Sunday, 7 January 2018

Spoken English (Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 1 to 6)

Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 1

1.Amoral -lacking a moral sense; unconcerned with the rightness or wrongness of something.
Synonyms -unprincipled, without standards, without morals etc.
Immoral– not conforming to accepted standards of morality.
Synonyms -unethical, bad, morally wrong, wrongful, wicked, evil, unprincipled, unscrupulous, dishonest etc.
2. Compose– (of elements) constitute or make up (a whole, or a specified part of it).
Synonyms – make up, constitute, form etc.
Comprise– consist of; be made up of.
Synonyms – consist of, be made up of, contain, take in, embrace, encompass etc.
3. Defy -openly resist or refuse to obey.
Synonyms – disobey, refuse to obey, go against, rebel against, flout, fly in the face of, thumb one’s nose at, disregard, ignore etc.
Deify –worship or regard as a god.
Synonyms – worship, revere, venerate, reverence etc.
4. Ordinance – an authoritative order.
Synonyms – edict, decree, law, injunction, fiat, command, order, rule, ruling, dictum, dictate, directive, mandate, enactment, statute etc.
Ordnance -a branch of government service dealing especially with military stores and materials.
Synonyms– arms, military supplies etc.
5. Dual – consisting of two parts, elements, or aspects.
Synonyms – double, twofold, binary etc.
Duel – a prearranged contest with deadly weapons between two people in order to settle a point of honors.
Synonyms – affair of honor, single combat etc.
6. Deface -spoil the surface or appearance of (something), for example by drawing or writing on it.
Synonyms – vandalize, disfigure, mar, spoil, ruin, deform, sully, tarnish, damage etc.
Efface -erase (a mark) from a surface.
Synonym– wipe out
7. Defuse – make (a situation) less tense or dangerous.
Synonyms – reduce, lessen, diminish, lighten, relieve, ease, alleviate, allay, moderate, mitigate etc.
Diffuse – spread out over a large area; not concentrated.
Synonyms -spread out, diffused, scattered, dispersed, not concentrated etc.
8. Casual -relaxed and unconcerned.
Synonyms -relaxed, friendly, natural, informal, unceremonious, unpretentious, easy-going, free and easy, uninhibited, open etc.
Causal -relating to or acting as a cause.
9. Vale -a valley (used in place names or as a poetic term).
Veil – a piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face.
10. Resource -a stock or supply of money, materials, staff, and other assets that can be drawn on by a person or organization in order to function effectively.
Synonyms – assets, funds, wealth, money, riches, capital, deep pockets etc.
Recourse – a source of help in a difficult situation.
Synonyms – option, possibility, alternative, possible course of action, resort, way out, hope, remedy, choice, expedient etc

Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 2

Adopt – legally take (another’s child) and bring it up as one’s own.
Usage – “there are many people eager to adopt a baby”
Adept – very skilled or proficient at something.
Usage – “she is adept at cutting through red tape”
Adapt – make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose; modify.
Usage -“hospitals have had to be adapted for modern medical practice”

Allusion – an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference
Usage – “This place is like a Garden of Eden.” – This is a biblical allusion to the “garden of God” in the Book of Genesis.
Illusion – a deceptive appearance or impression.
Usage – “the illusion of family togetherness”

Beside – at the side of; next to.
Usage – “he sat beside me in the front seat”
Besides – in addition to; apart from.
Usage – “I have no other family besides my parents”

Credible – able to be believed; convincing.
Usage -“few people found his story credible”
Creditable -(of a performance, effort, or action) deserving public acknowledgement and praise but not necessarily outstanding or successful.
Usage – “a very creditable 2–4 defeat”

Elicit – evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.
Usage -“I tried to elicit a smile from Joanna”
Illicit – forbidden by law, rules, or custom.
Usage -“illicit drugs”

Fain – gladly
Usage – “I am weary and would fain get a little rest”
Feign – pretend to be affected by (a feeling, state, or injury).
Usage – “she feigned nervousness”

Hoard – a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded.
Usage – “he came back to rescue his little hoard of gold”
Horde – a large group of people.
Usage – “How can you deal with this?” she asked, staring at the horde of women.

Industrial – relating to or characterized by industry.
Usage – “industrial waste”
Industrious – diligent and hard-working.
Usage – “an industrious people striving to make their country prosperous”

Loath – reluctant; unwilling.
Usage – “I was loath to leave”
Loathe – feel intense dislike or disgust for.
Usage – “she loathed him on sight”

Proceed – move forward.
Usage -“from the High Street, proceed over Magdalen Bridge”
Precede – come before (something) in time.
Usage – “a gun battle had preceded the explosions”

Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 3

Broach– to raise a subject for discussion
Synonyms -interject, interpose, introduce, mention, moot, move, offer, open up, propose, raise subject, speak of
Brooch– a piece of jewellery
Synonyms -bar pin, breastpin, clip, cluster, jewelry

Complacent -smug and self-satisfied
Synonyms-egoistic, egotistic, gratified, happy, obsequious, pleased, satisfied, self-assured, self-contented, self-pleased
Complaisant -willing to please
Synonyms -easy-going, friendly, generous, good-humored, good-natured, good-tempered, indulgent, lenient, mild, obliging, polite

Discreet-careful not to attract attention
Synonyms -careful, chary,circumspect,civil,conservative,considerate,controlled,diplomatic,discerning, discriminating,gingerly,guarded, having foresight
Discrete-separate and distinct
Synonyms -different,disconnected, discontinuous,distinct,diverse,separate,several, unattached

Titillate-to arouse interest
Synonyms- entertain, grab, grapple, hook, interest, palpate, provoke, switch on, tantalize, tease, thrill, tickle
Titivate-to make more attractive
Synonyms -clothe, deck out, embellish, fit out, fix up, gussy up, improve, overdress, preen, prettify, primp, prink, slick, smarten, spiff up.

Altar-a sacred table in a church
Synonyms-chantry, font, reredos, retable, shrine, tabernacle
Alter-to change
Synonyms -change, convert, cook, correct mid-course, develop, dial back, diversify, doctor, fine tune, make different, metamorphose, modify, mutate

Exercise-physical activity; to do physical activity
Synonyms -activity, calisthenics, constitutional, daily dozen,discipline,drill, drilling,examination, exercising,exertion, gym,labor,lesson,movement
Exorcise-to drive out an evil spirit
Synonyms -cast out,dismiss, drive out,expel,purge,purify,remove

Grisly-gruesome, revolting
Synonyms-blood-stained,bloody,disgusting,dreadful,eerie, frightful,ghastly,grim, grody,gross,gruesome
Grizzly-a type of bear
Synonyms -gray,leaden, silvertip, white-haired

Prescribe-to authorize use of medicine; to order authoritatively
Synonyms -command, decide, decree, define, designate, determine, dictate, direct, enjoin, establish, fix, guide, impose, lay down, ordain, order, pick out
Proscribe-to officially forbid something
Synonyms -boycott, censure, damn, denounce, deport, doom, embargo, excommunicate, exile, expatriate, expel, forbid, interdict, ostracize, outlaw

Sceptic-a person inclined to doubt
Synonyms -denouncer, dissenter, dissident, heretic, image-breaker, non-conformist, nonbeliever, questioner, radical, rebel, revolutionist, ruiner
Septic-infected with bacteria
Synonyms -corrupt, corruptive, dangerous, deadly, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, evil, fatal, hurtful, infective, lethal, malicious, malignant

Tortuous-full of twists; complex
Synonyms -circuitous, convoluted, crooked, curved, flexuous, indirect, involute, labyrinthine, mazy, meandering, meandrous, roundabout, serpentine
Torturous-full of pain or suffering
Synonyms -bothersome, distressing, excruciating, harrowing, harrying, plaguing, punishing, troubling


Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 4

Adverse:Hostile, unfavorable
Usage – The adverse weather conditions forced them to turn back.
Synonyms – conflicting, contrary, detrimental, disadvantageous, down on, down side, have no use for, inimical, injurious, inopportune
Averse:Reluctant, to dislike
Usage – I am not averse to hearing your suggestions.
Synonyms – reluctant, unfriendly, unwilling

Aggravate: To make worse
Usage- Lying to cover up a crime will aggravate the offense.
Synonyms – provoke, get on one’s nerves, get to, give a hard time
Aggregate: To collect together or total
Usage – Charges for a corporate Web site can aggregate into tens of thousands of dollars.
Synonyms – accumulated, added, amassed, assembled, collected, collective, combined, composite, corporate

Ail:To cause trouble or discomfort to
Usage – What ails you?
Synonyms – afflict, annoy, bother, distress, pain, sicken, trouble, upset
Ale:An alcoholic beverage, stronger than beer
Usage – My friend and I will have two pints of ale, bartender.

Allusion:Indirect or casual mention
Usage- No one made any allusion to the scandal while she was in the room.
Synonyms – charge, citation, connotation, denotation, figure of speech, implication, imputation, incidental mention
Illusion:Presentation of a false or misleading idea
Usage – The magician gave the illusion of sawing the woman in half.
Synonyms – false impression, fancy, fantasy, figment of imagination,
Delusion:Mistaken belief while in a confused state of mind
Usage – He was under the delusion that he could fly.
Elusion:Evasion or clever escape
Usage – The embezzlers celebrated their elusion of the police a little too soon.  

Altar: Worship table
Usage – The priest approached the altar.
Alter: Change
Usage – Nothing you can say will alter my plans.
Synonyms – adapt, adjust, amend, change, convert, cook, correct mid-course, develop, dial back, diversify

Any one:Whichever unit
Usage – You can have any one of these prizes.
Anyone:Any person whatever
Usage – Anyone having information about the whereabouts of the suspect, please come forward.

Arc:A curved line
Usage – A rainbow is an arc.
Ark:A large, flat-bottomed boat
Usage – They loaded the grain on the ark and floated it down the river.

Bouillon:Clear soup with a strong flavor
Usage – For the first course I’ll have beef bouillon.
Synonyms – bowl, brew, chowder, concoction, consommé, decoction, dishwater, distillation, elixir, fluid
Bullion:Precious metals, formed into bars
Usage – The coach was loaded with hundreds of bars of gold bullion.

Calendar: Device for showing divisions of time
Usage – Mark this date on your calendar.
Usage – Use the colander to drain the noodles.
Synonyms – bowl-shaped sieve, sifter, utensil

Cue:Signal to begin
Usage – At the meeting, I won’t say anything until I get the cue from you.
Synonyms – catchword, clue, hint, hot lead, idea, in the wind, indication, inkling, innuendo, intimation
Queue:People in line
Usage – We had to wait in the queue to get tickets for the movie.

Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 5

1.Vile – extremely unpleasant.
Synonyms – bad, disagreeable, horrid, horrible, dreadful, abominable, atrocious, offensive, obnoxious, odious, unsavory, repulsive, off-putting, repellent, revolting, repugnant, disgusting, distasteful, loathsome
Wile – devious or cunning stratagems employed in manipulating or persuading someone to do what one wants.
Synonyms – tricks, ruses, ploys, schemes, dodges, gambits, subterfuges, cunning stratagems, artifices, devices
2. Severe – strict or harsh.
Synonyms – harsh, hard, bitter, bitterly cold, cold, bleak, freezing, acute, very bad, serious, grave, critical, dire, drastic, grievous, extreme, dreadful, terrible, awful
Sewer – an underground conduit for carrying off drainage water and waste matter.
3. Sight –the faculty or power of seeing.
Synonyms – eyesight, vision, eyes, faculty of sight, power of sight, ability to see, visual perception, observation
Site – an area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is constructed.
Synonyms – plot, lot, area
Cite – refer to as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement
Synonyms – quote, reproduce
4. Shear – break off or cause to break off, owing to a structural strain.
Sheer –nothing other than
Synonyms – utter, complete, absolute, total, pure, perfect, downright, out-and-out, thorough, thoroughgoing 
5. Naval –relating to a navy or navies.
Navel –a rounded knotty depression in the center of a person’s belly caused by the detachment of the umbilical cord after birth
Synonyms – belly button, tummy button; technical umbilicus 
6. Pore –a minute opening in a surface
Synonyms – opening, orifice, aperture, hole, outlet, inlet, vent
Pour –flow rapidly in a steady stream.
Synonyms – stream, flow, run, gush, cascade, course, spout, jet, spurt, flood, surge, spill, rush, well
7. Fatal –causing death.
Synonyms – deadly, lethal, mortal, causing death, death dealing
Fateful –having far-reaching and often disastrous consequences or implications.
Synonyms – decisive, determining, critical, crucial, pivotal
8. Forego –go before
Forgo –go without
Synonyms – do without, go without, give up, waive, renounce, surrender
9. Ingenious –clever, original, and inventive.
Synonyms – inventive, creative, imaginative, original, innovative, resourceful, enterprising, insightful, inspired
Ingenuous –innocent and unsuspecting.
Synonyms – naive, innocent, simple, childlike, trusting, trustful, over-trusting, unwary, unsuspicious, unguarded
10. Perpetrate – carry out or commit
Synonyms – commit, carry out, perform, execute, do, effect, bring about, be guilty of, be to blame for
Perpetuate –make continue indefinitely.
Synonyms – keep alive, keep going, keep in existence, preserve, conserve, sustain, maintain.

Confusing Words With Word Meanings – 6

1. Luxuriant –rich and profuse in growth

Synonyms – lush, rich, abundant, superabundant, profuse, exuberant, prolific, teeming, flourishing, fecund, thriving
Luxurious –extremely comfortable or elegant
Synonyms – self-indulgent, sensual, pleasure-loving, comfort-seeking, epicurean, hedonistic, sybaritic
2. Suit –a set of outer clothes made of the same fabric and designed to be worn together
Synonyms – outfit, set of clothes, costume
Soot –a deep black powdery or flaky
Suite –a set of rooms designated for one person’s or family’s use or for a particular purpose.
Synonyms – apartment, flat, set of rooms, suite of rooms
3. Wave –move one’s hand to and fro in greeting or as a signal
Synonyms – gesture, gesticulate, signal, sign, beckon, indicate, motion
Waive –refrain from insisting on or using
Synonyms – relinquish, renounce, give up, abandon, reject, surrender, yield, cede, do without
4. Negligent –failing to take proper care over something
Synonyms – careless, failing to take proper care, remiss, neglectful, lax, irresponsible, inattentive, heedless
Negligible –so small or unimportant as to be not worth considering
5. Palate –the roof of the mouth
Palette –a thin board or slab on which an artist lays and mixes colours
Pellet –a small, rounded
Synonyms – little ball, little piece
6. Violence –behaviour involving physical force intended to hurt, damage
Synonyms – brutality, brute force, roughness, ferocity, fierceness, savagery, cruelty, sadism, barbarity
Violation –the action of violating someone or something
Synonyms – contravention, breach, infringement, infraction, breaking, transgression
7. Decent –of an acceptable standard
Synonyms – satisfactory, reasonable, fair, acceptable, adequate, sufficient, sufficiently good, good enough, ample, up to scratch, up to the mark, up to standard
Descent –an act of moving downwards, dropping
Synonyms – going down, coming down
Dissent –the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held
8. Fortuitous –happening by chance rather than intention
Synonyms – chance, unexpected, unanticipated, unpredictable, unforeseen, unlooked-for, serendipitous
Fortunate –favored by or involving good luck
Synonyms – lucky, favored, blessed, blessed with good luck, in luck
9. Deprecate –express disapproval of
Synonyms – disapprove of, deplore, abhor, find unacceptable, be against, frown on, take a dim view of
Depreciate –diminish in value over a period of time.
Synonyms – decrease in value, lose value, decline in price, drop in price, fall in price, cheapen, devalue
10. Prescribe –advise and authorize the use of (a medicine or treatment) for someone
Synonyms – order, advise, authorize, direct
Proscribe –forbid, especially by law
Synonyms – forbid, prohibit, ban, bar, disallow, rule out, embargo, veto, make illegal, interdict, outlaw, taboo

Spoken English (100 Most Important Idioms And Phrases With Meaning And Example)

100 Most Important Idioms And Phrases With Meaning And Example

1.  Acid Test-
Meaning - Acid test proves the effectiveness of something.
Example - I practiced hard at the dance sessions but the acid test will come when the master will assess our solo performances.
2.  Cut the ground from under feet-
Meaning - When you cut the ground from under someone's feet, you do something which weakens their position.
Example - When team India hit more than 350 runs in the ODI, they cut the ground from under the opponent's feet.
3.  Chase your tail-
Meaning - Spending a lot of time and energy doing a lot of things but actually achieving too little.
Example - He's been chasing his tail all week collecting data but the report is still not ready
4.  Whole bag of tricks -
Meaning - Means trying all the clever means to achieve something.
Example - It was really difficult to find the information even after applying the whole bag of tricks.
5.  Deliver the goods -
Meaning - Do what is expected or promised.
Example - I have given my car to a new mechanic for repair, hope he delivers the goods.
6.  Fine-tooth comb -
Meaning - Examining something carefully to not miss out any details.
Example - The boss examined my report with a fine tooth comb before submitting it to the senior management.
7.  Explore all avenues-
Meaning - Trying out every possibility to get a result.
Example - It is a difficult thing to do but if we really want it done, we must explore all avenues.
8.  Fast track something -
Meaning - Rating something higher on your priority list to achieve the desired result. 
Example - In view of the seriousness of the crime, the civil society is pressing up on a fast track decision from the court.
9 . Get ducks in a row -
Meaning - Getting your things well organized.
Example - To ensure a successful product launch, we must get our ducks in a row.
10.  Get the show on the road -
Meaning - Putting up a plan or idea into action.
Example - Now that we have completed all the legal formalities, let's get the show on the road.
11.  Keep your fingers on the pulse -
Meaning - Being constantly aware of the most recent developments.
Example - An entrepreneur must keep his fingers on the pulse of the market to be successful.
12.  Mean business -
Meaning - Being serious about what you announce.
Example - Now that all our policies about work are put up on intranet, we mean business.

13.  Think on your feet -
Meaning - Adjusting quickly to changes and making fast decisions.
Example - A good sales man must be able to think on his feet to close the deal.
14.  Sail through something -
Meaning - Being successful in doing something without difficulty.
Example - The presentation at the national conference was extremely important for the company. We sailed through it.
15.  Tricks of the trade:
Meaning - Clever or expert way of doing something.
Example - Being into the construction business for last 10 years, I know all tricks of the trade.

16.  Not let grass grow under feet -
Meaning - Don't delay in getting something done.
Example - As soon as he finished all the registration formalities, he put the house on sale. He doesn't let the grass grow under his feet.
17.  Work like a charm -
Meaning - Works very well or has the desired effect.
Example - I had cloves from my sore throat and they worked like a charm.

18.  Back-room boys -
Meaning - People who perform important work but have no contact with the public. 
Example - Our back room boys deserve applause for the success of this advertisement.
19.  Dead wood -
Meaning - People or things which are no longer useful or necessary.
Example - The Company bought in a lot of new computers. They no longer want the dead woods.
20.  Get the axe -
Meaning - lose the job.
Example - The projects team was undergoing a major restructuring, recruitment executives were the first to get the axe.
21.  Plum job -
Meaning - Desirable position which is well-paid and considered relatively easy. 
Example - This looks like a plum job but it has its own bunch of complications.
22.  Shape up or ship out -
Meaning - This expression is used to warn someone that if they do not improve their ways, they will have to leave their job.
Example - When Tom started neglecting the customers, he was told to shape up or ship out.

23.  Golden handshake -
Meaning - Big sum of money given to a person when they leave a company or retire. 
Example - The management of various PSUs wanted to cut down on the man power. They offered a golden hand shake to many of their aged employees.
24.  Separate sheep from goats -
Meaning - Examining a group of people and deciding their suitability
Example - Audition test was conducted by the director to separate sheep from goats.

25.  Waiting in the wings -
Meaning - Waiting for an opportunity to take action, mostly to replace someone else in their job.
Example - The senior manager is going to retire in next 2 months. Two of his juniors who are waiting in the wings will have a fierce competition.
26.  Eat, sleep and breathe something -
Meaning - Being so enthusiastic and passionate about something that you think about it all the time.
Example - My son has recently learnt cycling. He eats, sleeps and breathes it now.

27.  With bells on -
Meaning - When you are delighted and eager to go somewhere, you are said to go with bells on.
Example - The New Year party at the beach is most awaited. I will be there - with bells on.

28.  Fever pitch -
Meaning - When a feeling is very intense and exciting, it is said to be at a fever pitch. 
Example - His love for music had reached a fever pitch before he became a world known musician.
29.  Blood, sweat and tears -
Meaning - Something that requires a lot of effort and hard work.
Example - Being the team of Indian cricket team is not just a matter of luck for him, it is his blood, sweat and tears which has got him here.
30.  Have on the brain -
Meaning - Thinking or talking about it all day long.
Example - He has just got engaged. Now, he has his fiance on his brain all the time.
31.  Fling yourself into -
Meaning - Doing something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
Example - Flinging himself into the exercise routine is the reason for his good physique.
32.  Raring to go -
Meaning - Being very eager and enthusiastic about the idea of doing something. 
Example - My kids wish to see the animals. They are raring to go to zoo.
33.  Xerox subsidy -
Meaning - Using the office photocopier for personal use.  
Example - The office now has a strict policy about Xerox subsidy.
34.  Get a grip on yourself -
Meaning - Controlling your feelings to deal with a situation.
Example - Reema saw her jewelry and cash missing from the almirah. After the initial shock, she got a grip on herself and called up the police.
35.  Hang on by fingernails -
Meaning - Continuing to do something in a very difficult situation.
Example - The market of watches has suffered a big loss after the arrival of mobile phones. The survivors are just hanging on by their fingernails.
36.  Pull out all the stops -
Meaning - Doing everything you can to make something successful.
Example - The deadline for the project is fast arriving; we have pulled out all the stops for timely completion.
37.  Buckle down -
Meaning - Doing some hard work with determination and full attention.
Example - Getting through the exam for civil services is possible when you have buckled down yourself.
38.  First out of the gate -
Meaning - Being the first one to make a start at something.
Example - John and his friends had decided to voice their opinion against the new economic policy. John was the first one to be out of the gate.
39.  Going places -
Meaning - Exhibiting talent and ability that will lead to a successful future.
Example - Rakesh was a performer at the school sports club. It was obvious that he was going places.
40.  Have one's heart set on -
Meaning - Possessing a determination to obtain something.
Example - He has not become a renowned cardiologist just by chance. He has his heart set on it after his father passed away with a cardiac arrest.
41.  Make headway -
Meaning - Progress in what you are trying to achieve.
Example - The police have made headway with their investigation in the terror attack on the city last Friday.
42.  Punch above one's weight-
Meaning - Performing beyond your ability.
Example - He was not the best swimmer around but he could win the gold medal at the state swimming competition by working hard and punching above his weight in the finals.
43.  Sink your teeth into -
Meaning - doing something with a lot of energy and enthusiasm.
Example - Marie joined the badminton coaching classes. She sank her teeth into the practice sessions.
44.  Stand one's ground -
Meaning - Maintaining your position.
Example - He stood his ground in support of his friend in spite of several family interferences.
45.  Close to home -
Meaning - A comment which is true and makes you uncomfortable is close to home. 
Example - Tom's comment about his friend's unethical activities was quite close to home. He looked quite embarrassed.
46.  Carry the torch for -
Meaning - Having strong feelings for someone who cannot be yours.
Example - He has been carrying a torch for Mamta, who is now married to Nitin, since they studied together in college.
47.  Cork up something -
Meaning - Failing to express your emotions.
Example - She did not let her grief pour out when her father passed away. It’s not good for her to cork up his feelings.
48.  Cut to the quick -
Meaning - Hurting someone deeply or offending them.
Example - Joe had worked for 10 years with all his loyalty for his company. He was cut to the quick when his boss held him responsible for the theft.
49.  Fish out of water -
Meaning - Feeling uncomfortable in unfamiliar surroundings.
Example - Being French, I felt like a fish out of water in the group of Japanese.
50.  Bee in one's bonnet -
Meaning - Carrying an idea which constantly occupies your thoughts.
Example - She is not happy in Africa. She has a bee in the bonnet about moving to Dubai.
51.  Deep down -
Meaning - Describing what a person really feels deep inside or what is he like.
Example - He appears to be indifferent to the success or failure of his children but deep down he is highly concerned.
52.  Have your heart in the right place -
Meaning - Refers to a person with good intentions; even though the results are not that impressive.
Example - The dinner she had cooked wasn't the best but she had her heart in the right place.
53.  Groan inwardly -
Meaning - Refers to a feeling where you want to express despair, disapproval or distress, but you keep quite.
Example - She was quite disappointed at the sarcastic remark by her friend but looking at the situation sh groaned inwardly.
54.  Beard the lion in his den -
Meaning - Challenge someone in his own area.
Example - If he doesn't come to see me today, I'll have to beard the lion in his den.

55.  Keep a stiff upper lip -
Meaning - Refers to a person who doesn't show off his emotions.
Example - He heard the news about his father's demise but kept a stiff upper lip.
56.  Go bananas -
Meaning - Refers to someone who behaves in a crazy way out of emotions. 
Example - Your decision to go abroad for a year will make your family go bananas.
57.  Lump in your throat - 
Meaning - Refers to a tight feeling in your throat because of an emotion like sadness or gratitude.
Example - After all the hardships, I saw my son winning a gold medal today - I had a lump in my throat.
58.  Hard as nails -
Meaning - Refers to a person without sentiments and sympathy for anyone. 
Example - He has become as hard as a nail after his brother was brutally murdered.
59.  Lick one's wounds -
Meaning - Trying to regain their confidence or boost up the spirits after a defeat. 
Example - Raja is licking his wounds after being dropped from the Indian Cricket Team.
60.  Proud as a peacock -
Meaning - Refers to an extremely proud person.
Example - His son is has finally become a doctor. He is as proud as a peacock.
61.  Tongue-tied -
Meaning - Difficulty in expressing yourself because of nervousness or embarrassment. 
Example - As her prospective in laws came to see her, she was completely tongue tied.
62.  Look on the bright side -
Meaning - View an unpleasant situation in a positive light.
Example - You met with an accident but look on the bright side - you managed to get away just with some bruises.
63.  Swallow one's pride -
Meaning - Accepting something humiliating or embarrassing.
Example - When his son was caught cheating in the exam. He had to swallow his pride and meet the principal.
64.  Makes your flesh crawl -
Meaning - Something that makes you feel disgusting or nervous. 
Example - The sight of the accident made my flesh crawl.
65.  Speak volumes -
Meaning - Expresses a reaction without words.
Example - She came to pick me at the station at an odd hour. Her actions spoke volumes about her brevity.
66.  Not turn a hair -
Meaning - Refers to not exhibiting any emotion where it is expected. 
Example - He didn't turn a hair even after his office was raided by the CBI.
67.  Reduce to tears -
Meaning - Getting into tears because of some one's behavior.
Example - Her best friend stopped talking to her. This reduced her to tears.
68.  In the bag -
Meaning - Refers to a situation when you are sure that success is sure.
Example - The wickets of opponent team fell down very fast, victory seemed to be in the bag at the end of 25 over.
69.  Blow up in face -
Meaning - Refers to a situation when a plan or project suddenly fails.
Example - It was difficult to get a place in the train to Mumbai. It blew up in the face when a train de-railed and blocked the track. 
70.  Bottom fell out -
Meaning - Refers to a situation when a plan or project fails.
Example - When the police announced a red alert in the city, the bottom fell out of their plan to hold a rally.
71.Cake not worth the candle -
Meaning - Refers to something in which result vs. efforts are too less.
Example - He worked very hard to organize the party but very few guests walked in. The cake wasn't worth the candle.
72.  Chance one's arm -
Meaning - Deciding to do something even though the chances of success are very little. 
Example - She knew there was little chance of getting through the audition test but she decided to chance her arm.
73.  Come up roses -
Meaning - Successful end results even though there may be some initial hiccups. 
Example - After initial hiccups, the project seems to be coming up roses.
74.  Cook someone's goose -
Meaning - Spoil other person's chances of success.
Example - When the opponent team saw Indian batsmen taking wicket after wicket, they realized that their goose was cooked.
75.  Cut one's own throat -
Meaning - Doing something that will cause your own failure.
Example - Raghav is not sincere in the class since the beginning. He is cutting his own throat.
76.  Foot in the door -
Meaning - Small but good start with a possibility for a bright future.
Example - With customers coming in, his new venture has got a foot in the door.
77.  Go great guns -
Meaning - Being successful.
Example - Ram's preparation for the final exams is going great guns. He scored 90% marks in the practice test.
78.  Dead in the water -
Meaning - Plan or project that has ceased to function and is not expected to be re-activated in future.
Example - Because of the revolt from the civil society, the plan to get the FDI in various sectors is now dead in the water.
79.  Flying start -
Meaning - Something that is immediately successful.
Example - The film hit the box office with a flying start and collected the highest revenue on day 1.
80.  Make a go of -
Meaning - Succeeding in your enterprise.
Example - With his hard work and dedication, he has made a go of his new venture.
81.  Go to the dogs -
Meaning - Getting comparably less successful than before.
Example - With new corruption scams un-veiling every day, the country is going to dogs.
81.  Go up in smoke -
Meaning - Something that ends before getting a result.
Example - With a vigilant police force around the town, the plan of antisocial elements to cause chaos went up in smoke.
82.  Live on the breadline -
Meaning - Having very little income.
Example - The partition of the country has left many people on the breadline.
83.  Make or break -
Meaning - Circumstances causing total success or total ruin.
Example - The huge investments in this big project with make or break him.
84.  Landslide victory -
Meaning - Overwhelming victory received by a candidate of political party at an election. 
Example - With a win of more of than 40% seats in the first two hours of counting, they are expecting a landslide victory.
85.  Let slip through fingers -
Meaning - Failing to obtain or keep up a good opportunity.
Example - This opportunity can be your breakthrough in the industry. Don't let it slip through your fingers.
86.  Rags to riches -
Meaning - Becoming very rich while starting very poor.
Example - His innovative ideas in business got him from rags to riches.
87.  On the pig's back -
Meaning - Refers to a person in successful and well situation.
Example - The tourism in the state was on the pig's back before the terror attacks hit the capital.
88.  Miss the boat -
Meaning - Failing to take advantage of an opportunity because of slow actions.
Example - I managed to get a discount of 10% but could not get an early bird offer. Reaching late made me miss the boat.
89.  Smash hit -
Meaning - Refers to music, films which are very successful. 
Example - His music became a smash hit in a week's time.
90.  Murphy's law -
Meaning - Means that if anything can go wrong, it will.
Example - Let's be prepared for the worst but don't forget the Murphy's law.
91.  Place in the sun -
Meaning - Finding a place in the sun refers to a position which provides you all the success and happiness you want in your life.
Example - Getting married into the renowned business family in the town, she found a place in the sun.
92.  Sink or swim -
Meaning - fails or succeed.
Example - The test will decide if he sinks or swims.
93.  Champagne on a beer budget -
Meaning - Wanting expensive things that you cannot afford.
Example - She always buys things out of her budget. She has developed a taste for champagne on beer budget.
94.  Top dog -
Meaning - Very successful group, company, person, country etc.
Example - The economic survey proved that they are the top dogs of the IT industry.
95.  Keep up appearances -
Meaning - Maintaining an outward show of prosperity or well-being while hiding your difficulties 
Example - Keeping up the appearances was important for him to secure the new big projects.
96.  Wooden spoon -
Meaning - Imaginary prize for the last person in a race. 
Example - We won a wooden spoon at the Fashion show.
97.  Have the world by its tail -
Meaning - Very successful person who can choose from a lot of opportunities.
Example - Being the pioneers in the pharmaceutical industry, they are now having the world by its tail.
98.  Live beyond means -
Meaning - Spending more money than you can afford.
Example - He has a habit of living beyond his means. Most of the times, you will find him borrowing the money from his friends.
99.  Live in an ivory tower -
Meaning - Living a lifestyle that saves you from the real world problems.
Example - Her inexperience in dealing with tough situations is because she has lived in an ivory tower
100.  Hit the road running -
Meaning - Start performing immediately.
Example - She was our old employee. She hit the road running when she joined us back.

Spoken English (200 Most Important One Word Substitution For SBI & SSC CGL 2017)

200 Most Important One Word Substitution For SBI & SSC CGL 2017

1. Audience – a number of people listening to a lecture 
2. Altruist – one, who considers the happiness and well-being of others first 
3. Atheist – a person who does not believe in God 
4. Anthropologist – one, who studies the evolution of mankind 
5. Autocracy – government by one person 
6. Autobiography – the life history of a person written by himself 
7. Amputate – to cut off a part of a person's body which is infected 
8. Arsenal – a place for ammunition and weapons 
9. Archives – a place where government or public records are kept 
10. Amateur – a man who does a thing for pleasure and not as a profession 
11. Aristocracy – government by the nobles
12. Aquatic – animals/plants ere which live in water
13. Amphibian – animals which live both on land and sea
14. Ambidexter – one, who can use either hand with ease
15. Alimony – allowance paid to wife on legal separation
16. Anthology – a collection of poems
17. Abdication – voluntary giving up of throne in favour of someone
18. Arbitrator – a person, appointed by two parties to solve a dispute
19. Astronomer – a person, who studies stars, planets and other heavenly bodies
20. Astrologer – a person who studies the influence of heavenly bodies on human beings

21. Anthology – a collection of poems
22. Axiom – a statement which is accepted as true without proof
23. Agenda – a list of headings of the business to be transacted at a meeting
24. Anarchist – one, who is out to destroy all governance, law and order
25. Almanac – an annual calender with positions of stars
26. Bigamy – the practice of having two wives or husbands at a time
27. Bibliophile – a lover and collector of books
28. Bouquet – a collection of flowers
29. Bureaucracy – government by the officials
30. Belligerent – a person, nation that is involved in war
31. Biennial – an event which happens once in two years
32. Blasphemy – the act of speaking disrespectfully about sacred things
33. Creche – a nursery where children are cared for while their parents are at work
34. Cosmopolitan – a person who regards whole world as his country
35. Chauffeur – one, who is employed to drive a motor car
36. Curator – a person incharge of a museum
37. Carnivorous – one, who lives on flesh
38. Cannibal – one, who feeds on human flesh
39. Contemporaries – belonging to or living at the same time
40. Cloak room – a place for luggage at railway station

41. Cynosure – centre of attraction
42. Connoisseur – a critical judge of any art and craft
43. Crusade – a religious war
44. Choreographer – one, who teaches dancing
45. Cacographist – a person, who is bad in spellings
46. Calligraphist – a person, who writes beautiful handwriting
47. Cynic – one, who sneers at the aims and beliefs of his fellow men
48. Convalescent – one, who is recovering health
49. Cavalry – soldiers, who fight on horse back
50. Cardiologist – a person, who is specialist in heart diseases
51. Cartographer – one, who draws maps
52. Dormitory – the sleeping rooms with several beds especially in a college or institution
53. Drawn – a game that results neither in victory nor in defeat
54. Elegy – a poem of lamentation
55. Epitaph – words which are inscribed on the grave or the tomb in the memory of the buried
56. Ephemeral – lasting one day
57. Effeminate – a person who is womanish
58. Emigrant – a person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another
59. Edible – fit to be eaten
60. Egotism – practice of talking too much about oneself

61. Encyclopaedia – a book that contains information on various subjects
62. Epicure – one, who is devoted to the pleasure of eating and drinking
63. Florist – one, who deals-in flowers
64. Fastidious – one, who is very -selective in one's taste
65. Fanatic or Bigot – one, who is filled with excessive and mistaken enthusiasm in religious matters
66. Fatal – causing death
67. Fatalist – one, who believes in fate
68. Facsimile – an exact copy of handwriting, printing etc
69. Fauna – the animals of a certain region
70. Flora – the plants of a particular region
71. Fratricide – murder of brother
72. Fugitive – one, who runs away from justice or the law
73. Fragile – easily broken
74. Feminist – one, who works for the welfare of the women
75. Granary – a place for grains
76. Genocide – murder of race
77. Gregarious – animals which live in flocks
78. Hangar – a place for housing aeroplanes
79. Hive – a place for bees
80. Horticulture – the art of cultivating and managing gardens

81. Homicide – murder of man

82. Hearse – a vehicle which is used to carry a dead body
83. Hedonist – one, who believes that pleasure is the chief good (sensual)
84. Horizon – a line at which the earth and the sky seem to meet
85. Honorary – holding office without any remuneration
86. Heretic – one, who acts against religion
87. Herbivorous – one, who lives on herbs
88. Insolvent/Bankrupt – a person who is unable to pay his debts
89. Inaudible – a sound that cannot be heard
90. Inaccessible – that cannot be easily approached
91. Incorrigible – incapable of being corrected
92. Irreparable – incapable of being repaired
93. Illegible – incapable of being read
94. Inevitable – incapable of being avoided
95. Impracticable – incapable of being practised
96. Immigrant – a person who comes to one country from another in order to settle there
97. Invincible – one, too strong to be overcome
98. Indelible – that cannot be erased
99. Incognito – travelling under another name than one's own
100. Indefatigable – one, who does not tire easily

101. Infallible – one, who is free from all mistakes and failures
102. Invigilator – one, who supervises in the examination hall
103. Itinerant – one, who journeys from place to place
104. Infirmary – a home or room used for ill or injured people
105. Infanticide – murder of an infant
106. Infantry – soldiers, who fight on foot
107. Inflammable – liable to catch fire easily
108. Interregnum – a period of interval between two reigns or governments
109. Kennel – a place for dogs
110. Lunatic asylum – a home for lunatics
111. Lexicographer – one, who compiles a dictionary
112. Loquacious – one, who talks continuously
113. Linguist – one, who is skilled in foreign languages
114. Lapidist – one, who cuts precious stones
115. Misanthrope – a hater of mankind
116. Misogamist – one, who hates marriage
117. Mortuary – a place, where dead bodies are kept for post mortem
118. Mercenery – working only for the sake of money
119. Matricide – murder of mother
120. Martyr – one, who dies for a noble cause
121. Maiden speech – the first speech delivered by a person
122. Mint – a place where coins are made
123. Misogynist – a hater of womankind
124. Morgue – a place, where dead bodies are kept for identification
125. Mammals – animals which give milk
126. Monogamy – the practice of marrying one at a time
127. Missionary – a person, who is sent to propagate religion
128. Numismatics – the study of coins
129. Namesake – a person having same name as another
130. Nostalgia – a strong desire to return home, home sickness
131. Novice or Tyro – one, new to anything, inexperienced
132. Narcotic – a medicine for producing sleep
133. Optimist – a person who looks at the brighter side of things
134. Orphan – one, who has lost parents
135. Omnipresent – one, who is present everywhere
136. Omnipotent – one, who is all powerful
137. Omniscient – one, who knows everything
138. Opaque – that which cannot be seen through
139. Obituary – an account in the newspaper of the funeral of the one deceased
140. Orphanage – a home for orphans

141. Obstetrician – one, who is skilled in midwifery
142. Ostler – one, who looks after horses at an inn
143. Omnivorous – one, who eats everything
144. Pessimist – a person who looks at the darker side of things
145. Potable – fit to drink
146. Post mortem – an examination of dead body
147. Philanthropist – a lover of mankind
148. Patricide – murder of father 149. Philatelist – one, who collects stamps
150. Plagiarism – literary theft or passing off an author's original work as one's own
151. Polygamy – the practice of marrying more than one wife at a time
152. Polyandry – the practice of marrying more than one husband at a time
153. Philogynist – a lover of womankind
154. Plebiscite – (a decision made by) votes of all qualified citizens
155. Philanderer – one, who amuses himself by love making
156. Philistine – one who does not care for art and literature
157. Plutocracy – government by the rich
158. Pseudonym – an imaginary name assumed by an author for disguise
159. Posthumous – a child born after the death of his father or the book published after the death of the writer
160. Panacea – a remedy for all diseases

161. Paediatrician – a person, who is specialist in child diseases
162. Platitude – ordinary remarks often repeated
163. Pedant – one, who makes a vain display of his knowledge
164. Polyglot – one, who speaks many languages
165. Paleography – the study of ancient writing
166. Posse – a number of policemen called to quell a riot
167. Parole – pledge given by a prisoner for temporary release, not to escape
168. Pedestrian – one, who goes on foot
169. Portable – that can be carried easily
170. Quarantine – an act of separation from other persons to avoid infection
171. Rhetoric – the art of elegant speech or writing
172. Regicide – murder of King or Queen
173. Sacrilege – violating or profaning religious things/places
174. Sculptor – one, who cuts in stones
175. Suicide – murder of oneself
176. Stable – a place for horses
177. Somnambulist – a person, who walks in sleep
178. Somniloquist – a person, who talks in sleep
179. Souvenir – a thing kept as a reminder of a person, place or event
180. Swan song – the last work (literary) of a writer

181. Sot, Toper – one, who is a habitual drunkard
182. Sinecure – a job with high salary but little responsibility
183. Stoic – a person, who is indifferent to pleasure and pain and has control over his passions
184. Sanatorium – a place for the sick to recover health
185. Sororicide – murder of sister
186. Triennial – an event which happens once in three years
187. Truant – a person/student who absents himself from class or duty without permission
188. Teetotaller – one, who does not take any intoxicating drink
189. Transparent – that which can be seen through
190. Theocracy – government by religious principles
191. Uxorious – one extremely fond of one's wife
192. Utopia – an imaginary perfect social and political system
193. Uxoricide – murder of wife
194. Verbatim – repetition of speech or writing word for word
195. Volunteer – one, who offers one's services
196. Virgin – a woman who has no sexual experience
197. Versatile – interested in and clever at many different things
198. Veteran – one, who has a long experience of any occupation
199. Venial – a fault that may be forgiven
200. Wardrobe – a place for clothes

Spoken English (Bank & SSC - Important Vocabulary 11 to 20)

Bank & SSC - Important Vocabulary 11

1. Avian – पक्षियों का
Meaning – relating to birds.
Usage – “avian tuberculosis”
2. Accolades – वाहवाही
Meaning – an award or privilege granted as a special honour or as an acknowledgement of merit.
Usage – “the hotel has won numerous accolades”
Synonyms – honour, recognition, privilege, award, gift, title; prize, laurels, bays, palm
3. Brace – कसना
Meaning – a device fitted to something, in particular a weak or injured part of the body, to give support.
Usage – “a neck brace”
Synonyms – support, caliper, truss, surgical appliance.
4. Dispel – दूर हो जाना
Meaning – make (a doubt, feeling, or belief) disappear.
Usage – “the brightness of the day did nothing to dispel Elaine’s dejection”
Synonyms – banish, eliminate, dismiss, chase away, drive away, drive off, get rid of, dissipate, disperse, scatter, disseminate; relieve, allay, ease, calm, quell, check.
5. Bludgeon – गदा
Meaning – a thick stick with a heavy end, used as a weapon.
Usage – “maces and spiked bludgeons”
Synonyms – cudgel, club, stick, truncheon, baton, bat, heavy weapon, blunt instrument; nightstick, blackjack; informalcosh.
6. Bligh – नुक़सान
Meaning – a plant disease, typically one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts.
Usage – “the vines suffered blight and disease”
Synonyms – disease, canker, infestation, fungus, mildew, mould, rot.
7. Doyen – दल के उच्च सदस्य
Meaning – the most respected or prominent person in a particular field.
Usage – “he became the doyen of British physicists”
8. Docile – विनम्र
Meaning – ready to accept control or instruction; submissive.
Usage – “a cheap and docile workforce”
Synonyms – compliant, obedient, pliant, dutiful, willing, passive, submissive, deferential, tame, meek, mild, lamblike, unassertive, unresisting, yielding, cooperative, amenable, accommodating, biddable, persuadable, ductile, manageable, controllable, tractable, malleable, manipulable, easily manipulated, easily handled, like putty in one’s hands; informalmilky.
9. Disinter – खोदकर निकालना
Meaning – dig up (something that has been buried, especially a corpse).
Usage – “his corpse was disinterred and dumped in a pit”
Synonyms – exhume, unearth, dig up, bring out of the ground, bring to the surface; raredisentomb, unbury, ungrave.
10. Exhume – खोद कर निकालना
Meaning – dig out (something buried, especially a corpse) from the ground.
Usage – “the bodies were exhumed on the orders of a judge”
Synonyms – disinter, dig up, unearth, bring out of the ground; raredisentomb, unbury, ungrave.

Bank & SSC - Important Vocabulary 12

1. Wayward – स्वच्छंद
Meaning – difficult to control or predict because of wilful or perverse behaviour.
Usage – “a wayward adolescent”
Synonyms – wilful, self-willed, headstrong, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, perverse, contrary, rebellious, defiant, uncooperative, refractory, recalcitrant, unruly, wild, ungovernable, unmanageable, unpredictable, capricious, whimsical, fickle, inconstant, changeable, erratic, intractable, difficult, impossible, intolerable.
2. Wrath – कोप
Meaning – extreme anger.
Usage – “he hid his pipe for fear of incurring his father’s wrath”
Synonyms – anger, rage, fury, annoyance, indignation, outrage, pique, spleen, chagrin, vexation, exasperation, dudgeon, high dudgeon, hot temper, bad temper, bad mood, ill humour, irritation, irritability, crossness, displeasure, discontentment, disgruntlement, irascibility, cantankerousness, peevishness, querulousness, crabbiness, testiness, tetchiness, snappishness; air rage; literaryire, choler.
3. Bucolic – ग्राम्य
Meaning – relating to the pleasant aspects of the countryside and country life.
Usage – “the church is lovely for its bucolic setting”
Synonyms – rustic, rural, pastoral, country, countryside, agricultural, agrarian, outdoor, idyllic, unspoilt; literaryArcadian, sylvan; raregeorgic, agrestic.
4. Whittle – छीलना
Meaning – carve (wood) into an object by repeatedly cutting small slices from it.
Usage – “he was sitting at the tent door, whittling a piece of wood with a knife”
Synonyms – pare, shave, peel, cut, hew, trim, carve, shape, model.
5. Wince – दर्द का भाव
Meaning – make a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of pain or distress.
Usage – “he winced at the disgust in her voice”
Synonyms – grimace, pull a face; flinch, blench, start, draw back, shrink away, recoil, cringe, squirm.
6. Apropos – अनुरूप
Meaning – with reference to; concerning.
Usage – “she remarked apropos of the initiative, ‘It’s not going to stop the abuse’”
Synonyms – with reference to, with regard to, with respect to, regarding, concerning, respecting, on the subject of, in the matter of, touching on, dealing with, connected with, in connection with, about, re; anent.
7. litigation – मुकदमेबाज़ी
Meaning – the process of taking legal action.
Usage – “the company wishes to avoid litigation”
Synonyms – legal proceeding(s), legal action, lawsuit, legal dispute, legal case, case, legal contest, action, cause, judicial proceeding(s), suit, suit at law, legal process, prosecution, bringing of charges, indictment, trial.
8. Heist – चोरी
Meaning – a robbery.
Usage – “a diamond heist”
Synonyms – break-in, breaking and entering, caper, crime, five-finger discount, holdup, larceny, pilferage etc.
9. Crunch – की कमी
Meaning – crush (a hard or brittle foodstuff) with the teeth, making a loud but muffled grinding sound.
Usage – she paused to crunch a ginger biscuit
Synonyms – crisis, critical point, crux, difficulty, emergency etc.
10. Barge – बजरा
Meaning – move forcefully or roughly.
Usage – “we can’t just barge into a private garden”
Synonyms – push, shove, force, elbow, shoulder, jostle, bludgeon, bulldoze, muscle.

Bank & SSC - Important Vocabulary 13

1. Henpecked
Meaning – (of a woman) continually criticize and order about (her husband or other male partner).
“henpecked husbands”
Usage – “he was a henpecked husband at the end of his tether”
Synonyms – browbeaten, downtrodden, bullied, dominated, nagged, subjugated, oppressed, repressed, intimidated, ground down, without a mind of one’s own, tied to someone’s apron strings, under someone’s heel; meek, timid, docile, cringing, cowering, abject; informalunder someone’s thumb, led by the nose, treated like dirt.
2. Decease
Meaning – a person’s death.
Usage – “he held the post until his untimely decease in 1991”
3. Domineer
Meaning – assert one’s will over another in an arrogant way.
Usage – “Cathy had been a martyr to her gruff, domineering husband”
Synonyms – browbeat, bully, intimidate, pressurize, menace, hector, boss (about/around), push around/about, order about/around, give orders to, lord it over, tyrannize, terrorize, persecute, oppress.
4. Reign
Meaning – hold royal office; rule as monarch.
Usage – “Queen Elizabeth reigns over the UK”
Synonyms – be king/queen, be monarch, be sovereign, sit on the throne, occupy the throne, wear the crown, wield the sceptre, hold sway, rule, govern.
5. Bridle
Meaning – show one’s resentment or anger, especially by throwing up one’s head and drawing in one’s chin.
Usage – “she bridled at his tone”
Synonyms – bristle, be/become indignant, take offence, take umbrage, be affronted, be offended.
6. Canvass
Meaning – solicit votes from (electors or members).
Usage – “in each ward, two workers canvassed some 2,000 voters”
Synonyms – campaign, electioneer, solicit votes, drum up support; stump; informaldoorstep.
7. Beatific
Meaning – feeling or expressing blissful happiness.
Usage – “a beatific smile”
Synonyms – rapturous, joyful, ecstatic, seraphic, blissful, serene, happy, beaming, glad.
8. Sensuous
Meaning – relating to or affecting the senses rather than the intellect.
Usage – “the work showed a deliberate disregard of the more sensuous and immediately appealing aspects of painting”
Synonyms – aesthetically pleasing, aesthetic, pleasurable, gratifying, rich, sumptuous, luxurious; affective; sensory, sensorial.
9. Rapt
Meaning – completely fascinated or absorbed by what one is seeing or hearing.
Usage – “a rapt teenage audience”
Synonyms – fascinated, enthralled, spellbound, captivated, riveted, gripped, mesmerized, enchanted, entranced, charmed, bewitched, transported, enraptured; thrilled, ecstatic, rapturous.
10. Rein
Meaning – check or guide (a horse) by pulling on its reins.
Usage – “he reined in his horse and waited”

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1. Quirk – मोड़
Meaning – a peculiar aspect of a person’s character or behaviour.
Usage – “they accepted her attitude as one of her little quirks”
Synonyms – idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, oddity, eccentricity, foible, whim, whimsy, notion, conceit, vagary, caprice, fancy, kink, crotchet, mannerism, habit, characteristic, trait, feature, obsession, fad; idée fixe; informalhang-up, thing; raresingularity.
2. Puerile – बचकाना
Meaning – childishly silly and immature.
Usage – “a puerile argument”
3. Pensive – चिंताग्रस्त
Meaning – engaged in, involving, or reflecting deep or serious thought.
Usage – “a pensive mood”
Synonyms – thoughtful, thinking, reflective, contemplative, musing, meditative, introspective, prayerful, philosophical, cogitative, ruminative, absorbed, engrossed, rapt, preoccupied.
4. Piquant – चटपटा
Meaning – having a pleasantly sharp taste or appetizing flavour.
Usage – “a piquant tartare sauce”
Synonyms – spicy, tangy, spiced, peppery
5. Proclivity – झुकाव
Meaning – a tendency to choose or do something regularly; an inclination or predisposition towards a particular thing.
Usage – “a proclivity for hard work”
Synonyms – liking, inclination, tendency, leaning, disposition, propensity, bent, bias, penchant, predisposition, predilection, partiality, preference, taste, fondness, weakness, proneness; rarevelleity.
6. Pariah – ख़ारिज
Meaning – an outcast.
Usage – “they were treated as social pariahs”
Synonyms – outcast, persona non grata, leper, reject, untouchable, undesirable; rareunperson.
7. Perverse – विकृत
Meaning – showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable.
Usage – “Kate’s perverse decision not to cooperate held good”
Synonyms – awkward, contrary, difficult, unreasonable, uncooperative, unhelpful, obstructive, disobliging, unaccommodating, troublesome, tiresome, annoying, vexatious, obstreperous, disobedient, unmanageable, uncontrollable, recalcitrant, refractory, rebellious; wilful, headstrong, self-willed, capricious, wayward, cross-grained, stubborn, obstinate, obdurate.
8. Ponder – विचार करना
Meaning – think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.
Usage – “I pondered the question of what clothes to wear for the occasion”
Synonyms – think about, give thought to, consider, review, reflect on, mull over, contemplate, study, meditate on, muse on, deliberate about, cogitate on, dwell on, brood on/over, ruminate about/on, chew over, puzzle over.
9. Quash – मिटा देना
Meaning – reject as invalid, especially by legal procedure.
Usage – “his conviction was quashed on appeal”
Synonyms – cancel, reverse, rescind, repeal, revoke, retract, countermand, withdraw, take back, rule against, disallow, overturn, override, overrule, veto, set aside, overthrow, repudiate, annul, nullify, declare null and void, invalidate.
10. Quench – बुझाना
Meaning – extinguish (a fire).
Usage – “firemen hauled on hoses in a desperate bid to quench the flames”
Synonyms – extinguish, put out, snuff out, smother, douse, dampen down.

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1. Hassle – परेशानी
Meaning – irritating inconvenience.
Usage – “the hassle of child care”
Synonyms – inconvenience, bother, nuisance, problem, struggle, difficulty, annoyance, irritation, thorn in one’s flesh/side, bane of one’s life; trials and tribulations, fuss, trouble; informalaggravation, aggro, stress, headache, pain, pain in the neck/backside.
2. Hearse – रथी
Meaning – a vehicle for conveying the coffin at a funeral.
3. Hobnob – दोस्ती करना
Meaning – mix socially, especially with those of perceived higher social status.
Usage – “he was hobnobbing with the great and good”
4. Inferno – नरक
Meaning – a large fire that is dangerously out of control.
Usage – “the inferno had swept through the city”
5. Inured – त्रस्त
Meaning – accustom (someone) to something, especially something unpleasant.
Usage – “these children have been inured to violence”
Synonyms – harden, toughen, season, temper, condition; accustom, habituate, familiarize, acclimatize, adjust, adapt, attune; desensitize, dehumanize, brutalize, case-harden; rareindurate.
6. Haul – प्राप्त वस्तु
Meaning – (of a person) pull or drag with effort or force.
Usage – “he hauled his bike out of the shed”
Synonyms – drag, pull, tug, heave, hump, trail, draw, tow, manhandle; informallug; informalschlep; archaichale.
7. Hitchhike – लिफ्ट ले
Meaning – travel by getting free lifts in passing vehicles.
Usage – “we hitch-hiked up to Scotland”
8. Inveigle – लुभाना
Meaning – persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery.
Usage – “he inveigled her back to his room”
Synonyms – cajole, wheedle, coax, persuade, convince, talk; tempt, lure, allure, entice, ensnare, seduce, flatter, beguile, dupe, fool; informalsweet-talk, soft-soap, butter up, twist someone’s arm, con, bamboozle; informalsucker; archaicblandish.
9. Progeny – संतान
Meaning – a descendant or the descendants of a person, animal, or plant; offspring.
Usage – “shorthorn cattle are highly effective in bestowing their characteristics on their progeny”
Synonyms – offspring, children, young, family, brood; issue; derogatoryspawn; rareprogeniture, quiverful.
10. Haywire – परेशन
Meaning – erratic; out of control.
Usage – “her imagination had gone haywire”
Synonyms – out of control, out of order, erratic, faulty, not functioning properly; chaotic, confused, crazy, wild, disorganized, disordered, topsy-turvy; informalon the blink, shambolic; informalup the spout, wonky.

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1. Collision – टक्कर
Meaning – an instance of one moving object or person striking violently against another.
Usage – “a mid-air collision between two aircraft”
Synonyms – crash, accident, smash, bump, knock, impact, hit, strike, clash; RTA (road traffic accident); wreck; informalsmash-up, pile-up; informalprang, shunt.
2. Excursion – सैर
Meaning – a short journey or trip, especially one taken as a leisure activity.
Usage – “an excursion to London Zoo”
Synonyms – trip, outing, jaunt, expedition, journey, tour; day trip, day out, drive, run, ride; informaljunket, spin, hop.
3. Dessert – मिठाई
Meaning – the sweet course eaten at the end of a meal.
Usage – “a dessert of chocolate mousse”
Synonyms – pudding, sweet, sweet course/dish, second course, last course; informalafters, pud.
4. Decry – दोष देना
Meaning – publicly denounce.
Usage – “they decried human rights abuses”
Synonyms – denounce, condemn, criticize, censure, damn, attack, fulminate against, rail against, inveigh against, blame, carp at, cavil at, run down, pillory, rap, lambaste, deplore, disapprove of, vilify, execrate, revile; disparage, deprecate, discredit, derogate, cast aspersions on; informalslam.
5. Corporal
Meaning – a rank of non-commissioned officer in the army, above lance corporal or private first class and below sergeant.
6. Carcass – शव
Meaning – the dead body of an animal.
Usage – “she saw the mud-covered carcass of a sheep”
Synonyms – corpse, cadaver, dead body, body, remains, skeleton, relics; informalstiff; archaiccorse.
7. Avenge – बदला लेना
Meaning – inflict harm in return for (an injury or wrong done to oneself or another).
Usage – “he vowed in silent fervour to avenge their murders”
Synonyms – take revenge for, take vengeance for, exact retribution for, requite.
8. Beatific – सुखी
Meaning – feeling or expressing blissful happiness.
Usage – “a beatific smile”
Synonyms – rapturous, joyful, ecstatic, seraphic, blissful, serene, happy, beaming, glad.
9. Corpse – लाश
Meaning – a dead body, especially of a human being rather than an animal.
Usage – “the corpse of a man lay there”
Synonyms – dead body, body, cadaver, carcass, skeleton; remains, relics; informalstiff; archaiccorse.
10. Coherent – सुसंगत
Meaning – (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent.
Usage – “they failed to develop a coherent economic strategy”
Synonyms – logical, reasoned, reasonable, well reasoned, rational, sound, cogent; consistent, well organized, systematic, orderly, methodical; clear, lucid, articulate, relevant, intelligible, comprehensible; informaljoined-up.

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1. Preserve (noun): A sphere of activity regarded as being reserved for a particular person or group. (परिरक्षित/सुरक्षित) 
Synonyms: Domain, Area, Field, Sphere, Orbit, Realm, Province, Territory.
Example: The preserve in the vicinity of capital Delhi is called NCR.
2. Spectacularly (adverb): In a dramatic and eye-catching way.  (असाधारण रूप से) 
Synonyms: Infamously, Notably, Especially.
Antonyms: Normally, Ordinarily.
Example: The Company’s new policies were spectacularly failed as the revenue was decreased substantially after the implementation.
3. Prominent (adjective): Showing distinction above others in a specific area. (महत्त्वपूर्ण/विशिष्ठ)  
Synonyms: Well Known, Eminent, Distinguished, Notable, Noteworthy, Acclaimed.
Antonyms: common, Ordinary, Unimportant.
Example: The government is looking for ways to facilitate foreign investment in our country.
4. Apprehension (noun): Suspicion or fear especially of future evil/ anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen.  (भय/शंका) 
Synonyms: Doubt, Surmise, Suspicion, Uncertainty, Alarm, Concerning.  
Antonyms:  Certainty, Clarity. 
Example: Apprehensive about the consequences of texting and driving, Jill turned her phone off.
5. Facilitate (verb): Make (an action or process) easy or easier. (सुगम बनाना) 
Synonyms: Ease, Aid, Simplify, Smooth.
Antonyms: Block, Halt, Seize, Hinder.
Example: Once Jacob won the lottery, he sold his humble home and moved to one of the most prominent areas of the city.
6. Levy (verb): A charge imposed and collected.  (आरोपित या लागू करना)
Synonyms: Impose, Foist, Charge, Inflict.
Antonyms: Remove, Neglect, Displace, Overlook.
Example: When the governor decided to levy additional fees on tobacco products, smokers took to the streets in protest.
7. Congestion (noun): To make too crowded or full/ to cause an excessive accumulation. (भरा हुआ होना/जमाव)
Synonyms: Overcrowding, Jam, Bottleneck, Blocking, Clogging.
Antonyms: Smooth, Opening, Easy.
Example: Then sudden arrival of prime minister at the functions caused congestion on the roads.
8. Detrimental (adjective): Tending to cause harm. (अहितकारी/हानिकारिक/क्षतिकारक)
Synonyms: Harmful, Damaging, Injurious, Hurtful, Ruinous, Disastrous, Pernicious.
Antonyms: Aiding, Assisting, Favorable, Friendly, Helpful, Kind, Nice, Positive, Advantageous, Beneficial, Profitable.
Example: The government has the authority to imprison anyone it deems as being detrimental to the country’s safety.
9. Aesthetic (adjective): Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty. ( सौम्य अभिरूप)  
Synonyms: Artistic, Creative, Artful, Gorgeous, Inventive.
Antonyms: Displeasing, Ugly, Unattractive.
10. Acknowledge (verb):  Accept or admit the existence of/ recognize the importance or quality of. (मान लेना/स्वीकार करना)
Synonyms: Admit, Accept, Grant, Allow, Concede, Confess, Recognize.
Antonyms: Deny, Disgree, Disapprove, Oppose, Reject, Renounce, Disallow, Disavow.
Example: If you want to be forgiven, you should acknowledge your mistakes.
Example: Because Henry could see both the mountains and the ocean from his hotel room, he really enjoyed the aesthetic view.

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1. Prodigal – खर्चीला
Meaning – spending money or using resources freely and recklessly; wastefully extravagant.
Usage – “prodigal habits die hard”
Synonyms – wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift, improvident, imprudent, immoderate, profligate, thriftless, excessive, intemperate, irresponsible, self-indulgent, reckless, wanton
2. Promulgate – एलान करना
Meaning – promote or make widely known (an idea or cause).
Usage – “these objectives have to be promulgated within the organization”
Synonyms – make known, make public, publicize, spread, communicate, propagate, disseminate, circulate, broadcast, promote, announce, proclaim.
3. Perquisite – रिआयत
Meaning – a benefit which one enjoys or is entitled to on account of one’s job or position.
Usage – “the wife of a president has all the perquisites of stardom”
4. Quirk – मोड़
Meaning – a peculiar aspect of a person’s character or behaviour.
Usage – “they accepted her attitude as one of her little quirks”
Synonyms – idiosyncrasy, peculiarity, oddity, eccentricity, foible, whim, whimsy, notion, conceit, vagary, caprice, fancy, kink, crotchet, mannerism, habit, characteristic, trait, feature, obsession.
5. Ponder – विचार करना
Meaning – think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.
Usage – “I pondered the question of what clothes to wear for the occasion”
Synonyms – think about, give thought to, consider, review, reflect on, mull over, contemplate, study, meditate on, muse on, deliberate about, cogitate on, dwell on, brood on/over, ruminate about/on, chew over, puzzle over
6. Parish – पल्ली
Meaning – (in the Christian Church) a small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor.
Usage – “a parish church”
Synonyms – parishioners, churchgoers, church, congregation, flock, fold, community.
7. Turpitude – अधमता
Meaning – depraved or wicked behaviour or character.
Usage – “acts of moral turpitude”
Synonyms – wickedness, immorality, depravity, corruption, corruptness, vice, degeneracy, evil, baseness, iniquity, sinfulness, vileness; rarenefariousness, flagitiousness
8. Temerity – उतावलापन
Meaning – excessive confidence or boldness; audacity.
Usage – “no one had the temerity to question his conclusions”
Synonyms – audacity, boldness, audaciousness, nerve, effrontery, impudence, impertinence, cheek, barefaced cheek, gall, presumption, presumptuousness, brazenness, forwardness, front, rashness; daring; informalface, neck, brass neck, brass; informalchutzpah; informalhide; informalcrust.
9. Untoward – अभागा
Meaning – unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient.
Usage – “both tried to behave as if nothing untoward had happened”
Synonyms – unexpected, unanticipated, unforeseen, unpredictable, unpredicted; surprising, unusual; inopportune, untimely, ill-timed, badly timed, mistimed; inconvenient, awkward, unwelcome, unfavourable, adverse, unfortunate, infelicitous; inappropriate, unsuitable.
10. Tenable – लायक़
Meaning – able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection.
Usage – “such a simplistic approach is no longer tenable”
Synonyms – defensible, justifiable, defendable, supportable, sustainable, maintainable, arguable, able to hold water, reasonable, rational, sound, viable, workable, plausible, credible, believable, conceivable, acceptable, imaginable

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1. Revamp – सुधार
Meaning – give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to.
Usage – “an attempt to revamp the museum’s image”
Synonyms – renovate, redecorate, refurbish, recondition, rehabilitate, rebuild, reconstruct, overhaul, make over; modernize, update, bring up to date, renew; improve, upgrade; refit, re-equip, refurnish; brighten up, freshen up, spruce up; remodel, refashion, redesign, restyle, rejig, rework, redo, remould, reorganize.
2. Rendition – प्रतिपादन
Meaning – a performance or interpretation, especially of a dramatic role or piece of music.
Usage – “a wonderful rendition of ‘Nessun Dorma’”
Synonyms – performance, rendering, interpretation, presentation, execution, delivery; playing, singing, reading, recitation, recital.
3. Rabid – विक्षिप्त
Meaning – having or proceeding from an extreme or fanatical support of or belief in something.
Usage – “a rabid feminist”
Synonyms – extreme, fanatical, overzealous, over-enthusiastic, extremist, violent, maniacal, wild, passionate, fervent, diehard, uncompromising; intolerant, unreasonable, illiberal, bigoted, prejudiced, biased, partisan.
4. Rumpus – कलह
Meaning – a noisy disturbance; a row.
Usage – “he caused a rumpus with his flair for troublemaking”
Synonyms – disturbance, commotion, uproar, confusion, furore, brouhaha, hue and cry, ruckus, fuss, fracas, melee, tumult, riot, brawl, free-for-all, scuffle, struggle, altercation, quarrel; noise, racket, din, outcry; donnybrook.
5. Petrify – पत्थर बनाना
Meaning – make (someone) so frightened that they are unable to move.
Usage – “his icy controlled quietness petrified her”
Synonyms – terrified, terror-stricken, terror-struck, horrified, horror-stricken, horror-struck, scared/frightened out of one’s wits, scared witless, scared/frightened to death, aghast, appalled; paralysed, stunned, stupefied, transfixed, benumbed, frozen.
6. Pejorative – अपमानजनक
Meaning – expressing contempt or disapproval.
Usage – “permissiveness is used almost universally as a pejorative term”
Synonyms – disparaging, derogatory, denigratory, deprecatory, defamatory, slanderous, libellous, abusive, insulting, slighting, vituperative, disapproving, contemptuous; informalbitchy; rareinvective, contumelious.
7. Onslaught – हमला
Meaning – a fierce or destructive attack.
Usage – “a series of onslaughts on the citadel”
Synonyms – assault, attack, offensive, aggression, advance, charge, onrush, rush, storming, sortie, sally, raid, descent, incursion, invasion, foray, push, thrust, drive, blitz, bombardment, barrage, salvo, storm, volley, shower, torrent, broadside; archaiconset.
8. Naivete – भोलेपन
Meaning – lack of experience, wisdom, or judgement.
Usage – “his appalling naivety in going to the press”
Synonyms – innocence, lack of sophistication, lack of experience, ingenuousness, guilelessness, lack of guile, unworldliness, childlikeness, trustfulness, simplicity, naturalness; gullibility, credulousness, credulity, over-trustfulness, lack of suspicion, blind faith, immaturity, callowness, greenness, ignorance.
9. Recluse – वैरागी
Meaning – a person who lives a solitary life and tends to avoid other people.
Usage – “she has turned into a virtual recluse”
Synonyms – hermit, ascetic; monk, nun; marabout, santon; rareeremite, anchorite, anchoress, stylite, cenobite.
10. Upshot – परिणाम
Meaning – the final or eventual outcome or conclusion of a discussion, action, or series of events.
Usage – “the upshot of the meeting was that he was on the next plane to New York”
Synonyms – result, consequence, outcome, out-turn, sequel, effect, reaction, repercussion, reverberations, ramification, end, end result, conclusion, termination, culmination, denouement, corollary, concomitant, aftermath.

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1. Berate – गाली देना
Meaning – scold or criticize (someone) angrily.
Usage – “she berated herself for being fickle”
Synonyms – rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reprove, admonish, remonstrate with, chastise, chide, upbraid, take to task, pull up, castigate, lambaste
2. Besmirch – गंदा करना
Meaning – damage (someone’s reputation).
Usage – “he had besmirched the good name of his family”
Synonyms – sully, tarnish, blacken, drag through the mud/mire, stain, taint, smear, befoul, soil, contaminate, pollute, disgrace, dishonour, bring discredit to, stigmatize, injure, damage, debase, spoil, ruin; slander, defame; literarysmirch, besmear.
3. Construe – लगाया
Meaning – interpret (a word or action) in a particular way.
Usage – “his words could hardly be construed as an apology”
Synonyms – interpret, understand, read, see, take, take to mean, parse, render, analyse, explain, elucidate, gloss, decode
4. Chagrin – चिढ़
Meaning – annoyance or distress at having failed or been humiliated.
Usage – “to my chagrin, he was nowhere to be seen”
Synonyms – annoyance, irritation, vexation, exasperation, displeasure, pique, spleen, crossness, anger, rage, fury, wrath; dissatisfaction, discontent, indignation, resentment, umbrage, disgruntlement, rankling, smarting, distress, discomposure, discomfiture, disquiet, fretfulness, frustration; embarrassment, mortification, humiliation, shame.
5. Jubilation – आनंदोत्सव
Meaning – a feeling of great happiness and triumph.
Usage – “unbelievable scenes of jubilation”
Synonyms – exultation, triumph, joy, joyousness, rejoicing, elation, euphoria, ecstasy, rapture, transports of delight, glee, gleefulness, exuberance.
6. Lascivious – कामुक
Meaning – feeling or revealing an overt sexual interest or desire.
Usage – “he gave her a lascivious wink”
Synonyms – lecherous, lewd, lustful, licentious, libidinous, goatish, salacious, wanton, lubricious, prurient, dirty, smutty, filthy, naughty, suggestive, indecent, ribald; debauched, depraved, degenerate, dissolute, dissipated, unchaste, loose; informalhorny, blue; informalrandy.
7. Martial – सामरिक
Meaning – relating to fighting or war.
Usage – “martial bravery”
Synonyms – military, soldierly, soldier-like, army, naval, fighting, service; courageous, brave, valiant, valorous, heroic.
8. Nauseous – वमनजनक
Meaning – affected with nausea; feeling inclined to vomit.
Usage – “a rancid odour that made him nauseous”
Synonyms – sick, nauseated, queasy, bilious, sick to one’s stomach, green, green about/at the gills, ill, unwell, bad; seasick, carsick, airsick, travel-sick; informalabout to throw up; informalbarfy; rarequalmish.
9. Precocious – असामयिक
Meaning – (of a child) having developed certain abilities or inclinations at an earlier age than is usual or expected.
Usage – “a precocious, solitary boy”
Synonyms – advanced, old beyond one’s years, forward, ahead of one’s peers, mature, prematurely developed, ahead, gifted, talented, clever, intelligent, quick; informalsmart; rarerathe-ripe.
10. Quench – बुझाना
Meaning – satisfy (one’s thirst) by drinking.
Usage – “firemen hauled on hoses in a desperate bid to quench the flames”
Synonyms – extinguish, put out, snuff out, smother, douse, dampen down.