Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 1
1.Amoral -lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.
Synonyms -unprincipled, without standards, without morals etc.
Immoral– not conforming to accepted standards of morality.
Synonyms -unethical, bad, morally wrong, wrongful, wicked, evil, unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonest etc.
2. Compose– (of elements) constitute or make up (a whole, or a specified part of it).
Synonyms – make up, constitute, form etc.
Comprise– consist of; be made up of.
Synonyms – consist of, be made up of, contain, take in, embrace, encompass etc.
3. Defy -openly resist or refuse to obey.
Synonyms – disobey, refuse to obey, go against, rebel against, flout, fly in the face of, thumb one’s nose at, disregard, ignore etc.
Deify –worship or regard as a god.
Synonyms – worship, revere, venerate, reverence etc.
4. Ordinance – an authoritative order.
Synonyms – edict, decree, law, injunction, fiat, command, order, rule, ruling, dictum, dictate, directive, mandate, enactment, statute etc.
Ordnance -a branch of government service dealing especially with military stores and materials.
Synonyms– arms, military supplies etc.
5. Dual – consisting of two parts, elements, or aspects.
Synonyms – double, twofold, binary etc.
Duel – a prearranged contest with deadly weapons between two people in order to settle a point of honors.
Synonyms – affair of honor, single combat etc.
6. Deface -spoil the surface or appearance of (something), for example by drawing or writing on it.
Synonyms – vandalize, disfigure, mar, spoil, ruin, deform, sully, tarnish, damage etc.
Efface -erase (a mark) from a surface.
Synonym– wipe out
7. Defuse – make (a situation) less tense or dangerous.
Synonyms – reduce, lessen, diminish, lighten, relieve, ease, alleviate, allay, moderate, mitigate etc.
Diffuse – spread out over a large area; not concentrated.
Synonyms -spread out, diffused, scattered, dispersed, not concentrated etc.
8. Casual -relaxed and unconcerned.
Synonyms -relaxed, friendly, natural, informal, unceremonious, unpretentious, easy-going, free and easy, uninhibited, open etc.
Causal -relating to or acting as a cause.
9. Vale -a valley (used in place names or as a poetic term).
Veil – a piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face.
10. Resource -a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.
Synonyms – assets, funds, wealth, money, riches, capital, deep pockets etc.
Recourse – a source of help in a difficult situation.
Synonyms – option, possibility, alternative, possible course of action, resort, way out, hope, remedy, choice, expedient etc
Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 2
Adopt – legally take (another’s child) and bring it up as one’s own.
Usage – “there are many people eager to adopt a baby”
Usage – “there are many people eager to adopt a baby”
Adept – very skilled or proficient at something.
Usage – “she is adept at cutting through red tape”
Usage – “she is adept at cutting through red tape”
Adapt – make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.
Usage -“hospitals have had to be adapted for modern medical practice”
Usage -“hospitals have had to be adapted for modern medical practice”
Allusion – an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference
Usage – “This place is like a Garden of Eden.” – This is a biblical allusion to the “garden of God” in the Book of Genesis.
Usage – “This place is like a Garden of Eden.” – This is a biblical allusion to the “garden of God” in the Book of Genesis.
Illusion – a deceptive appearance or impression.
Usage – “the illusion of family togetherness”
Usage – “the illusion of family togetherness”
Beside – at the side of; next to.
Usage – “he sat beside me in the front seat”
Usage – “he sat beside me in the front seat”
Besides – in addition to; apart from.
Usage – “I have no other family besides my parents”
Usage – “I have no other family besides my parents”
Credible – able to be believed; convincing.
Usage -“few people found his story credible”
Usage -“few people found his story credible”
Creditable -(of a performance, effort, or action) deserving public acknowledgement and praise but not necessarily outstanding or successful.
Usage – “a very creditable 2–4 defeat”
Usage – “a very creditable 2–4 defeat”
Elicit – evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.
Usage -“I tried to elicit a smile from Joanna”
Usage -“I tried to elicit a smile from Joanna”
Illicit – forbidden by law, rules, or custom.
Usage -“illicit drugs”
Usage -“illicit drugs”
Fain – gladly
Usage – “I am weary and would fain get a little rest”
Usage – “I am weary and would fain get a little rest”
Feign – pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury).
Usage – “she feigned nervousness”
Usage – “she feigned nervousness”
Hoard – a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded.
Usage – “he came back to rescue his little hoard of gold”
Usage – “he came back to rescue his little hoard of gold”
Horde – a large group of people.
Usage – “How can you deal with this?” she asked, staring at the horde of women.
Usage – “How can you deal with this?” she asked, staring at the horde of women.
Industrial – relating to or characterized by industry.
Usage – “industrial waste”
Usage – “industrial waste”
Industrious – diligent and hard-working.
Usage – “an industrious people striving to make their country prosperous”
Usage – “an industrious people striving to make their country prosperous”
Loath – reluctant; unwilling.
Usage – “I was loath to leave”
Usage – “I was loath to leave”
Loathe – feel intense dislike or disgust for.
Usage – “she loathed him on sight”
Usage – “she loathed him on sight”
Proceed – move forward.
Usage -“from the High Street, proceed over Magdalen Bridge”
Usage -“from the High Street, proceed over Magdalen Bridge”
Precede – come before (something) in time.
Usage – “a gun battle had preceded the explosions”
Usage – “a gun battle had preceded the explosions”
Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 3
Broach– to raise a subject for discussion
Synonyms -interject, interpose, introduce, mention, moot, move, offer, open up, propose, raise subject, speak of
Brooch– a piece of jewellery
Synonyms -bar pin, breastpin, clip, cluster, jewelry
Complacent -smug and self-satisfied
Synonyms-egoistic, egotistic, gratified, happy, obsequious, pleased, satisfied, self-assured, self-contented, self-pleased
Complaisant -willing to please
Synonyms -easy-going, friendly, generous, good-humored, good-natured, good-tempered, indulgent, lenient, mild, obliging, polite
Discreet-careful not to attract attention
Synonyms -careful, chary,circumspect,civil,conservative,considerate,controlled,diplomatic,discerning, discriminating,gingerly,guarded, having foresight
Discrete-separate and distinct
Synonyms -different,disconnected, discontinuous,distinct,diverse,separate,several, unattached
Titillate-to arouse interest
Synonyms- entertain, grab, grapple, hook, interest, palpate, provoke, switch on, tantalize, tease, thrill, tickle
Titivate-to make more attractive
Synonyms -clothe, deck out, embellish, fit out, fix up, gussy up, improve, overdress, preen, prettify, primp, prink, slick, smarten, spiff up.
Altar-a sacred table in a church
Synonyms-chantry, font, reredos, retable, shrine, tabernacle
Alter-to change
Synonyms -change, convert, cook, correct mid-course, develop, dial back, diversify, doctor, fine tune, make different, metamorphose, modify, mutate
Exercise-physical activity; to do physical activity
Synonyms -activity, calisthenics, constitutional, daily dozen,discipline,drill, drilling,examination, exercising,exertion, gym,labor,lesson,movement
Exorcise-to drive out an evil spirit
Synonyms -cast out,dismiss, drive out,expel,purge,purify,remove
Grisly-gruesome, revolting
Synonyms-blood-stained,bloody,disgusting,dreadful,eerie, frightful,ghastly,grim, grody,gross,gruesome
Grizzly-a type of bear
Synonyms -gray,leaden, silvertip, white-haired
Prescribe-to authorize use of medicine; to order authoritatively
Synonyms -command, decide, decree, define, designate, determine, dictate, direct, enjoin, establish, fix, guide, impose, lay down, ordain, order, pick out
Proscribe-to officially forbid something
Synonyms -boycott, censure, damn, denounce, deport, doom, embargo, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel, forbid, interdict, ostracize, outlaw
Sceptic-a person inclined to doubt
Synonyms -denouncer, dissenter, dissident, heretic, image-breaker, non-conformist, nonbeliever, questioner, radical, rebel, revolutionist, ruiner
Septic-infected with bacteria
Synonyms -corrupt, corruptive, dangerous, deadly, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, evil, fatal, hurtful, infective, lethal, malicious, malignant
Tortuous-full of twists; complex
Synonyms -circuitous, convoluted, crooked, curved, flexuous, indirect, involute, labyrinthine, mazy, meandering, meandrous, roundabout, serpentine
Torturous-full of pain or suffering
Synonyms -bothersome, distressing, excruciating, harrowing, harrying, plaguing, punishing, troubling
Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 4
Adverse:Hostile, unfavorable
Usage – The adverse weather conditions forced them to turn back.
Synonyms – conflicting, contrary, detrimental, disadvantageous, down on, down side, have no use for, inimical, injurious, inopportune
Averse:Reluctant, to dislike
Usage – I am not averse to hearing your suggestions.
Synonyms – reluctant, unfriendly, unwilling
Aggravate: To make worse
Usage- Lying to cover up a crime will aggravate the offense.
Synonyms – provoke, get on one’s nerves, get to, give a hard time
Aggregate: To collect together or total
Usage – Charges for a corporate Web site can aggregate into tens of thousands of dollars.
Synonyms – accumulated, added, amassed, assembled, collected, collective, combined, composite, corporate
Ail:To cause trouble or discomfort to
Usage – What ails you?
Synonyms – afflict, annoy, bother, distress, pain, sicken, trouble, upset
Ale:An alcoholic beverage, stronger than beer
Usage – My friend and I will have two pints of ale, bartender.
Allusion:Indirect or casual mention
Usage- No one made any allusion to the scandal while she was in the room.
Synonyms – charge, citation, connotation, denotation, figure of speech, implication, imputation, incidental mention
Illusion:Presentation of a false or misleading idea
Usage – The magician gave the illusion of sawing the woman in half.
Synonyms – false impression, fancy, fantasy, figment of imagination,
Delusion:Mistaken belief while in a confused state of mind
Usage – He was under the delusion that he could fly.
Elusion:Evasion or clever escape
Usage – The embezzlers celebrated their elusion of the police a little too soon.
Altar: Worship table
Usage – The priest approached the altar.
Alter: Change
Usage – Nothing you can say will alter my plans.
Synonyms – adapt, adjust, amend, change, convert, cook, correct mid-course, develop, dial back, diversify
Any one:Whichever unit
Usage – You can have any one of these prizes.
Anyone:Any person whatever
Usage – Anyone having information about the whereabouts of the suspect, please come forward.
Arc:A curved line
Usage – A rainbow is an arc.
Ark:A large, flat-bottomed boat
Usage – They loaded the grain on the ark and floated it down the river.
Bouillon:Clear soup with a strong flavor
Usage – For the first course I’ll have beef bouillon.
Synonyms – bowl, brew, chowder, concoction, consommé, decoction, dishwater, distillation, elixir, fluid
Bullion:Precious metals, formed into bars
Usage – The coach was loaded with hundreds of bars of gold bullion.
Calendar: Device for showing divisions of time
Usage – Mark this date on your calendar.
Usage – Use the colander to drain the noodles.
Synonyms – bowl-shaped sieve, sifter, utensil
Cue:Signal to begin
Usage – At the meeting, I won’t say anything until I get the cue from you.
Synonyms – catchword, clue, hint, hot lead, idea, in the wind, indication, inkling, innuendo, intimation
Queue:People in line
Usage – We had to wait in the queue to get tickets for the movie.
Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 5
1.Vile – extremely unpleasant.
Synonyms – bad, disagreeable, horrid, horrible, dreadful, abominable, atrocious, offensive, obnoxious, odious, unsavory, repulsive, off-putting, repellent, revolting, repugnant, disgusting, distasteful, loathsome
Wile – devious or cunning stratagems employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what one wants.
Synonyms – tricks, ruses, ploys, schemes, dodges, gambits, subterfuges, cunning stratagems, artifices, devices
2. Severe – strict or harsh.
Synonyms – harsh, hard, bitter, bitterly cold, cold, bleak, freezing, acute, very bad, serious, grave, critical, dire, drastic, grievous, extreme, dreadful, terrible, awful
Sewer – an underground conduit for carrying off drainage water and waste matter.
3. Sight –the faculty or power of seeing.
Synonyms – eyesight, vision, eyes, faculty of sight, power of sight, ability to see, visual perception, observation
Site – an area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is constructed.
Synonyms – plot, lot, area
Cite – refer to as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement
Synonyms – quote, reproduce
4. Shear – break off or cause to break off, owing to a structural strain.
Sheer –nothing other than
Synonyms – utter, complete, absolute, total, pure, perfect, downright, out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing
5. Naval –relating to a navy or navies.
Navel –a rounded knotty depression in the center of a person’s belly caused by the detachment of the umbilical cord after birth
Synonyms – belly button, tummy button; technical umbilicus
6. Pore –a minute opening in a surface
Synonyms – opening, orifice, aperture, hole, outlet, inlet, vent
Pour –flow rapidly in a steady stream.
Synonyms – stream, flow, run, gush, cascade, course, spout, jet, spurt, flood, surge, spill, rush, well
7. Fatal –causing death.
Synonyms – deadly, lethal, mortal, causing death, death dealing
Fateful –having far-reaching and often disastrous consequences or implications.
Synonyms – decisive, determining, critical, crucial, pivotal
8. Forego –go before
Forgo –go without
Synonyms – do without, go without, give up, waive, renounce, surrender
9. Ingenious –clever, original, and inventive.
Synonyms – inventive, creative, imaginative, original, innovative, resourceful, enterprising, insightful, inspired
Ingenuous –innocent and unsuspecting.
Synonyms – naive, innocent, simple, childlike, trusting, trustful, over-trusting, unwary, unsuspicious, unguarded
10. Perpetrate – carry out or commit
Synonyms – commit, carry out, perform, execute, do, effect, bring about, be guilty of, be to blame for
Perpetuate –make continue indefinitely.
Synonyms – keep alive, keep going, keep in existence, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain.
Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 6
1. Luxuriant –rich and profuse in growth
Synonyms – lush, rich, abundant, superabundant, profuse, exuberant, prolific, teeming, flourishing, fecund, thrivingLuxurious –extremely comfortable or elegant
Synonyms – self-indulgent, sensual, pleasure-loving, comfort-seeking, epicurean, hedonistic, sybaritic
2. Suit –a set of outer clothes made of the same fabric and designed to be worn together
Synonyms – outfit, set of clothes, costume
Soot –a deep black powdery or flaky
Suite –a set of rooms designated for one person’s or family’s use or for a particular purpose.
Synonyms – apartment, flat, set of rooms, suite of rooms
3. Wave –move one’s hand to and fro in greeting or as a signal
Synonyms – gesture, gesticulate, signal, sign, beckon, indicate, motion
Waive –refrain from insisting on or using
Synonyms – relinquish, renounce, give up, abandon, reject, surrender, yield, cede, do without
4. Negligent –failing to take proper care over something
Synonyms – careless, failing to take proper care, remiss, neglectful, lax, irresponsible, inattentive, heedless
Negligible –so small or unimportant as to be not worth considering
5. Palate –the roof of the mouth
Palette –a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colours
Pellet –a small, rounded
Synonyms – little ball, little piece
6. Violence –behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage
Synonyms – brutality, brute force, roughness, ferocity, fierceness, savagery, cruelty, sadism, barbarity
Violation –the action of violating someone or something
Synonyms – contravention, breach, infringement, infraction, breaking, transgression
7. Decent –of an acceptable standard
Synonyms – satisfactory, reasonable, fair, acceptable, adequate, sufficient, sufficiently good, good enough, ample, up to scratch, up to the mark, up to standard
Descent –an act of moving downwards, dropping
Synonyms – going down, coming down
Dissent –the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held
8. Fortuitous –happening by chance rather than intention
Synonyms – chance, unexpected, unanticipated, unpredictable, unforeseen, unlooked-for, serendipitous
Fortunate –favored by or involving good luck
Synonyms – lucky, favored, blessed, blessed with good luck, in luck
9. Deprecate –express disapproval of
Synonyms – disapprove of, deplore, abhor, find unacceptable, be against, frown on, take a dim view of
Depreciate –diminish in value over a period of time.
Synonyms – decrease in value, lose value, decline in price, drop in price, fall in price, cheapen, devalue
10. Prescribe –advise and authorize the use of (a medicine or treatment) for someone
Synonyms – order, advise, authorize, direct
Proscribe –forbid, especially by law
Synonyms – forbid, prohibit, ban, bar, disallow, rule out, embargo, veto, make illegal, interdict, outlaw, taboo