Meaning of Directive Principles of State Policy
ClassificationThese have been grouped into 4 categories.
A. The economic and social principles
Fundamental DutiesThe original Constitution came into existence in 1950 did not mention Fundamental Duties of the citizens. It was hoped that citizens would perform their duties willingly. But, 42nd Amendment to the Constitution added a new list of 10 duties in chapter IV under Article 51A of the Constitution.
- These are in the form of instructions/guidelines to the governments at the center as well as states.
- These principles are non-justiciable. But, they are fundamental in the governance of the country.
- The idea of Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP) has been taken from the Constitution of Irish Republic.
ClassificationThese have been grouped into 4 categories.
A. The economic and social principles
- Providing adequate means of livelihood for both men and women.
- Reorganizing the economic system in a way to avoid concentration of wealth in few hands.
- Securing equal pay for equal work for both men and women.
- Securing suitable employment and healthy working conditions for men, women and children.
- Guarding the children against exploitation and moral degradation.
- Making effective provisions for securing the right to work, education and public assistance in case of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement.
- Making provisions for securing just and humane conditions of work and for maternity relief.
- Taking steps to secure the participation of workers in the management of undertakings etc.
- Promoting education and economic interests of working sections of the people especially the SCs and STs.
- Securing for all the workers reasonable leisure and cultural opportunities.
- Making efforts to raise the standard of living and public health.
- Providing early childhood care and education to all children until they complete the age of 6 years.
- To organize village Panchayats.
- To promote cottage industries in rural areas.
- To prohibit intoxicating drinks and drugs that are injurious to health.
- To preserve and improve the breeds of the cattle and prohibit slaughter of cows, calves and other milch and draught animals.
- Promote international peace and security.
- Maintain just and honourable relations between nations.
- Foster respect for international laws and treaty obligations.
- Encourage settlements of international disputes by mutual agreement.
- To secure for all Indians a uniform civil code.
- To protect historical monuments.
- To save environment from pollution and protect wild life.
- To make arrangements for disbursement of free legal justice through suitable legislation.
- Land reforms have been introduced and Jagirdari and Zamindari systems have been abolished.
- There has been rapid industrialisation and tremendous increase in the agricultural production through Green Revolution.
- National Commission for the Welfare of Women has been established.
- Ceiling has been placed on land and property to fix the limit of person’s holdings.
- The privy purses of ex-princes have been abolished.
- Life Insurance, General Insurance and most of the banks have been nationlised.
- In order to reduce economic disparity, Right to Property has been deleted from the chapter on Fundamental Rights.
- Subsidised public distribution schemes have been launched to help the poor people.
- The rules require that both men and women are paid equal wages for equal work.
- Untouchability has been abolished. Sincere efforts have been made for the upliftment of the SCs, STs and of other Backward Classes.
- Through 73rd and 74th Amendments to the constitution, (1991 & 1992 respectively), Panchayati Raj has been given the constitutional status with more powers.
- Small scale and village industries and Khadi Gram Udyog have been encouraged to bring prosperity to the rural areas.
- India has also been actively co-operating with the U.N. to promote international peace and security.
Fundamental DutiesThe original Constitution came into existence in 1950 did not mention Fundamental Duties of the citizens. It was hoped that citizens would perform their duties willingly. But, 42nd Amendment to the Constitution added a new list of 10 duties in chapter IV under Article 51A of the Constitution.
- To abide by the Constitution and respect our National Flag and National Anthem.
- To follow the noble ideals that inspired our national freedom movement.
- To protect the unity and integrity of India.
- To defend the country when the need arises.
- To promote harmony and brotherhood among all sections of the people and to respect the dignity of women.
- To preserve our rich heritage and composite culture.
- To protect and improve our natural environment including forests, rivers, lakes and wildlife.
- To develop scientific outlook and humanism.
- To protect public property and not to use violence.
- To strive for excellence in all spheres of individual and collective activity.
New Addition - Clause (K) Art 51A Amendment Act 86th 2002.
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