Monday 8 January 2018

Spoken English (Bank & SSC - Important Vocabulary 131 to 140)

Bank & SSC - Important Vocabulary 131

1. Garner(V)
Hindi Meaning : धान्यकोष्ठ, एकत्र
English Meaning: Gather or collect something.
Synonyms: Accumulate,Amass,Assemble.
Uses: U.S police struggled to garner sufficient evidence against terrorism.

2. Litigant(N)
Hindi Meaning : वादकारी
English Meaning: A person involved in a lawsuit.
Synonyms: Opponent in law,Disputant,Plaintiff,Claimant.
Uses: Babri Masjid litigant asks PM Modi to intervene as VHP performs Shila Pujan for Ram Temple.

3. Poignant(Adj)
Hindi Meaning : मार्मिक, चरपरा
English Meaning: Sense of sadness or regret.
Synonyms: Wretched,Mournful,Tearful.
Uses: Partition was a poignant reminder for India.

4. Deterrent(N)
Hindi Meaning : धमकानेवाला, डराकर रोकने वाला
English Meaning: Discourage someone from doing something.
Synonyms: Disincentive,Restraint,Curb.
Uses: Deterrent is not a static concept ,it is a dynamic concept.

5. Backlash(N)
Hindi Meaning : फिसलना, पलटाव
English Meaning: Strong negative reaction.
Synonyms: Counterblast,Comeback,Recoil.
Uses: Indian people backlash against racism.

6. Profligate(Adj)
Hindi Meaning : चरित्र हीन मनुष्य, लम्पट मनुष्य
English Meaning: Extravagant or Wasteful,Dissolute.
Synonyms: Prodigal,Immoderate,Debauched.
Uses: Liu’s critics claimed he was “profligate and devoid of principles”.

7. Sycophant(N)
Hindi Meaning : चरित्र हीन मनुष्य, लम्पट मनुष्य
English Meaning: A person who acts obsequiously towards someone important in order to gain advantage.
Synonyms: Doormat,Lickspittle,Leech.
Uses: Being famous has taught him to be wary of sycophants.

8. Kinky(Adj)
Hindi Meaning : गांठदार, घुंघराले
English Meaning: Involving or given to unusual sexual behaviour, Closely twisted.
Synonyms: Weird,Bizarre,Peculiar.
Uses: He has a kinky style of doing things.

9. Imbued(V)
Hindi Meaning : व्याप्त होना
English Meaning: Inspire or deeply affected by a feeling to have a certain quality.
Synonyms: Diffuse,Suffuse,Pervade.
Uses: The Soldiers were rigorously trained and imbued with the same principles of patriotism.

10. Foible(Adj)
Hindi Meaning : अवगुण, कमजोरी, चरित्र दोष
English Meaning: Minor weakness,Slight peculiarity.
Synonyms: Blemish,Fault,Defect.
Uses: People tolerate foibles of kids.

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1. Quasi – अर्ध
Meaning – apparently but not really; seemingly.
Usage – “she had problems with drugs, alcohol, and a quasi-religious cult”
Synonyms – supposedly, seemingly, apparently, allegedly, reportedly, professedly, ostensibly, on the face of it, to all appearances, on the surface, to all intents and purposes, outwardly, superficially, purportedly, nominally, by one’s/its own account, on paper; pseudo-; rarepretendedly, ostensively.

2. Wreck – जहाज के मलबे
Meaning – the destruction of a ship at sea; a shipwreck.
Usage – “the survivors of the wreck”
Synonyms – destruction, sinking, wrecking; devastation, ruination, ruin, demolition, smashing, shattering, disintegration.

3. Deify – देवता-सदृश पूजा करना
Meaning – worship or regard as a god.
Usage – “she was deified by the early Romans as a fertility goddess”
Synonyms – worship, revere, venerate, reverence, hold sacred, pay homage to, extol, exalt, adore; immortalize; raredivinize.

4. Guileless – निष्कपट
Meaning – devoid of guile; innocent and without deception.
Usage – “his face, once so open and guileless”
Synonyms – artless, ingenuous, open, honest, sincere, genuine, naive, natural, simple, childlike, innocent, unsophisticated, unworldly, unsuspicious, trustful, trusting; honourable, truthful, frank, candid, straightforward, forthright, unaffected, unpretentious; on the up and up.

5. Grouse – गुनगुनानेवाला
Meaning – a medium to large game bird with a plump body and feathered legs, the male being larger and more brightly coloured than the female.
Usage – the flesh of the grouse as food.

6. Flux – प्रवाह
Meaning – the action or process of flowing or flowing out.
Usage – “the flux of ions across the membrane”

7. Fracas – कोलाहल
Meaning – a noisy disturbance or quarrel.
Usage – “the fracas was broken up by stewards”
Synonyms – disturbance, quarrel, scuffle, brawl, affray, tussle, melee, free-for-all, fight, clash, skirmish, brouhaha, riot, uproar, commotion; argument, altercation, angry exchange, war of words, shouting match, tiff, dispute, disagreement, row, wrangle, squabble, rumpus; stooshie; donnybrook; bangarang; informalfalling-out, set-to, run-in, shindig, shindy, dust-up, punch-up, scrap, spat, ruckus, argy-bargy.

8. Gist – सार
Meaning – the substance or general meaning of a speech or text.
Usage – “it was hard to get the gist of Pedro’s talk”
Synonyms – essence, substance, quintessence, main idea/theme, central idea/theme, nub, core, heart, heart of the matter, nucleus, kernel, pith, marrow, meat, burden, crux, important point; thrust, direction, drift, sense, meaning, significance, import; informalnitty-gritty.

9. Quench – बुझाना
Meaning – extinguish (a fire).
Usage – “firemen hauled on hoses in a desperate bid to quench the flames”
Synonyms – extinguish, put out, snuff out, smother, douse, dampen down.

10. Quietude – वैराग्य
Meaning – a state of stillness, calmness, and quiet in a person or place.
Usage – “it highlights her quietude and wise passivity”

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1. Mount(V/N)
Hindi Meaning : पर्वत
English Meaning: Rising or set in a raised position.
Synonyms: Ascend,Climb.
Uses : Pressure mounted on students in examination.
2. Ploy(N)
Hindi Meaning : चाल, काम
English Meaning: An activity done for amusement.
Synonyms: Subterfuge,Tactic.
Uses: The ploy worked only as long as the idea of USA was left undefined.
3. Eloquent(Adj)
Hindi Meaning : शब्दचतुर, सुवक्ता
English Meaning: Clearly expressing or indicating something
Synonyms: Articulate,Fluent.
Uses: Dhoni gave an eloquent speech.

4. Onslaught(N)
Hindi Meaning : आक्रमण
English Meaning: Destructive attack
Synonyms: Incursion,Invasion,Foray.
Uses: Coral reefs suffer from the combined onslaught of both acidification and elevated sea surface temperature.

5. Amorphously(Adj)
English Meaning: Lacking a clear structure or focus.
Synonyms: Indefinite,Vague,Nebulous.
Uses: Health sector in india has grown amorphously in the absence of strong regulatory oversight.

6. Imperative(Adj)
Hindi Meaning : अनिवार्यता, आज्ञार्थक
English Meaning: Vitally important .
Synonyms: Necessary,Indispensable,Exigent.
Uses: India's immediate action against terrorism was imperative.

7. Emphatic(Adj)
Hindi Meaning : ज़ोरदार, गुरुतापूर्वक
English Meaning: Very impressive or significant.
Synonyms: wholehearted, forceful, energetic, vigorous.
Uses: Virat Kholi has an emphatic personality.

8. Medley(N)
Hindi Meaning : मिश्रण, खिचड़ी, मिलावट
English Meaning: A varied mixture of things or people.
Synonyms: Conglomeration, jumble, mess.
Uses: South indian foods have an interesting medley of flavours

9. Vie(v)
Hindi Meaning : होड़ करना, झगड़ना
English Meaning: Compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something.
Synonyms: Jockey,Jostle,Grapple.
Uses: Indian athletes were vying for a place in the commonwealth games.

10. Schism(N)
Hindi Meaning : फूट, विच्छेद
English Meaning: A split or division between strongly opposed sections or parties.
Synonyms: Estrangement,Alienation,Detachment.
Uses: I was young when the Schism occurred in germany.

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1. Stipulated – निर्धारित
Meaning – demand or specify (a requirement), typically as part of an agreement.
Usage – “he stipulated certain conditions before their marriage”
Synonyms – specify, set down, set out, lay down, set forth, state clearly; demand, require, insist on, make a condition of, make a precondition/proviso of, prescribe, impose; provide.

2. Skew – विषम
Meaning – suddenly change direction or position.
Usage – “the car had skewed across the track”

3. Firmament – आकाश
Meaning – the heavens or sky.
Usage – “thunder shakes the firmament”
Synonyms – the sky, heaven, the blue, the wide blue yonder, the azure, the heavens, the skies.

4. counterfeit – नक़ली
Meaning – made in exact imitation of something valuable with the intention to deceive or defraud.
Usage – they were charged with supplying counterfeit cassettes
Synonyms – fake, faked, copied, forged, feigned, simulated, sham, spurious, bogus, imitation, substitute, dummy, ersatz; informalknock-off, pirate, pirated, phoney, pseud, pseudo; informalcod.

5. Ammunition – गोलाबारूद
Meaning – a supply or quantity of bullets and shells.
Usage – police seized arms and ammunition
Synonyms – bullets, shells, projectiles, missiles, rounds, shot, slugs, cartridges, rockets, bombs, stores; munitions, materiel; informalammo.

6. Hortatory – उपदेश देनेवाला
Meaning – tending or aiming to exhort.
Usage – “a series of hortatory epistles”
Synonyms – exhortatory, exhortative, exhorting, moralistic, homiletic, didactic, pedagogic; informalpreachy.

7. Strained – तनावपूर्ण
Meaning – showing signs of nervous tension or tiredness.
Usage – Jean’s pale, strained face
Synonyms – drawn, careworn, worn, pinched, tired, exhausted, weary, fatigued, drained; haggard, hollow-cheeked.

8. Revamp – पुर्नोत्थान
Meaning – give new and improved form, structure, or appearance to.
Usage – “an attempt to revamp the museum’s image”
Synonyms – renovate, redecorate, refurbish, recondition, rehabilitate, rebuild, reconstruct, overhaul, make over; modernize, update, bring up to date, renew; improve, upgrade; refit, re-equip, refurnish; brighten up, freshen up, spruce up; remodel, refashion, redesign, restyle, rejig, rework, redo, remould, reorganize.

9. Plethora – बहुतायत
Meaning – a large or excessive amount of something.
Usage – “a plethora of committees and subcommittees”

10. Hysterical – उन्माद
Meaning – affected by or deriving from wildly uncontrolled emotion.
Usage – “Janet became hysterical and began screaming”
Synonyms – overwrought, emotional, uncontrolled, uncontrollable, out of control, unrestrained, unrestrainable, frenzied, in a frenzy, frantic, wild, feverish; beside oneself, driven to distraction, in a panic, agitated, neurotic; mad, crazed, berserk, maniac, maniacal, manic, delirious.

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1. Orifice – छिद्र
Meaning – a minute opening in a surface, especially the skin or integument of an organism, through which gases, liquids, or microscopic particles may pass.
Synonyms: opening, orifice, aperture, hole, outlet, inlet, vent; technicalstoma, hydathode, ostiole, ostium, foramen.
Usage – “sweat poured from every pore in his body”

2. Ovation – जयध्वनि
Meaning – a sustained and enthusiastic show of appreciation from an audience, especially by means of applause.
Synonyms: round of applause, applause, handclapping, clapping, cheering, cheers, bravos, acclaim, standing ovation, acclamation, praise, plaudits, laurels, tribute, accolade, bouquets; informal(big) hand; rarelaudation, extolment
Usage – “the performance received a thundering ovation”

3. Navigate – नेविगेट
Meaning – plan and direct the course of a ship, aircraft, or other form of transport, especially by using instruments or maps.
Synonyms: steer; plot a route/course; helm
Usage – “they navigated by the stars”

4. Ingrained – जमा हुआ
Meaning – (of a habit, belief, or attitude) firmly fixed or established; difficult to change.
Synonyms – entrenched, established, fixed, implanted, deep-rooted, rooted, deep-seated, settled, firm, unshakeable, ineradicable, driven in; inveterate, dyed-in-the-wool, abiding, enduring, stubborn, unfading; inbred, instinctive.
Usage – “his deeply ingrained Catholic convictions”

5. Knotty – विकट
Meaning – full of knots.
Usage – “panelling in knotty pine”
Synonyms – gnarled, knotted, knurled, nodular, knobbly, lumpy, bumpy, rugged, rough, coarse; rarenodulous, nodose.

6. precept – नियम
Meaning – a general rule intended to regulate behaviour or thought.
Synonyms: principle, rule, tenet, canon, code, doctrine, guideline, working principle, law, ordinance, statute, command, order, decree, mandate, dictate, dictum, directive, direction, instruction, injunction, prescription, commandment; mitzvah; rareprescript
“the precepts of Orthodox Judaism”
Usage – “the legal precept of being innocent until proven guilty”

7. Exodus – गमन
Meaning – a mass departure of people.
Synonyms – mass departure, withdrawal, evacuation, leaving, exit; migration, emigration, hegira, diaspora; flight, escape, retreat, fleeing.
Usage – “the annual exodus of sun-seeking Canadians to Florida”

8. Nonplus – उधेड़-बुन
Meaning – surprise and confuse (someone) so much that they are unsure how to react
Synonyms – surprise, stun, dumbfound, confound, astound, astonish, amaze, take aback, disconcert, stop someone in their tracks, throw, throw/catch off balance; puzzle, perplex, baffle, mystify, confuse, bemuse, bewilder; informalfaze, flummox, floor, flabbergast, discombobulate, stump, bamboozle.
Usage – “Diane was nonplussed by such an odd question”

9. Behoove – योग्य होना
Meaning – it is a duty or responsibility for someone to do something.
Synonyms – be incumbent on, be obligatory for, be required of, be appropriate for, be expected of, be advisable for, be sensible for, be wise for.
Usage – “it behoves the House to assure itself that there is no conceivable alternative”

10. Fracas – कोलाहल
Meaning – a noisy disturbance or quarrel.
Synonyms – disturbance, quarrel, scuffle, brawl, affray, tussle, melee, free-for-all, fight, clash, skirmish, brouhaha, riot, uproar, commotion; argument, altercation, angry exchange, war of words, shouting match, tiff, dispute, disagreement, row, wrangle, squabble, rumpus; stooshie; donnybrook; bangarang.
Usage – “the fracas was broken up by stewards”

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1.Obliterate (v)
Hindi Meaning : छीलना, घिसना
English Meaning: To destroy something completely so that nothing is left.
Synonyms:Destroy, Wipe out .
Uses:Whole town was obliterated by the flood.

2.Ostracize (V)
Hindi Meaning : बहिष्कृत करना, समाज से बाहर करना
English Meaning: To remove someone or not allowed .
Synonyms: Shun, Snub, Blacklist.
Uses: Ram was ostracize by the teacher for his mistake.

3.Neophyte (N)
Hindi Meaning : नवसिखुआ, नवछात्रा
English Meaning: A person who has just started as a new comer.
Synonyms: Novice, Novitiate , Beginner.
Uses: Young neophytes , who have attended the seminar should have learn something.

4.Venal (Adj)
Hindi Meaning : धनभेदा, बिकाऊ, नाड़ी संबंधी
English Meaning: Related with the foul things like bribery.
Synonyms: Corrupt, Bribed,dirty, purchasable.
Uses: CBI constituted a committe against Venal officers.

5.Rendezvous (N)
Hindi Meaning : मिलन स्थल, पूर्वनिश्चित समय और स्थान पर मिलना
English Meaning: Gathering or meeting place.
Synonyms: Invitation, Get-together, Meeting.
Uses:Upsc Hall is a famous rendezvous for Interview.

6.Bewitch (V)
Hindi Meaning : मोहित करना, फंसाना
English Meaning: To place under one's power by magic.
Synonyms: Enrapture, Charm, Beguile, Delight.
Uses: They were bewitched by the golden luminosity of temple.

7.Restive (Adj)
Hindi Meaning : अशांत, अधीर
English Meaning:Remain still.
Synonyms: Apprehensive, Unquiet, Impatient.
Uses: Members of factory are restive on non payment of salary.

8.Caricature (V)
Hindi Meaning : कारटून का सा, भोंडी नक़ल
English Meaning:Someone or something that is very exaggerated in a funny or foolish way.
Synonyms: Satirize, Lampoon, Mimic, Ridicule.
Uses:A caricature is a satirical, exaggerated portrayal of person.

9.Pragmatic (Adj)
Hindi Meaning : व्यावहारिक, गुस्ताख, तथ्यात्मक 
English Meaning: concerned with practical considerations or consequences.
Synonyms: Efficient, sensible, realistic.
Uses:Pragmatic men of power have had no time or inclination to deal with social morality....K. B. Clark.

10.Robust (Adj)
Hindi Meaning :  मजबूत, असभ्य
English Meaning:strongly formed or built.
Synonyms:Strong, Full-bodied, Vigorous.
Uses:Robust players are difficult to tackle in football.

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1. Venom
Meaning – a poisonous substance secreted by animals such as snakes, spiders, and scorpions and typically injected into prey or aggressors by biting or stinging.
Synonyms – poison, toxin; archaicbane; raretoxicant.
Usage – vipers kill their victims by injecting them with venom.

2. Valiant
Meaning – possessing or showing courage or determination.
Synonyms – brave, fearless, courageous, valorous, plucky, intrepid, heroic, stout-hearted, lionhearted, manly, manful, bold, daring, audacious, gallant, confident, spirited, stout, undaunted, dauntless, doughty, mettlesome, unalarmed, unflinching, unshrinking, unblenching, unabashed, undismayed; determined, stalwart, staunch, indomitable, resolute, steadfast.
Usage – she made a valiant effort to hold her anger in check

3. Usurp
Meaning – take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force.
Synonyms – seize, take over, expropriate, take possession of, take, appropriate, steal, wrest, arrogate, commandeer, annex, assume, lay claim to.
Usage – “Richard usurped the throne”

4. Temerity
Meaning – excessive confidence or boldness; audacity.
Synonyms – audacity, boldness, audaciousness, nerve, effrontery, impudence, impertinence, cheek, barefaced cheek, gall, presumption, presumptuousness, brazenness, forwardness, front, rashness; daring; informalface, neck, brass neck, brass; informalchutzpah; informalhide; informalcrust.
Usage – “no one had the temerity to question his conclusions”

5. Umbrage
Meaning – offence or annoyance.
Synonyms – take offence, be offended, take exception, bridle, take something personally, be aggrieved, be affronted, take something amiss, be upset, be annoyed, be angry, be indignant, get one’s hackles up, be put out, be insulted, be hurt, be wounded, be piqued, be resentful.
Usage – “she took umbrage at his remarks”

6. Vanity
Meaning – excessive pride in or admiration of one’s own appearance or achievements.
Synonyms – conceit, conceitedness, self-conceit, narcissism, self-love, self-admiration, self-regard, self-absorption, self-obsession, self-centredness, egotism, egoism, egocentrism, egomania; pride, haughtiness, arrogance, boastfulness, swagger, imperiousness, cockiness, pretension, affectation, airs, show, ostentation
Usage – “it flattered his vanity to think I was in love with him”

7. Wary
Meaning – feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems.
Synonyms – cautious, careful, circumspect, on one’s guard, chary, alert, on the alert, on the lookout, on the qui vive, prudent; attentive, heedful, watchful, vigilant, observant; informalwide awake, on one’s toes, cagey.
Usage – “dogs which have been mistreated often remain very wary of strangers”

8. Wilt
Meaning – (of a plant, leaf, or flower) become limp through heat, loss of water, or disease; droop.
Synonyms – droop, sag, become limp, become flaccid, flop; wither, shrivel (up)
Usage – “the roses had begun to wilt”

9. Yawn
Meaning – involuntarily open one’s mouth wide and inhale deeply due to tiredness or boredom.
Usage – “he began yawning and looking at his watch”

10. Pique
Meaning – a feeling of irritation or resentment resulting from a slight, especially to one’s pride.
Synonyms – irritation, annoyance, resentment, anger, displeasure, indignation, temper, bad temper, wounded/hurt pride, wounded/hurt feelings, petulance, ill humour, peevishness, offence, umbrage, vexation, exasperation, disgruntlement, discontent.
Usage – “he left in a fit of pique”

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1. commensurate (adj)
Hindi Meaning : अनुरूप, आनुषंगिक
English Meaning : equivalent, parallel , quality , importance.
synonyms: comparable, .Tantamount
use- If he resigned it would be commensurate to admitting that he was guilty.

2. riposte (n)
Hindi Meaning : जवाबी हमल, जवाबी प्रहार, प्रत्युत्तर
English Meaning: a quick and clever reply especially to criticism 
synonyms: retort , response
use- Mohan gave valid riposte to the manager

3. Equivocate (v speech)
Hindi Meaning : गोलमोल बात कहना, शब्द छलन, स्पष्ट बात न करना
English Meaning : Hide the truth.
synonyms: indecision , uncertainty
use- Ram equivocate the events of his past life .

4. penurious(adj)
Hindi Meaning : दरिद्र, कंगाल, कंजूस
English Meaning : very good
synonyms: detitute, pennile
use- She has penurious condition since 2015.

5.meander (v)
Hindi Meaning : चक्कर, विसर्पण
English Meaning : walk slowely and change direction often , change subject often.
synonyms: deviate, stray
use- Kosi river often made meander.

6. baleful (adj)
Hindi Meaning : अनिष्टकर, ख़तरनाक, हानिकारक
English Meaning: to hurt , threatening to do evil
synonyms : malign , slander
use - The teacher baleful glare frightened the children.

7. vitriolic (adj)
Hindi Meaning : कटु, कसीस का, सख़्त
English Meaning : filled with bitter criticism or malice.
synonyms : acrimonious, rancorous, bitter 
use - vitriolic attacks on the terrorist. 

8. trenchant (adj)
Hindi Meaning : सुस्पष्ट, तीखा, प्रभावशाली
English Meaning : vigorous or incisive in expression or style
synonyms : penetrating, sharp, keen, acute
use- The times were felt to require ... trenchant distinctions between good and bad, right and wrong.

9 . exhilaration (n)
Hindi Meaning : ज़िंदादिली, आनन्द
English Meaning : a feeling of excitement, happiness, or elation
synonyms : exultation, exaltation, joy, happiness, delight
use - Indian army felt exhilaration of wining kargil war.

10 . soggy (adj)
Hindi Meaning : गीला, तर-बतर, गीला किया हुआ
English Meaning : very wet and soft.
synonyms : pappy, slushy, sloppy
uses : cotton is very soggy unlike wood.

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1. Jilted (Adj)
Hindi Meaning : अस्वीकृत, ठुकराया हुआ
English Meaning- left
synonyms- neglected, deserted
use- A year after his lady-love had jilted him he received a letter from her in England.
2. Undulating(Adj)
Hindi Meaning : लहरदार दिखना
English Meaning- wavy
synonyms- rolling, undulant
use- The surrounding country is undulating and highly picturesque.

3. Contemplate(V)
Hindi Meaning : ध्यान से देखना
English Meaning- think about seriously
synonyms- ponder, envisage
use- Those who contemplate building should not fail to subscribe.
4. Perpetuate(V)
Hindi Meaning : स्थिर करना, जारी
English Meaning- keep going
synonyms- maintain, preserve
use- He could not continue to perpetuate such an absurdity as that title.

5. Impair(V)
Hindi Meaning : गलाना, बिगाड़ना
English Meaning- harm
synonyms- blunt, debilitate
use- It did not in the least impair his value as a soldier or commanding officer.
6. Predicament(N)
Hindi Meaning : दशा, स्थिति
English Meaning- Difficult situation
synonyms- crisis, imbroglio
use- For safety, the climbers had in their predicament nothing to fear.
7. Chaos(N)
Hindi Meaning : अराजकता, उथल-पुथल
English Meaning- utter confusion
synonyms- anarchy, pandemonium
use- Even in the chaos of my thoughts, I wondered, dully, at their extraordinary shapes.
8. Avaricious(Adj)
Hindi Meaning : कंजूस, लालची
English Meaning- greedy
synonyms- covetous, hoarding
use- He is depicted in his declining years, as arbitrary, crabbed and avaricious.
9. Delinquent(Adj)
Hindi Meaning : मुजरिम, अपराधी
English Meaning- defaulting
synonyms- offending, overdue
use- A study of the delinquent wards of the Juvenile Court of Mumbai.

10. Trajectory(N)
Hindi Meaning : प्रक्षेपवक्र, अयन
English Meaning- Course
synonyms- curve, direction
use- But the rest of his mind tried to imagine such a trajectory.

Bank & SSC - Important Vocabulary 140

1. Taper – शंकु
Meaning – diminish or reduce in thickness towards one end.
Synonyms – narrow, thin (out), become narrow, become narrower, become thin, become thinner, come to a point, attenuate.
Usage – “the tail tapers to a rounded tip”

2. Dour – कड़ा
Meaning – relentlessly severe, stern, or gloomy in manner or appearance.
Synonyms – stern, unsmiling, unfriendly, frowning, poker-faced, severe, forbidding, morose, sour, gruff, surly, uncommunicative, grim, gloomy, dismal, sullen, sombre, grave, sober, serious, solemn, austere, mean-looking, stony, unsympathetic, disapproving.
Usage – “a hard, dour, humourless fanatic”

3. Debris – मलबा
Meaning – scattered pieces of rubbish or remains.
Synonyms – detritus, refuse, rubbish, waste, waste matter, discarded matter, litter, scrap, dross, chaff, flotsam and jetsam, lumber, rubble, wreckage, spoilage; remains, remnants, fragments, scraps, dregs, offscourings, odds and ends; slag; trash, garbage; mullock; informaldreck, junk; informalgrot, gash, odds and sods, gubbins; vulgar slangshit, crap; debitage; raredraff, raffle, raff, cultch, orts.
Usage – “workmen were clearing the roads of the debris from shattered buildings”

4. Deify – देवता-सदृश पूजा करना
Meaning – worship or regard as a god.
Synonyms – worship, revere, venerate, reverence, hold sacred, pay homage to, extol, exalt, adore; immortalize; raredivinize.
Usage – “she was deified by the early Romans as a fertility goddess”

5. Sunder – तोड़ना
Meaning – split apart.
Usage – “a universe sundered ages ago in a divine war”

6. Stolid – आवेगहीन
Meaning – calm, dependable, and showing little emotion or animation.
Synonyms – “a stolid bourgeois gent”
Usage – impassive, phlegmatic, unemotional, calm, placid, unexcitable; apathetic, uninterested, unimaginative, indifferent; dull, bovine, lumpish, wooden, slow, lethargic, torpid, stupid.

7. Spurn – ठुकरा
Meaning – reject with disdain or contempt.
Synonyms – refuse, decline, say no to, reject, rebuff, scorn, turn down, turn away, repudiate, treat with contempt, disdain, look down one’s nose at, despise; snub, slight, disown, jilt, repulse, repel, dismiss, brush off, turn one’s back on; give someone the cold shoulder, cold-shoulder, ignore, cut (dead), look right through; informalturn one’s nose up at, give someone the brush-off.
Usage – “he spoke gruffly, as if afraid that his invitation would be spurned”

8. Depose – अपदस्थ
Meaning – remove from office suddenly and forcefully.
Synonyms – overthrow, overturn, topple, bring down, remove from office, remove, unseat, dethrone, supplant, displace; dismiss, discharge, oust, drum out, throw out, force out, drive out, expel, eject; strip of rank, demote; cashier; informalsack, fire, axe, chuck out, boot out, defenestrate, get rid of, give someone the push, give someone the boot, give someone their marching orders, show someone the door; informalturf out.
Usage – “he had been deposed by a military coup”

9. Scuttle – अऋगीठी
Meaning – a metal container with a handle, used to fetch and store coal for a domestic fire.

10. Raspy – कर्कश
Meaning – hoarse or harsh-sounding.
Usage – his voice was raspy from days of non-stop campaigning

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