.
    • Every country needs to learn from other countries. Nature was entwined with the society and its rituals in India by our ancestors and it kept the nature sustained and survived
    • Technology is needed in agriculture for fighting malnutrition and hunger, but it should not be the cost of sustainability and compromising the bio-diversity of the country.
    • The world community needs to develop a system where all rules related to agro-biodiversity is harmonized
    Eminent agriculture scientist Dr MS Swaminathan said, Agro Bio Diversity is important for food security. 850 representatives from 60 countries are participating in the conference. 
  • AADHAR for DBT saved Rs 36,000 cr
    Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said, introduction of AADHAAR for Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme has resulted in saving of thirty six thousand crore rupees. Addressing valedictory session of Vigilance Awareness Week in New Delhi on 7th November, Mr Modi said that the money saved from pilferage of LPG and Kerosene was diverted to targeted beneficiaries. 
  • Supreme Court asks Centre to devise common minimum programme to deal with pollution
    The Supreme Court has asked the Centre to devise a common minimum programme to deal with rising pollution and has given 48 hours to government to respond. Hearing a plea on the rising level of pollution in Delhi and adjoining areas, the Apex Court also asked the Centre to apprise it about the policy, if any, to tackle the issue of rising pollution. The plea was filed by the Environment Pollution Control Authority which has sought a proper monitoring of worsening pollution levels in these areas. 
  • Defence Ministry clears new blacklisting policy
    Union Defence Ministry clears new blacklisting policy to do away with blanket bans on companies caught in kickbacks cases; it also approved projects worth 82,000 crore rupees for purchase of fighter aircraft, tanks, rockets and mini drones; bulk of purchases will be made at home. 

    Contrary to expectation, the Defence Acquisition Council, chaired by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar, did not take a decision on the Navy's proposal to purchase 12 US2I amphibious aircraft from Japan, though the issue came up for discussion. However, it is expected that there would be some forward movement on this issue during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's upcoming visit to Tokyo on November 11-12. 

    The DAC also gave Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) to Indian Air Force's plan to purchase 83 Tejas Mark 1A aircraft at a cost of Rs 50,025 crore

    It also accorded AON for the purchase of 15 Light Combat Aircraft being manufactured by HAL for the Army and Air Force for a tentative cost of about Rs 2,911 crore. 

    AoN was also given for the repeat order of 464 Russian origin T90 tanks which are being manufactured by the Ordnance Factory Board for Rs 13,448 crore, besides for procurement of 598 mini UAVs at a cost of Rs 1,100 crore. However, the most significant take away from the DAC is the clearance of the new blacklisting policy. 
  • Delhi Declaration on Agrobiodiversity Management adopted
    The International Agro biodiversity Congress has called upon nations to accord top priority to the agrobiodiversity conservation and their sustainable use towards achieving targets of Sustainable Development Goals relating to poverty alleviation. 

    The four day Congress which concluded on 9th November in New Delhi has adopted a Delhi Declaration on Agrobiodiversity Management. In the declaration, participating delegates have urged the researchers and policy-makers to strengthen, and promote complementary conservation strategies to conserve and use agrobiodiversity. 

    The Congress has recommended that the governments and societies put greater emphasis on public awareness and capacity enhancement programs on agrobiodiversity conservation and use.The delegates have suggested developing and implementing an agrobiodiversity index to help monitor conservation and use of agrobiodiversity. 

    In the declaration, the delegates have also urged public and private sector partnerships to actively invest and incentivize the utilization of agrobiodiversity to address malnutrition and productivity of farms. Besides, the United Nations has been urged to consider declaring soon a Year of Agrobiodiversity to draw worldwide attention and to catalyze urgent action. AIR correspondent reports, it was the 1st International Agrobiodiversity Congress held in New Delhi and was attended by 900 participants from 60 countries. 
  • High Court orders Delhi clean-up within two weeks
    Delhi high court and National Green Tribunal (NGT) again brought up the alarming air pollution in the national capital on 9th November. 

    The high court admonished civic authorities in the city for their alleged lack of interest in keeping the streets of Delhi free from dust and rubble, saying the present state of affairs were causing immense dust pollution, in addition to diseases such as chikungunya. 

    The court asked authorities to file a status report on the amount of rubble removed, and also directed the cleaning of drains and sewers mechanically and putting up bio-degradable and non-degradable dustbins in all public places. 

    The high court has set the next date of hearing on December 7 and warned officers of various departments they would be held personally liable for non-compliance with its orders. 
  • Supreme Court holds Punjab law terminating SYL agreement unconstitutional
    Supreme Court on 10th November held as unconstitutional the 2004 law passed by Punjab to terminate the Sutlej-Yamuna Link (SYL) canal water sharing agreement with Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir, Delhi and Chandigarh. 

    The judgement made it clear that the Punjab Termination of Agreements Act, 2004 is "unconstitutional" and Punjab could not have taken a "unilateral" decision to terminate the water sharing agreement with neighbouring states. 

    The judgement came on the presidential reference of 2004 on the controversy relating to sharing of water from SYL canal. A five-judge bench headed by Justice A R Dave was unanimous in holding that all the four questions of Presidential reference have to be answered in the negative. 

    The matter was referred to the apex court for the opinion by then President APJ Abdul Kalam on the constitutional validity of the law passed by then Punjab government-led by Captain Amrinder Singh. The law sought to nullify the court verdicts and unilaterally terminating the almost three-dacade old SYL water sharing agreement. 

    The present judgement implies that the 2004 Act was not in consonance with the apex court judgement of 2003 which had mandated the construction of the SYL canal that has been stalled. The controversial 1981 water sharing agreement came into being after Haryana was carved out of Punjab in 1966. 
  • Global summit on climate change
    Three special sessions, focusing on initiatives taken on afforestation and sustainable transportation in the country, was organised at the Indian pavilion on the third day of the crucial global summit on climate change at Marrakech in Morocco. 

    During the first session on 'Afforestation and REDD+', experts said that the government has asked the forestry sector to help the country meet its goal of creation of 2.5-3 billion tonnes of additional carbon sinks, as per the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). 

    REDD+ stands for Reducing Emissions by Deforestation and Degradation, an initiative finalized under the UN's Paris Agreement in 2015. 

    Emphasis was also placed on promoting the exchange of information and present potential collaborations among South Asian countries that share Himalayan and tropical ecologies. 

    In the second session on ecosystem and climate change, discussions were held on the role of forest in climate change mitigation and adaptation. 

    Representative of Bihar government provided detailed information on the initiatives on the agro-forestry and strategy to meet the climate change risk during the discussions. 

    Showcasing India's efforts on sustainable transport solutions, Railways Ministry with its technical partner, Council on Energy, Environment and Water also hosted the third session on "Sustainable Transport Solutions'. 

    The official statement said that India has focused its low carbon initiatives on the development of railways, waterways, Mass Rapid Transport Systems (MRTS) and other forms of public transport. Initiatives such as the Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFCs) were highlighted during the discussions. 
  • India pledges USD 10.95 mn for UN development activities
    India has pledged about 10.95 million dollar for development activities across several UN bodies for the year 2017, besides processing contribution for the Voluntary Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery and for the Victims of Torture and UN Volunteers. 

    First Secretary in India's Permanent Mission to the UN Mahesh Kumar said this at a Pledging Conference for Development Activities in Geneva. 

    India has announced contribution of about 10.95 million dollar development activities for 2017, including 4.5 million dollar for the UN Development Programme , 1.92 million dollar for the World Food Programme, 1.25 million dollar for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Near East and a million dollars towards UN Women. These apart, India also approved contributions for many other UN bodies, he said. 
  • Centre unveils faster-maturing pulses variety
    Current Affairs The central government unveiled a new, early maturing variety of arhar (red gram). It apparently gives a yield of 20 quintals, the same as many existing varieties but maturing in 120 days, instead of the usual 170-180 days. Called PUSA Arhar-16, it might even be issued for commercial use in January itself, so that farmers could plant by the next kharif season. 

    The new variety gives an average yield of 20 quintals, which though is same as many existing varieties, but more crucially take lesser time to mature making it suitable for northern plains. 

    It would give farmers ample time to grow potato, mustard or wheat in the rabi season thereby making this arhar variety suitable for northern plains. 

    An early release by 2017 January bypassing he mandatory three years multi-field testing parameters would enable the country achieve self-sufficiency in pulses by in the next 3-4 years. 

    Pulses production in India is lower than the demand of 23-24 million tonne (MT). The output had fallen in the last two years due to the drought which sent the prices through the roof, forcing the government to take several measures to check inflation in pulses. 

    Arhar prices in some retail markets had touched to Rs 200 per quintal in 2015 due to supply shortage. India usually produces around 2-3 tonnes of arhar annually, which in 2016 is expected to reach an all-time high 4.29 million tonnes due to record rise in area. 

    The country's pulses output is estimated to increase to 20 MT in 2016-17 crop year (July-June) on account of good monsoon after two drought years. But the production is still lower than domestic demand of 23-24 MT. Pulse production fell to 16.47 MT in 2015-16 crop year from 17.15 MT in the previous year. 
  • Kerala becomes 3rd Open Defecation Free state
    Kerala has become the third Open Defecation Free state in the country. The announcement was made by the Drinking Water and Sanitation Secretary Parameswaran Iyer in New Delhi on 1st November. Earlier, Himachal Pradesh and Sikkim had declared themselves Open Defecation Free. Over 1 lakh villages across the country have become ODF. 
  • NRDC inks 5 tech licensing pacts
    National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) has signed five technology licensing agreements on a single day. 

    The technologies licenced include three Ayurvedic technologies to Ayur Force organics, New Delhi. The technologies have been developed by CCRAS — Ayurvedic anti-diabetic drug and one for treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis; CSIR-NEIST a arthritis herbal formulation. Swadesi Ayurved, Hardwar acquired the Ayush-82 technology. 

    The other licenced technology includes a process for isolation of a major harmful oxidant i.e., parabenzosemiquinone from cigarette smoke. 

    The know-how was developed by Kolkata University. The R&D was funded by CSIR. The technology is licensed to Lambda Pvt Ltd, Delhi, says H Purushotham, Chairman & Managing Director of the Corporation. He said that the vision of NRDC is to sign at least one technology licensing agreement a day is close to realisation and thereby assist the Start-Up India and Standup India Missions of the Centre in a big way. 
  • Google ties up with ASI for virtual tour of monuments
    Google has tied up with Archaelogical Survey of India (ASI) for 360 degree virtual tour of 280-odd monuments across the country. 

    ASI had given the permission to Google for creating the virtual tour, which would be available in the maps. Some of the major monuments are Taj Mahal, Victoria Memorial and the ruins of Hampi, adding eight were from Kolkata. Google has launched an array of products in India like offline view of maps, live traffic alerts and inclusion of unknown places on the maps by local guides. 
  • PM Modi outlines 10-point agenda for disaster risk reduction
    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 3rd November sought greater cohesion in international response to disasters. Inaugurating the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in New Delhi, Mr Modi outlined a ten-point agenda for renewing efforts towards disaster risk reduction. He said, all development sectors must imbibe the principles of disaster risk management and a network of universities should be developed to work on disaster issues. 

    The Prime Minister called for greater involvement and leadership of women in disaster risk management. He said, opportunities provided by social media and mobile technologies should also be utilised. 
    According to Modi
    • India has now fully functional Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System.
    • Countries have to wholeheartedly embrace the spirit of Sendai Framework which calls for an all-of-society approach to disaster risk management.

    Aim of the 3-day conference is to find ways for better management of disaster risk. The conference will come out with a declaration consolidating the political commitment of governments towards preventing and reducing risk as well as strengthening resilience by accelerating implementation. 
  • Maharashtra first state to launch cyber police stations in all districts
    Maharashtra is converting 42 state-of-the-art cyber crime labs into cyber police stations. The move is part of BJP-led government's strategy to take on cyber criminals. Maharashtra is the first state in the country which will have a cyber police station in each district. 

    Any offence related to cyber crime will be registered in these police stations at the district level. Additional cyber police stations will also be set up in some cities. Cyber police stations will also be set up at police commissionerate and Range IG offices. 

    Cyber crime in Maharashtra has risen by a whopping 142.1 per cent in the last few years adding that the state is facing increased cyber crime cases in tier-II cities and also in rural areas. 
  • Voter has right to know candidate’s qualification: Supreme Court
    Every voter has a fundamental right to know the educational qualification of a candidate, who has a duty not to lie about his or her academic past, the Supreme Court has held. 

    The verdict came on appeals filed by Mairembam Prithviraj alias Prithviraj Singh and Pukhrem Sharatchandra Singh against each other challenging the judgment of the Manipur High Court. The HC had declared as “void” the election of Mr. Prithviraj in the 2012 polls on an NCP ticket against Congress nominee Mr. Sharatchandra from the Moirang Assembly seat in Manipur. It was alleged that Mr. Prithviraj, in his nomination papers, had said he was an MBA, which was found to be incorrect. 

    Upholding the HC verdict, Justice Rao said the apex court was not “in dispute that the Appellant did not study MBA in Mysore University” and the plea that it was a “clerical error” could not be accepted. 

    “Since 2008, the Appellant was making the statement that he has an MBA degree. The information provided by him in the affidavit filed in Form 26 would amount to a false declaration. The said false declaration cannot be said to be a defect which is not substantial,” the judgment said. 
  • Govt launches Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan for pregnant women
    Union Health Minister J P Nadda on 4th November launched Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva Abhiyan in New Delhi to improve health care facilities for pregnant women. 

    Under the scheme, pregnant ladies will be given free health check-up and required treatment free of cost on 9th of every month. The scheme will be applicable for pregnant women in all Government hospitals across the country. 
  • India, Venezuela sign deals to increase oil production
    India and Venezuela have signed an oil production deals worth about 1.45 billion US dollar to increase oil production. The agreement was signed between India’s Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC), Venezeulas Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA), and Venezuela’s consortium Delta Finance BVin Caracas, Venezeula on 4th November. 

    The agreement comes amid a severe economic crisis in Venezuela, and it is seen as a way to boost oil production, pay off debts, obtain funds from other foreign partners, and increase the country’s oil income. The Indo-Venezuelan partnership, created in 2009, is expected to double the San Cristobal field daily oil production from 20,000 to 40,000 barrels of oil. 
  • NSAs of India, Japan hold bilateral consultations
    National Security Advisors of India and Japan on 5th November held bilateral consultations in New Delhi. 
    During their discussions
    • Indian National Security Advisor – Ajit Doval
    • Japan National Security Advisor- Shotaro Yachi

    They shared a view that the Special Strategic and Global Partnership between the two countries is a key partnership for promoting peace, prosperity and development in the region and the world. 

    The discussions of the two NSAs centred on important issues covering bilateral, regional and global dimensions and helped to further underscore the commonalities of views, shared interests and need to promote universal values. 

    They agreed on the need for the global community to make concerted efforts to meet the pressing regional and global challenges. 

    The two sides also reviewed the preparations for Prime Minister Narendra Modi's forthcoming visit to Japan. They agreed that the visit of the Prime Minister to Japan is the most significant event in the bilateral relations 2016 and will further underscore the strong bonds of friendship that India and Japan share. 
  • India, China agree to maintain high-level exchanges
    India and China have agreed to maintain the pace of high level exchanges including in the political, economic, defence and counter-terrorism fields. External Affairs Ministry in a release issued in New Delhi said, National Security Advisor Ajit Doval met with State Councilor of China Yang Jiechi on 4th November. They agreed that the forthcoming high level engagement in counter-terrorism field is yet another manifestation of growing convergence of views of two countries on this pressing challenge facing international community. 

    This was the third visit of State Councillor Yang to India in the last two months. The discussions, conducted in a friendly, open and cordial environment, covered a wide agenda spanning bilateral, regional and international issues of mutual interest. 

    Mr Doval and Mr Yang, who are the Special Representatives on the Boundary Question of India and China respectively agreed to hold the 20th Round of Special Representatives talks on the Boundary Question in India in 2017.