Census 2011 is the 15th Census of India since 1872. The slogan of Census 2011 is "Our Census, Our Future".
The present Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India is Sailesh.
Census 2011 covered 35 States/Union Territories, 640 districts, 5,924 Sub-districts, 7,933 Towns and 6, 40,930 Villages.
Total Population
Census 2011 is the 15th Census of India since 1872. The slogan of Census 2011 is "Our Census, Our Future".
Census 2011 covered 35 States/Union Territories, 640 districts, 5,924 Sub-districts, 7,933 Towns and 6, 40,930 Villages.
Total Population
- The total population of India at 0.00 hours of 1st March 2011 is 1210.6 million.
- India’s population accounts for 17.5 per cent of world population.
- The country’s population is almost equal to the populations of the U.S., Indonesia, Brazil, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Japan put together.
- Out of the total increase of 182 million added in the last decade, the contribution of rural and urban areas is equal (91.0 million each).
- The absolute addition is slightly lower than the population of Brazil, the fifth most populous country in the world.
- This makes 2001-2011 as the first decade with the exception of 1911-1921 which has actually added lesser population compared to the previous decade.
- The rural population is 833.5 million and the urban population 377.1 million.
- The rural population constitutes 68.8% and urban population 31.2% of the total population.
- Uttar Pradesh is the most populous State with 199 million people followed by Maharashtra at 112 million people and Lakshadweep is the least populated at 64,429 persons.
- Uttar Pradesh has the largest rural population of 155.3 million (18.6% of the country's rural population).
- Maharashtra has the highest urban population of 50.8 million (13.5% of country's urban population) in the country.
- Himachal Pradesh (90.0%) has the largest proportion of rural population.
- Delhi (97.5%) has the highest proportion of urban population.
- Thane of Maharashtra is the most populated District in India.
- Dibang Valley, Arunachal Pradesh, is the least populated District in India.
- The growth rate of population in India in the last decade is 17.7% (Rural - 12.3%; Urban - 31.8%).
- Meghalaya (27.2%) has recorded the highest decadal growth rate in rural population.
- Daman & Diu (218.8 %) recorded the highest decadal growth rate in urban population during 2001-2011.
- Population density in Census 2011 works out to be 382 showing an increase of 57 points from 2001.
- Delhi (11,320) turns out to be the most densely inhabited followed by Chandigarh (9,258) among all States/UTs, both in 2001 and 2011 Census.
- Among the major States, Bihar occupies the first position with a density of 1106, surpassing West Bengal which occupied the first position during 2001.
- The minimum population density works out in Arunachal Pradesh (17) for both Censuses.
- Among districts in India, highest density district is North East Delhi (37,346 per Sq KM) and lowest density district is Dibang of Arunachal Pradesh (1 per Sq KM).
- The Sex Ratio in the country which was 933 in 2001 has increased by 7 points to 940 in 2011.
- In rural areas, the sex ratio has increased from 946 to 949.
- The corresponding increase in urban areas has been by 29 points from 900 to 929.
- Kerala has recorded the highest sex ratio (1084) in respect of total population.
- Daman and Diu recorded the lowest sex ratio (618) among States and UTs.
- The lowest sex ratio in rural areas has been recorded in Chandigarh (690).
- The corresponding value in urban areas has been returned in Daman & Diu (551).
- The child population in the age group of 0-6 years stands at 164.5 million.
- Compared to Census 2001, the Child population has increased by 0.7 million in the country.
- The growth rate of child population works out to 0.4% in the last decade. However, there has been a decline of 4.1% in rural areas and an increase of 15.6% in urban areas.
- Census 2011 marks a considerable fall in child sex ratio (0-6 years) from 927 to 919 (-8 points) during 2001-2011. This is the lowest sex ratio since 1961.
- The total Scheduled Caste population returned in Census 2011 is 201.4 million.
- The Scheduled Caste population constitutes 16.6 % of the total population.
- The highest proportion of Scheduled Castes has been recorded in Punjab (31.9 %) and the lowest in Mizoram (0.1%).
- The highest number of Scheduled Castes has been recorded in Uttar Pradesh (41.4 million) and the lowest in Mizoram (1,218).
- The total Scheduled Tribe population returned in Census 2011 is 104.3 million.
- The Scheduled Tribe population constitutes 8.6 % of the total population.
- The highest proportion of Scheduled Tribes has been recorded in Lakshadweep (94.8 %) and the lowest in Uttar Pradesh (0.6%).
- The highest number of Scheduled Tribes has been recorded in Madhya Pradesh (15.3 million) and the lowest in Daman & Diu (15,363).
- The number of literates in India is 763.5 million in Census 2011.
- Literacy rate has gone up from 64.83 per cent in 2001 to 74.04 per cent, showing an increase of 9.21 percentage points.
- The literacy rate for males and females works out to 82.14 per cent and 65.46 per cent respectively.
- The increase in literacy rate in males and females during 2001-2011 is in the order of 6.88 and 11.79 percentage points respectively.
- The highest number of rural literates has been recorded in Uttar Pradesh.
- Maharashtra has recorded the highest number of literates in urban areas.
- In percentage terms male literates were 56.9% of the total literates and the female literates were 43.1 % of the total literates.
- Kerala has the highest literacy rate (93.91) followed by Lakshadweep (92.28).
- Bihar has the least literacy rate (63.82) and least goes to Arunachal Pradesh (66.95)
- Andhra Pradesh has population of 8.46 crore, an increase from 7.62 crore in 2001 census.
- The population of Andhra Pradesh forms 6.99 percent of India in 2011.
- The total population growth in this decade was 10.98 percent while in previous decade it was 13.86 percent.
- Density of Andhra Pradesh is 308 per sq km which is lower than national average 382 per sq km. In 2001, density of Andhra Pradesh was 277 per sq km, while nation average in 2001 was 324 per sq km.
- The Sex Ratio in Andhra Pradesh is 993 much better than the national average of 940.
- Literacy rate in Andhra Pradesh is 67.02 percent while male literacy stands at 74.88 percent and female literacy is at 58.68 percent.