Discoveries and inventions constitute a major part of general knowledge oriented questions in competitive exams. The following list includes some of the major discoveries and inventions that took place during the modern period. It is to be noted that - not all these discoveries can be attributed to one person. For each discovery, the attribution is given based on relevance and pioneer work in the specified area. If faced with a descriptive question; students are required to the overall background of that particular discovery.
Discoveries and inventions constitute a major part of general knowledge oriented questions in competitive exams. The following list includes some of the major discoveries and inventions that took place during the modern period. It is to be noted that - not all these discoveries can be attributed to one person. For each discovery, the attribution is given based on relevance and pioneer work in the specified area. If faced with a descriptive question; students are required to the overall background of that particular discovery.
Adding Machine | Balise Pascal |
Aeroplane | Wright Brothers |
Air Conditioner | Willis Carrier |
Aspirin | Felix Hoffmann |
Alcohol Thermometer | René Antoine Ferchault de Réaumur |
Fahrenheit | Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit |
Atomic Theory | John Dalton |
Atomic Number | Henry Gwyn-Jefferies Moseley |
Atomic Structure | Niels Bohr and Ernest Rutherford |
Automobile | Gottlieb Wilhelm Daimler |
Antiseptic Surgery | Lord Joseph Lister |
Ball Pen | John L.Loud |
Hot air Balloon | Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Étienne Montgolfier |
Blood Circulation | William Harvey |
Barometer | Evangelista Torricelli |
Bicycle | Kirkpatrick Mac Millan |
Braille System | Louis Braille |
Beri – Beri disease | Christiaan Eijkman |
Boson | Satyendra Nath Bose |
Boyle's law | Robert Boyle |
Computer | Charles Babbage |
Chloroform | James Young Simpson |
Cinema | Lumiere Brothers |
Cinema Projector | Eadweard James Muybridge |
Cresco graph | Jagadish Chandra Bose |
Celluloid | Alexander Parkes |
Cholera Bacillus | Filippo Pacini |
Coloured Photography | Louise Lumiere |
Cosmic Rays | Robert Millikan |
Cyclotron | Ernest O.Lawrence |
Diesel Engine | Rudolf Diesel |
Dynamo | Michael Faraday |
Dynamite | Alfred Nobel |
Deuterium (Heavy Water | Harold .C.Urey |
Electric Battery | Alessandro Volta |
Electric Bulb | Thomas Alva Edison |
Electricity | Michael Faraday |
Electron Theory | Niels Bohr |
Electrical Waves | Heinrich Hertz |
Electromagnetic unit measurement | Carl Gauss |
DDT | Dr. Paul Hermann Muller |
Electron | J.J. Thompson |
Elevator | Elisha G Otis |
Fountain Pen | Petrache Poenaru |
Photographic film | George Eastman |
Glider | George Cayley |
Generator | Thomas Alva Edison |
Gramophone | Emile Berliner |
Geometry | Euclid |
Hydrogen | Henry Cavendish |
Helicopter | Igor Sikrovsky |
Helium Gas | Norman Lockyer |
Homoeopathy | Samuel Hahnemann |
Hovercraft | Christopher Cockrell |
Hydrophobia | Louis Pasteur |
Jet Engine | Sir Frank Whittle |
Intelligence Tests | Alfred Binet |
Insulin | Frederick Banting |
Induction of Electric Current | Michael Faraday |
Induction Coil | Heinrich Rohmkorff |
Jet Propulsion | Frank Whittle |
Law of Gravitation | Isaac Newton |
Law of Heredity | Gregor Johann Mendal |
Laser | Theodore Maiman |
Lightning Conductor | Benjamin Franklin |
Logarithm | John Napier |
Laughing Gas | Joseph Priestley |
Life Boat | Henry Greathead |
Laws of Electrical Resistance | George Ohm |
Law of Electrolysis | Michael Faraday |
Gay-Lussac’s properties of gases law | Joseph Louis Gay Lussac |
Laws of Motion | Isaac Newton |
Laws of Natural Selections | Charles Darwin |
Laws of Multiple Proportion | John Dalton |
Liquid Oxygen | Joseph Priestley and Carl Wilhelm Scheele |
Machine Gun | Helge Palmcrantz |
Safety Lamp | Sir Humphry Davy |
Safety Match | John Walker |
Safety Pin | Walter Hunt |
Safety Razor | King C. Gillette |
Sewing Machine | Barthelling Thimonnier |
Short Hand | Sir Isaac Pitman |
Solar System | Copernicus |
Steam Engine | James Watt |
Steam Turbine | Charles Algernon Parsons |
Spectroscope | Robert Bunsen |
Stethoscope | Rene Laennec |
Submarine | Cornelis Drebbel |
Seismograph | John Milne |
Sextant | John Campbell |
Steam boat | Robert Fulton |
Talkies | Lee-de-Forest |
Tank | Ernest Dunlop Swinton |
Telegraphy | William F.Cooke & Charles Wheatstone |
Telegraph Code | Samuel Morse |
Telephone | Alexander Graham Bell |
Telescope | Galileo |
Television | J.L. Baird |
Thermos flask | James Dewar |
Transistor | William Shockley and John Bardeen |
Typewriter | Americans Christopher Latham Sholes, Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soule |
Theory of Evolution | Charles Darwin |
Theory of Relativity | Albert Einstein |
Uranium fission | Otto Hahn |
Uranus (Planet) | William Herschel |
Vaccination | Edward Jenner |
Vacuum Flask | Sir James Dewar |
Vulcanisation | Charles Goodyear |
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