Sunday 7 January 2018

Spoken English (Articles)


The words "A" or "An" and "The" are called Articles. They come before nouns. There are two Articles - "A (or An)" and "The".
"A" or "An" is called the Indefinite Article, because it usually leaves indefinite the person or thing spoken of; as, A Ground, A Cow
Indefinite (Not Sure) : If you are talking about some random thing or person, then you use Indefinite Article. In the above example, 'A Cow' means a random cow. Similarly 'A Ground' means any random ground and no one can be sure which we are talking about.

"The" is called the Definite Article, because it normally points out some particular person or thing.
For example, The Cow, The Ground.
Definite Article (a particular thing or person) : If we say 'The' before any noun, it means we are talking about a prticular thing or person. In the above example 'The Cow' means a particular cow. Similarly 'The Ground' means a particular ground.

Use of the indefinite article

Incorrect : There are 365 days in the year.
Every year has 365 days and it is not about the particular year.
Correct : There are 365 days in an year.

Indefinite articles can also be used in a sense of each, every or per.
The doctor said “Take the pill twice a day.”

Use of the definite article

Incorrect : He has been causing trouble since a day he came.
In the above example, the statement is about a particular day therefore 'the' will be used
Correct : He has been causing trouble since the day he came.

When a singular noun is meant to represent a whole class.
The Elephant is a huge animal.

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